
  1. 杂染好比河中的沙洲与暗桩,它们会阻碍我们的船靠岸。

    Defilements are like sand bars or stumps in a river that will keep our boat from getting to shore .

  2. 修行中,粗重的烦恼就是指贪、瞋、痴、杂染、贪爱、执取及有意志的造作行为。

    In practice , the crude defilements are greed , hatred and delusion , impurities , craving , clinging and intentional action .

  3. 他还说明,杂染最主要的危险在于,它们是维持轮回继续之因。

    He has also shown that the primary danger in the defilements is their causal role in sustaining the round of rebirths .

  4. 这就把你放到了一个有力的位置,因为如果你在身内留下大片尚未占据的区域,其它东西将会占据它&各种思维、各种杂染。

    This puts you in a position of strength , because if you 're leaving big gaps of unoccupied territory in your body , other things will occupy it & different thoughts , different defilements .