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  1. 采用Fe3+盐和1,10-二氮杂菲作干扰抑制剂,氢化物-原子荧光光谱法直接测定铜矿中微量硒和碲。

    With the Fe 3 + and 1,10 phenanthroline as interference inhibitors , trace selenium and tellurium were directly determined by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry .

  2. 他把这种荒诞离奇与现实的杂揉只认作是一种技巧&最多是一种聪明的技巧。

    This investiture of the grotesque and impossible with reality , he looked upon as a trick-a skilful trick at best .

  3. 最后,根据实测数据对Spex1403型双单色仪的杂散光水平作了评估。

    At last , the specification of the stray light level of the Spex 1403 double monochromator given , by the manufacturer is evaluated according to the experimental data .

  4. 本文着重介绍了包钢白云鄂博矿主要杂质元素的赋存状态,包钢现行选矿工艺的降杂效果,并作了简要讨论。

    The paper mainly introduces and discusses the existing state of main inclusions element in Baiyun ore , and the inclusions decrease result of the existing ore dressing process at Baotou Steel .

  5. 随后用ZMNL法对高斯谱Rayleigh分布和Lognormal分布杂波进行了仿真,同时分别用ZMNL法和SIRP法对基于相参脉冲雷达杂波模型的Weibull分布杂波和K分布杂波也作了仿真。

    Subsequently , Rayleigh and Log Normal-distributed clutters based on Gaussian spectrum are simulated with ZMNL , and Weibull and K-distributed clutters based on coherent pulsed radar clutter model are also simulated with ZMNL and SIRP respectively .