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  1. 官僚主义是人所痛恨的,而官僚制则是一个中性的词语。

    The people often hate bureaucratism and the bureaucracy is a neutral word .

  2. 而双名制则是双语民族社会交际的客观需要。

    The application of the two-name system is necessary in the bilingualism society .

  3. 明清时的品级制则又出现了向职位分等的一定回归。

    During the Ming and Qing dynasties , the system returned somewhat to the post-based hierarchy .

  4. 新军兵役制度的制定标志着近代兵役制度在我国的基本确立,新军官制则奠定了中国近代军官制度的基础。

    The New - style Land forces ' service system formulated which marked the establishment of the modern military service system in China .

  5. 时至今日,进一步优化和完善校长负责制则是我国继续推进学校内部管理体制改革的内在要求。

    To these days , optimizing and perfecting it further is the internal requirement for the continuous reform of school internal management system .

  6. 从教学管理的角度出发,以尊重学生个性发展的学分制则是一种实现高等教育公平的制度安排。

    From the reason of education management , respect for student personality development credit system is one of the ways to achieve higher education equity .

  7. 联结主义认为使用单一机制的神经网络系统足以解释规则和不规则语素变体;双机制则认为需要规则系统和联想记忆两个不同的机制对此进行解释。

    On the other side of the debate are dual-mechanism approaches which posit that regular verb forms are computed in a rule-processing system while irregular verbs are processed in associative memory .

  8. 在当前社会,专利权滥用的问题和趋势会不断地出现和突出,因此,对专利权滥用进行法律规制特别是反垄断法规制则显得尤为重要。

    In the current social , patent misuse issues and trends are constantly emerging and prominent , therefore , the legal regulation of patent abuse of antitrust regulations in particular , is especially important .

  9. 而英国式学院制则起源于中世纪大学为贫寒学生提供免费食宿的慈善会馆,美国式学院制是在移植英国学院基础上,经过本土化改造后形成的。

    And the college of British-style originated from the charitable Hall for poor students with free in the medieval universities , American college transplanted from the United Kingdom , and finally formed the American-style college system after the localization .

  10. 贵族数量的上升得益于国王的慷慨封赐,而谨慎乃至吝啬的封爵政策、不利的人口因素、婚姻习俗和长子继承制则限制了贵族规模的扩大。

    The number growth of aristocrats is attributed to the generous conferment of the King , but the prudent , or even stingy , conferment policy , unfavorable factor of population , marriage customs , and the primogeniture limit the scale enlargement .

  11. 而实行土地年租制则可以减少地方政府的利益冲动,增加地方政府的财政收入,可使财权事权相对应,加强规划和行政立法,是理顺中央与地方政府的有效工具。

    However , the annual land lease program can refrain local government ' impulse to seek profit and increase local government 's income and strengthen planning and administrative legislation . It is an effective tool to coordinate the central and local government .

  12. 世界各国有不同的法官产生机制,大多数国家采用机构任命(行政、议会、或专门成立的机构),美国州法院法官的选举制则代表另一种法官产生机制,即社会任命。

    There is various mechanism of judicial selection in the world . Most countries adopt the mechanism of appointment by institutions . However , the selection of judges in the States of American presents another mechanism in the world , that is , appointment by society .

  13. GaN材料的制备则存在制造设备昂贵、衬底材料缺乏、薄膜生长困难等缺点。

    For achieving GaN , the equipment is expensive , substrate is lacking and growth is difficult .

  14. 有些男人喜欢一夫一妻制有些则不喜欢,这一点你越早发现越好。

    Some men like being in a monogamous relationship and some don 't.

  15. 而确立城市土地供给的双轨制,则必须以公共利益作为划分的标准。

    Establishing the double-track system should use public interest as the standard .

  16. 换言之,一年制项目是温和的职业催化剂,而两年制项目则是一个发射台。

    In other words , the shorter program is a mild career accelerant , while the two-year option is a launch pad .

  17. 股份制银行则凭借其在产权结构、治理结构上的优势,拥有较好的绩效,市场份额不断扩大。

    Meanwhile , Joint-Stock Commercial Banks obtain more and more market shares , due to their relatively better structure of property rights and governance .

  18. 微波烧结作为一种新型烧结技术,在陶瓷领域己获得广泛应用,但用于金属材料制备则一直被认为是不可行的。

    Microwave sintering has been widely applied in the ceramic field as a new type sintering technology , but it was identified infeasible to preparation of the metal materials .

  19. 分割制模式则区分体育纠纷的不同性质,采用不同的法律救济机制解决,主要为我国采用。

    Cut apart and make different nature that the mode distinguishes the sports dispute , adopt different laws and relieve the mechanism to solve , adopt for our country mainly .

  20. 政府保护的减少和管理范围的变化增加了大学的决策风险和成本;双轨制并存则刺激了教育资源利用中的机会主义。

    Even worse , the decrease of government protection and change of the extent of administration adds the risk and cost of decision making and the existence of the double-track system stimulates opportunism in the utility of educational resources .

  21. 节能、高效的制备技术则是W-Cu复合材料广泛应用的前提。

    The manufacturing technology must be energy-saving and efficiency , which is the premise of W-Cu composites being used widely .

  22. 大陆拟采普通型合伙制,台湾则采会计法人制作为因应之道。

    China adopts the general partnership system and Taiwan employs the CPA corporation system .

  23. 如果是直接将花椒入汤卤中熬制,时间则应较长。

    If the pepper into the soup directly in the brewed halogen , time should be longer .

  24. 这些问题有些是具有是中铁通成都分公司特色的,如代理合作制,有些则是当前电信企业所共有的,如大客户经理制度、渠道体系全过程管理工作等。

    Some problems are characterized with the CTT ChengDu Branch , some are very popular among the modern telecommunication business .

  25. 而对强腐蚀性的介质或大型的钛制容器,则必须优先保障设备的安全性。

    But concerning the corrosive medium or large titanium device , then the safety of the device should be first guaranteed .

  26. 但是两国在对抗程度上存在着差异,美国的审判可称为超级对抗制,英国则为温和对抗制。

    There are some difference in contesting level between these two countries , while US can be labeled as Supra-Adversary-System and England as Mild-Adversary-System .

  27. 而禅让制的废除则应是中国早期国家及中原政治一体化进程步入新阶段的重要标志。

    The abolition of the abdication system is an important remark of Chinese early state and political integration in Central Plains stepping into a new stage .

  28. M汽车公司会员制营销模式则成为典型,但会员制营销也存在许多问题,其发展现状并不理想。

    M Motor Company membership marketing model has become typical and relatively mature , but there are many problems , so that the development situation is not ideal .

  29. 一般来说,南方地区多采用乡都图三级制,北方则多为乡社(里)二级制。

    Generally speaking , the southern area mostly adopts the system of Xiang Du Tu , while the northern area mostly adopts the system Xiang She ( Li ) .

  30. 联邦制的特点则是在联邦与各州的权力平衡中,州的权力相对于联邦权力有所扩大。

    At the same time , the federal system is showing the characteristic of seeking a power balance among the demands of the states , whose influence is relatively on the increase .