
  • 网络cooling capacity;refrigeration capacity;refrigerating effect
  1. 分析计算结果表明:冻藏间的冷却排管霜层厚度的过度增加会严重地影响排管本身的传热性能和制冷能力,降低制冷系统的COP。

    Results from the study shows that the over-thickness of frost will badly reduce the coefficient of heat transfer or the cooling capacity of the coil pipe , and will finally decrease the COP of the refrigeration system .

  2. 一种提高飞机空调系统制冷能力的方法

    Improving Cooling Capacity of Air-Conditioning System of Airplanes

  3. 实验测定了由水和固体吸附剂:硅胶、沸石分子筛&5A,13x,Nay等组成的多种吸附体系的循环制冷能力。

    The-cooling capacities of sorption refrigeration cycle are measured . The cycle systems are used synthetic zeolites 5A , 13X , NaY and silica gel as the solid absorbent , and water vapor as the working fluid .

  4. 提高电解废液冷却塔制冷能力的实践

    Practice to Raise the Refrigeration Ability of Cooling Tower for Waste Electrolyte

  5. 常规的冷干机在使用一年以后,其制冷能力会大大减小。

    The refrigerating effect of general refrigeration dryer will be cut down a lot after being used for one year .

  6. 房间空调器试验台就是用于房间空调器的自动化仿真测试设备,可进行空调器的制冷能力、制热能力、一般性能试验、自动除霜试验、环境试验、异常试验等一系列仿真试验。

    These performance tests include cooling capacity , heating capacity , normal performance , auto-defrost , environment testing and abnormal testing .

  7. 通过提高发动机转速,加快空调系统压缩机转速,提高空调系统的制冷能力。

    In order to increase capability of air conditioner , the method which can be adopted is to raise engine speed to enhance the compressor speed .

  8. 就蒸发式冷风扇制冷能力的评定参数及其量测方法,结合国内外标准,进行了分析和探讨。

    Combining with both the domestic and foreign standards , the Cooling Capacity Rating Parameters and Its Measurement Methods for Evaporative Air Coolers Were Analyzed and Discussed .

  9. 使用W/ft2或W/m2来描述数据中心的功率密度不足以确定数据中心的供电或制冷能力是否满足高密度计算负载(例如,刀片式服务器)的要求。

    Describing data center density using Watts / ft2 or Watts / m2 is not sufficient to determine power or cooling compatibility with high density computing loads like blade servers .

  10. 并以海信KFR-2601GW/BP变频空调器为研究对象,采用空气焓值法测试不同工况下空调器所消耗的功率和制冷能力。

    Hisense KFR-2601 GWP / BP is selected as the experimental object and air-enthalpy method is applied to measure the energy and refrigerating capacity of air conditioner at different working conditions .

  11. 研究结果表明室温磁制冷机的制冷能力显著,并且为室温磁制冷机的设计以及进一步的发展提供了有益的参考。

    The results show that the refrigerating capacity of the active magnetic refrigerator is remarkable , and the useful data for the future room temperature magnetic refrigerator design and development are provided .

  12. 发现较大的内管直径和较长的探针长度以及较高的入口压力使治疗探针的制冷能力增强。

    The large the diameter of inner tubes , the longer of length of probes , and the higher of pressure of inlet is , the better of cooling ability of probes .

  13. 结果表明,在恒定蒸发压力下,制冷能力随进入发生器的热流变化,吸附床内的传质过程主要受传热过程影响。

    The result shows that at constant evaporating pressure the refrigerating capacity changed with the heat flow into the adsorber and the heat transfer mainly controls the mass transfer in the adsorbent bed .

  14. 设备设计工况与额定工况不同时,必须对设备的实际制冷能力进行校核,以保证实现设计目的。

    When design condition is different from the rated condition , it is necessary to check the capacity of the terminal unit under the design condition to ensure it is matched with the request .

  15. 计算和试验进一步指出,为提高制冷能力,应对常规涡轮制冷器重新设计、制作,以提高涡轮的绝热效率。

    Technology for Turbocharger Manufacturing The relevant calculations and experiments also indicate that in order to increase greatly the refrigeratory ability , the conventional turbine refrigerator shall be redesigned and reproduced so as to improve adiabatic efficiency of the turbine .

  16. 为了抵御巴西的高温,中国地铁列车还配备了一个具有50千瓦的制冷能力的空调机组,可以允许列车在高达56摄氏度的温度下运行。

    To withstand the heat in Brazil , Chinese subway trains are also equipped with an air-conditioning unit that has a refrigerating capacity of 50 kilowatts , which will allow the train to operate in temperatures as high as 56 C.

  17. 与普通风机盘管式空调系统类似,但末端具有电制冷能力,能实现制冷供暖、蓄热蓄冷、大温差水循环、有效回收利用余热。

    Claims that similar to the conventional air conditioning system with fan coil units but plus terminal electric chillers , the system is capable of cooling and heating , thermal storage , operating with large temperature differences of the chilled and return water .

  18. 添加13%铝粉所制备的混合吸附剂的导热性能明显优于未添加导热材料的吸附剂;单位质量吸附剂的制冷能力增加了7.5%~12.5%。

    Heat transfer performance of hybrid adsorbent added with aluminum power with the content of 13 % , is distinctly higher than that of the original composite adsorbent , and adsorption refrigeration capacity per unit of the adsorbents is improved 7.5 ~ 17.5 % .

  19. 蒸汽型溴化锂制冷机能力衰减的原因及控制

    Cause and control of capacity degradation of steam type LiBr refrigerating unit

  20. 制冷专业学生能力培养的思考与实践

    On the Ability Cultivation of Students Majored in Refrigeration

  21. 在空调生产检测中,温度的检测是重要的一环,它直接影响对空调制冷制热能力的评价。

    During the production and test of air conditioners , temperature test is a very important step , it effects directly the evaluation of ability of air conditioners for making warm or cool .

  22. 分析了高校制冷专业学生能力培养模式与现代社会要求和科技发展需求不相适应之处,提出了能力培养的新思路,介绍了教学改革的经验。

    The current cultivation model of students majored in refrigeration is not corresponding with modern social demands and science and technology development to a certain degree . This paper points out some new ways of ability cultivation and introduces some teaching reform experiences .

  23. 开设家用空调器模拟生产综合实验培养制冷专业大学生应用能力

    Offer the Comprehensive Simulated Production Experiment of Household Air Conditioner to Train the University Students ' Practical Ability of Refrigeration Major

  24. 进口无氟压缩机组,双循环制冷,冷热交换能力强,无环境污染,控温精准。

    Import compressor fluorine free , double cycle cooling , cold and hot alternative easily , environment pollution free , precise in temperature control .

  25. 直流母线电压在各种负载情况下均保持稳定,空调系统的制冷/制热能力得到显著提高。

    The DC bus voltage is kept in a high level under different load conditions , so the cooling / heating capacity of the air-conditioning system is greatly improved .

  26. 螺杆压缩制冷机是一种制冷能力大、占地面积小、效率高的大型制冷机。

    Screw compression refrigeration unit is one kind of large scale compression refrigerator with characteristics of big refrigeration capacity , small floor area and high efficiency .

  27. 介绍了在同一车室环境下对两级制冷系统与常规制冷系统所进行的试验测试,并对试验数据进行了分析,结果表明两级制冷系统在效率及制冷能力方面均优于常规制冷系统。

    This paper concentrates on the hardware testing of conventional and two stage refrigeration system of automotive air condition in an environmenal chamber , and demonstrates the gain in system capacity and efficiency of two stage refrigeration system .