
  • 网络the institutional economics
  1. 新制度经济学派的重要贡献在于强调制度变迁对经济发展的重要性。

    The important contribution of the school of new institutional economics is to emphasize the importance of institutional change on economic development .

  2. 旧制度经济学派的兼顾公平规则维护财产所有权的排他性,二者的产权特征不完全一样。

    Their characteristics of property right are not the same .

  3. 论中国制度经济学派的兴起

    On the Establishment of System Economics in China

  4. 新制度经济学派形成时期。

    The period of new institutional economic school .

  5. 新制度经济学派的国家与政府理论就是这一整合的突出成果。

    In this process , the government theory is one of the most outstanding achievements .

  6. 新制度经济学派出现于20世纪50~60年代的美国,是由早期制度学派演变而来的。

    New institutional economic school apears in U.S.A. of 50 ~ 60 times of the 20th century . They developed by the early institutional economic school .

  7. 新制度经济学派的经济学家从制度的本身去理解制度,犹如手持长矛的堂吉诃德,乱冲乱撞。

    The economists of new institution economics try to understand institution from institution itself , which is just like what Don Quixote did with his spear .

  8. 新制度经济学派的代表人物戴维斯和诺斯曾指出,一项新的制度由于成本问题不是总能被创新和采用,只有当新的制度能给创新者带来更多的利益时,创新才有可能。

    Davis and North , major representatives of new-system economics , point out that a new system might not be adopted or renewed due to its costs unless it would bring more benefits to the innovator .

  9. 运用了国外的新制度经济学派的理论和博弈论的分析模型,对我国房地产税收流失的负面效应和经济成因进行了探讨。

    Using the analysis models of the theory of the new institutional economic system and game theory , the thesis discusses the negative effect and economic origin cause of the tax loss of real estate in our country .

  10. 自20世纪六七十年代以来,以科斯为代表的新制度经济学派的异军突起,成为新自由主义经济学中最富有吸引力且最有助于使传统的经济研究和政治研究发生革命性变化的理论。

    From 60-70s ' of 20 century , the new policy economy school represented by Coase has been brilliant , and it has become a most charming theory that has brought on innovative change on traditional economy research and policy research .

  11. 除了寻租理论以外,经济学的其他一些分析问题的方法,诸如自然人假设,博弈论,边际分析法,一般均衡分析及新制度经济学派的交易成本理论仍然可以用于分析腐败问题。

    Besides the rent-seeking theory , other analytic ways of economics , such as economic man , game theory , marginal analysis , general-equilibrium analysis and exchange costs theory of new institutional school , can be used to analyse the problem of corruption .

  12. 制度经济学派强调资本主义制度本身的缺陷和局限性,强调非市场因素的作用或致力于结构分析,并据此廓清资本主义的演进趋向。

    The system economy school emphasizes capitalism system in itself fault and the limitations , emphasizes the element action of non-market place or devotes itself to the structural analysis , and the trend of capitalism evolution is cleaned up based on the views of the above .

  13. 本文运用专区或县这一区域划分标准,站在新制度经济学派重视制度分析的角度,强调制度因素已成为欠发达地区经济启动期的首要障碍的观点;

    Based on applying " prefecture or county " standard to divide region , this paper stands for new system economics ' views that pay attention to analyse system , and emphasize system factor has already become the primary obstacle of starting under-developing regional economic development ;

  14. 制度创新理论属于制度经济学派研究的一个重要内容,发展至今,制度创新也成为理论界和社会主义建设中的一个重要课题。

    The theory of institution innovation is an important content in the research of institution economic school . So far institution innovation has been an important research subject of the theoretical circle and Chinese socialist construction .

  15. 从制度学派的演变到新制度经济学派的形成,大体经历了三个发展时期:旧制度学派时期;

    From the early institutional economic schools t institutional economic school , have experienced three developing periods on the whole : the period of early institutional economic school ;

  16. 旧制度经济学派主张效率优先、兼顾公平,新制度经济学派主张公平优先、兼顾效率。

    The old institution economics school advocates priority in efficiency and gives consideration to justice as well ; and the new institution economics school , the vice versa .

  17. 新闻制度变迁是一个头绪多、涉及面广的问题,本文试图借鉴新制度经济学派的理论成果,对建国以来中国大陆新闻制度变迁的脉络以及为什么如此变迁问题进行较为系统的探讨。

    Since 1949 , China 's news media system has experienced extensive institutional changes and has become a complicated to many scholars of the mass media .