
mín quán fǎ
  • civil rights law;civil rights act
  1. 奥巴马已要求司法部根据联邦民权法评估大陪审团的这两项裁决。

    Mr Obama has asked the Department of Justice to review both grand jury decisions under federal civil rights law .

  2. 在地方指控中被判无罪的被告,可以在联邦法庭根据民权法被再次起诉。

    Defendants acquitted on local charges can be re-prosecuted federally under civil rights laws .

  3. 1963年金会见肯尼迪总统,要求通过新的民权法,给黑人以平等权利。

    In1963 King met President Kennedy and asked for new civil rights laws to give blacks equal right .

  4. 邓肯表示,警方和检控官有其职责,但根据联邦民权法,学校也应该承担一定责任。

    Secretary Duncan says police and prosecutors have their job to do , but schools also share responsibility under federal civil rights laws .

  5. 如此的法律还没有经过实验,不知道它们能否保护上厕所的权利,但是,一般人都认为,厕所法凌驾于民权法之上。

    Such laws have not been tested to determine if they protect restroom rights , but it is generally believed that restroom laws override civil rights laws .