
  • 网络Folklore;FOLK CUSTOMS
  1. 尤其在全球化背景下的民族油画创作,集中地出现了一批以表现我国民间风俗为对象内容的油画作品。

    The national oil painting , especially in the context of globalization , concentration , there were a number of content targeted to Chinese folklore paintings .

  2. 经过广大人民群众和无数艺人的锤炼和辛勤创造,使其内容更加的丰富完整,逐渐成为绥德人民生活中欢度节日时不可缺少的一项传统民间风俗性舞蹈活动。

    With the modification and creation of the masses and artistes , its contents was become more abundance and completion . It has become an indispensable traditional folklore dance activities in festival .

  3. 依附于民间风俗惯例和文化传统的习惯法、自然法而建构起来的文艺制度形式;

    The one relying folk customs and cultural tradition ;

  4. 民间风俗的诗意展现&《五溪风俗揽胜》的人类学解读

    A Poetic Show of Folk Customs & An Anthropological Interpretation of the Book Anthropology in Wuxi Customs

  5. 民俗学是以研究民间风俗习惯为对象的一门人文科学。

    The folk lore is a human science that takes the study of folk customs as its object .

  6. 与此同时,传统的民间风俗习惯依旧存在,可见中国民族文化具有顽强的生命力。

    However , the traditional folk customs remained in effect , which manifested Chinese culture the strong vitality .

  7. 彩礼是我国传统的民间风俗,历经了长久的历史演变。

    Betrothal gift is a traditional folk customs of our country , which experienced a long history of evolution .

  8. 结合《国语》一书中的用例,来阐明它在古代文献中的使用情况,再利用方言和民间风俗对之加以佐证;

    Combined with the examples in Guoyu to state its usage in ancient documents ; Take advantage of dialect and folk customs to prove it ;

  9. 香市这一民间风俗在乌镇流传已久,其规模仅在杭州的西湖香市之下。

    Xiang City , this folk culture has long been circulating in Wuzhen , its size is only fragrant city of West Lake in Hangzhou below .

  10. 民众为了纪念这位伟大的女神,围绕关于她的神话传说故事形成了多样的民间风俗与节庆活动。

    People in order to memory of the great goddess , around the myths and legends about her story formed the variety of folk customs and festivals .

  11. 而繁琐的婚嫁礼仪,既是古代五邑民间风俗的画卷,又是旧式盲婚哑嫁的自然形态。

    While its elaborate and complex wedding rituals were like scrolls of its social customs , they were also the natural forms of the old-fashioned arranged marriages .

  12. 而不同种类的信物及其文学表现,均蕴含着丰富的文学传统、文化人类学、民间风俗等多方面的文化内涵。

    But the different types of faith tokens and their literature performance are containing the rich literature traditions , the cultural anthropology , the folk custom and so on .

  13. 总之本文将故事的这些现象与外部世界进行深层的联系,从而昭示出这些故事与远古的神话、信仰、宗教仪式及民间风俗之间密不可分的血缘关系。

    This paper connects these phenomena profoundly with the outer world , so as to disclose the intimate relations of these stories and the ancient myths , belief , religious rites and folk customs .

  14. 做源人殉葬,做佛像膜拜,做“耍货”玩赏的民间风俗,是中国泥塑艺术得以发展的主要原因。

    Do a source person to bury , do statue of Buddha to worship , do the civil customs that " play goods " appreciate and enjoy , is the main reason that the Chinese clay figure art can develop .

  15. 地方性的节日、节庆活动已经成为当前我国各级行政主体发展中一个重要的经济、社会和文化事项,其实也是当地传统文化、民间风俗和传统节日的复兴、重构和再生的过程。

    Local festivals and festival activities have already become an essential economic , social , and cultural event in our country . As a matter of fact , it is also a process of revival , restructuring and rebirth of the traditional culture .

  16. 客家民俗体育与客家民间风俗习惯关系密切,是一种世代传承和延续的体育文化形态,具有集体性、传承性和模式性特点。2、走古事活动具有明显的民族性和地域性特征。

    Hakka folk sports is closely related with Hakka folk customs , and it is a continuation of the sports ' culture forms , with integrity , heredity and pattern nature . 2 、" Zou gu shi " activities has obvious national and regional characteristics .

  17. 隋唐时期生产力的空前发展、对外交流的频繁、文化的昌盛以及社会风气的开放,致使当时汉族地区的民间风俗呈现明显的时代特征。

    During the Sui and Tang Dynasties , the folk customs of the Han regions took on an evident epochal character because of the unprecedented development of productivity , the frequent exchange activities with the outside , the cultural prosperity , and the open atmosphere of the society .

  18. 但是,在很多的陕北地区这种民间信仰风俗转移到丧葬习俗中。

    However , such folk beliefs customs transferred to the funeral customs .

  19. 用茶祭神祀祖,祭天谢地,告慰神灵,期望得到神灵保佑,在民间形成风俗。

    It had formed a custom in folk taking fete with tea for worship gods , heavens and ancestors , and impetrating bless .

  20. 儒家思想很早就传入越南并在越南不断发展,对越南古代的政治、经济制度、社会礼仪规范、民间的风俗习惯都产生了巨大的影响。

    After Confucianism was introduced into Vietnam in ancient times , it exerted great influence on the nation 's politics , economy , etiquette , customs and other institutions .

  21. 作为民间的风俗习惯,割股疗亲在明清时期风气大盛的同时,也遭到儒家正统观念的攻击和官方的禁止。

    As one of the folk customs , curing parents by cutting thigh is greatly popular , but it is also attacked and prohibited by the Confucianism concept and government .

  22. 研究海南的民间信仰与风俗,可以从一个侧面了解海南人的精神。

    Therefore the stUdying on the folk beliefs and customs of hanan can understanding the spirit of Hainan People at the least from one aspect .

  23. 汉、越饮食词语联想意义的不同之处大部分原因来自两民族各有特色的民间文化、风俗习惯、历史演变等等。

    The associative meaning of Chinese and Vietnamese diet words different from most causes of two nationalities characteristic , folk culture , customs , historical evolution and so on .

  24. 第二节主要是论述当代枣庄作家对鲁南文化的反哺。从文学题材、土语方言、民间歌谣、风俗习惯等方面加以论述。

    The second section demonstrates regurgitation-feeding effect of contemporary writers in Zaozhuang on the culture of southern Shantung from the aspects of literature subject matter , local dialect , folk songs and customs , etc.

  25. 文章第二部分是从民间信仰层面出发,试图寻找在民间风俗习惯中,关于女娲的崇拜和祭祀与民间流传的灵石信仰中的共通和重合之处。

    The second chapter is based on folk beliefs , and tries to find out the conjunction ofadoring Nu Wa and living stone worship in folk in the folk customs .

  26. 现有资料涉及山西醋文化方面的内容,多数是流传于民间的口头文学,即使有相关的文献也多出现在民间故事和民间风俗中。

    On the cultural aspect of vinegar , most of contents are folk oral literatures which are widely read by common people . Even if there are relevant literatures , they appear in the folk tales and customs .