
  • 网络interpretation of civil law
  1. 反诉类型化研究类型化与民法解释

    The necessary research of counteraccusation classification Typology and Interpretation of Civil Law

  2. 法与法律的区别与民法解释

    The Distinction between Jus and Law and the Interpretation of Civil Law

  3. 民法解释的目的在于法律漏洞补充,而其基本思考方法是利益衡量。

    The interpretation of the civil law is to complement its loopholes through the way of interests ?

  4. 浅谈民法解释

    On Civil Law Explanation

  5. 民法解释必须审查其合法性,民法对特殊情况是否适用,也应以法为依据。

    Therefore , the interpretation of civil law should be examined to ascertain it to comply with jus civil .

  6. 刑法解释的立场应不同于民法解释,刑法解释中形式合理性更具意义,应采主观说为主、客观说为辅。

    We should keep the rationality of formulation while interpreting the criminal law , we should adopt subjectivism more than objectivism .

  7. 类型化思维是民法解释的基本思考方式,是民法漏洞补充的理论基础。

    " Typology " is a basic method of thinking in interpreting civil law and the theoretic foundation of supplementing loopholes in civil law .

  8. 虚拟财产权性质的民法学解释

    On the Civil Law Explanation to the Right of the Virtual Property

  9. 本章开篇首先阐述传统民法理念解释隐名股东问题存在的诸多不足之处,进一步对以股权信托制度重构隐名股东制度的优势进行分析。

    First of all , it is summarized of the shortcomings by explaining the nominee shareholders with traditional civil law concept , and then analyze the advantage by solving nominee shareholders by trust of right of shares .

  10. 对不利解释原则内涵的介绍主要分为古代法中不利解释原则的内涵、近现代民法中不利解释原则的内涵及产生的历史背景以及保险法中的不利解释原则三个方面。

    The introduction of connotation on the unfavorable interpretation principle is mainly divided into three aspects : the negative meaning of the unfavorable interpretation principle in ancient law ; the negative meaning and the historical background in modern civil law ; its negative meaning in the insurance law .

  11. 民法基本原则作为解释准则、法律补充规则的功能早已为学者公认,对其能否作为直接裁判依据则存在不同看法。

    The basic principle of civil law is accepted generally by the scholar as the function of interpretation criterion and law supplemental rule early , but there are different views for whether it can act directly as the basis of judge .

  12. 在查明域外法时,当事人或法院除了选择适用《民法通则》司法解释第193条规定的5种途径外,还可以采用其他一些途径。

    While in process of ascertainment of foreign law , the party concerned or the court may also avail themselves of other channels in addition to selectively use of the 5 channels as provided for by Article 193 of the judicial explanations on General Rules of Civil Law .

  13. 主要说出了这种错误的民法观在民法的本质研究上本末倒置、在民法制度的解释上限于片面和这种观点的盛行可能会导致民法精神的庸俗化。

    It mainly speaks the wrong of the Civil Law view of the research of on the Civil Law nature about putting the cart before the horse , and the wrong of the one-sided interpretation on the Civil Law system .