
shè huì xué fǎ xué
  • sociological jurisprudence
  1. 社会学法学的大纲;

    His outline of sociological jurisprudence emphasizes social effect of law ;

  2. 社会学法学从社会的视角来观察研究法律现象。

    The sociological jurisprudence observes and researchs the law from the social view .

  3. 社会学法学或者法律社会学具有一部连绵不断的发展历史。

    Sociological Law or Legal Sociology has a continuous developing history .

  4. 形式是多样的。社会学法学

    The forms of learning are multiple . On sociological law

  5. 关于哈特和庞德法律思想的比较&兼议新分析法学和社会学法学的异同

    A Comparison Between the New Analytical Law and Sociological Law

  6. 社会学法学思想探研

    The research into the ideology of the sociological jurisprudence

  7. 社会学法学的核心问题是法律与社会之间的相互作用关系,其中包括法律如何影响社会,又包括社会如何作用于法律。

    They problem of sociological is the mutual relationship between the law and the society .

  8. 试论社会学法学的流变

    On the changes of the sociological jurisprudence

  9. 社会学法学

    Study in Germany On sociological law

  10. 论社会学法学与法治秩序的建构

    Law theories and sociology and ; Sociology Law Science and Construction of Order Governed by Law

  11. 后现代法学是继自然法学、分析实证法学、社会学法学三大流派之后的又一具有重大影响的法学思潮。

    Post-modern jurisprudence is the legal trend of important influence after natural jurisprudence , positivist jurisprudence , sociological jurisprudence .

  12. 社会学法学作为一个理论体系,对法治秩序的建构具有重要的指导意义。

    Sociology law science has important guidance purpose to the construction of order governed by law as a theoretical system .

  13. 第一章,论述法律目的在庞德论理体系中的重要地位,庞德法律目的思想的社会学法学理论基础是通过法律的社会控制理论和法律社会工程理论。

    The theoretical base of Pound legal end theory is the social control theory and the legal social engineering theory .

  14. 而此时,社会学法学与法律实证主义、自然法学既成鼎足之态势又显相互融合之端倪。

    Sociology Legal and Legal Positivism , Natural Law accomplished Tripartite Couplet again with the trend of integration of clues .

  15. 可以将社会学法学的流变划分为三个阶段,即社会学法学萌芽时期、社会学法学确立时期、社会学法学的深入发展时期。

    The author thinks that the changes of the sociological jurisprudence can be divided into three stages-the sprouting period , the establishing period and the developing period .

  16. 罗斯科??庞德是当代美国社会学法学的主要代表人物,20世纪西方最具影响力的法学家之一。

    Roscoe Pound is one of the main representatives of contemporary American sociological law , and is one of the most influential jurists in the 20th Century .

  17. 从19世纪到20世纪初初具规模,这时社会学法学的理论命题完全来自于欧洲学者;

    It was shaped from the 19th century to the early 20th century . At chat time , the theory of Sociological Law was completely from the European scholars .

  18. 考察社会学法学的流变,可以使我们了解该学派的主要理论的起源、变迁和发展,为研究该学派提供了一个很好的切入点。

    The origin , evolution and development of the sociological jurisprudence can be known by researching its changes , which is a good angle to study the sociological jurisprudence .

  19. 现代私法理念的法哲学理论基础是新自然法学、法律现实主义、社会学法学和历史法学的相关理论。第三章私法理念之影响论述私法理念对现代行政法和国际法的影响。

    The jurisprudential theoretical basis of the contemporary idea of private law is the relative theory of the new Natural Law , the Legal Realism , the Sociological Jurisprudence and the Historical Jurisprudence .

  20. 本文采用历史分析方法、社会学法学分析方法和逻辑分析方法,以并列式的逻辑结构对私法理念进行研究。全文包括导论、正文和结语三个部分。

    The historical analytical method , the sociological jurisprudential analytical method , the logical analytical method and a coordinate logical structure have been adopted by the author in the research of the idea of private law .

  21. 新分析法学和社会学法学是实证主义法学的两个主要派别,作为自然法学的对立面,二者既有一定的交融,又在某些理论问题上表现出原则的区别。

    The New Analytical Law and Sociological Law are two factions of the Testimonial Law . As the opposite of the Natural Law , to some extent , they are intermingled , but they have difference of principles on some theoretical problems .

  22. 庞德的社会学法学对于我国在市场经济条件下调整法的作用,即从强调阶级统治转向维护和协调各种社会利益、处理社会公共事务具有一定的借鉴作用。

    The Pound 's law of sociology is of some use to China 's law adjustment under the condition of market economy , i.e. transfer from the emphasis of class rule to the harmonization of various social factors & social public affairs .

  23. 权利理论来源于庞德的社会学法学,其基本理论主张表现为对过去法律权利制度的批判,重视实际的法而排斥书本的法。

    Its theories on right originated from Pound 's sociological law . Its basic theory is a criticism of the system of the legal right of the past and it attaches importance to " realistic law " rather then " law in the book " .

  24. 最后,从经济学、社会学和法学角度阐述行业协会自律的理论基础。

    Lastly , set forth the theory of industry self-regulatory from economics , sociology and law perspective .

  25. 本章首先从经济学、社会学和法学的角度来剖析公司的本质。

    Firstly , the essence of the company is to analyzed from the angle of economics , sociology and law .

  26. 尤其是现代哲学、社会学、法学领域对其从不同的角度入手,挖掘其深层关怀。

    Especially the modern philosophy , sociology , law field for its from a different Angle , mining the deep concern .

  27. 本章内容有以下几个小节构成:国外有关行业协会地位的法律规定;确立我国行业协会法律地位的政治学、经济学、社会学和法学理论基础和政策依据;

    The second is theory and policy bases in economics politics sociology and law which resulted in law status of trade associations .

  28. 结论精神发育迟滞患者性防卫能力评定受诸多因素的影响,在性自我防卫能力评定时除充分考虑社会学、法学因素外,还要考虑其社会功能的水平。

    Conclusion Not only social and legal factors but also the level of social functions should be adequately considered in the assessment of sexual self-defense capacity .

  29. 学术界从哲学、政治学、社会学、法学、伦理学、环境学、经济学等不同学科的角度,对构建和谐社会进行了广泛研究。

    The academics have conducted extensive researches on how to build a harmonious society from different perspectives , such as political science , sociology , economics , law etc. .

  30. 教育券作为近年来的新兴事物,不仅在国内外,而且在哲学、经济学、社会学、法学和行政学等领域均引发了激烈的争议。

    As an emerging thing in recent years , voucher is triggering off the serious argument in the field of philosophy , economics , sociology , law and administration .