
  • 网络Lincoln;Lincoln City
  1. 林肯市附近一座已废弃不用的机场。

    A disused airfield near lincoln .

  2. 以下这篇客座文章的作者是艾米·莫兰(AmyMorin),她是缅因州林肯市一位持有执照的临床社会工作者。

    The following guest post is by Amy Morin , a licensed clinical social worker in Lincoln , Maine .

  3. 这就忽略了不同地域存在完全不同的需求和可能性的事实:东京不是冲绳;纽约与内布拉斯加州的林肯市大不相同;伦敦和康沃尔郡(Cornwall)也是两回事。

    This ignores the very different needs and possibilities of different areas : Tokyo is not Okinawa ; New York is not Lincoln , Nebraska ; London is not Cornwall .

  4. 30岁的伊恩•麦肯齐(IanMcKenzie)是英国林肯市(Lincoln)的一名教师。他说,在和妻子以及朋友出去吃晚餐时,大家很快都开始吹牛,内容包括自己的电子产品和车、孩子还有度假。

    When Ian McKenzie , 30 , a schoolteacher in Lincoln , U.K. , goes out to dinner with his wife and their friends , he says , everyone soon gets around to bragging - about the gadgets and cars they own , their kids , their vacations . '

  5. 莫里西医疗用品,内布拉斯加州林肯市

    Morrissey Medical Supply - Lincoln , Nebraska .

  6. 英国哥特式教堂包括坎特伯雷,林肯市,约克以及艾克赛特大教堂。

    The English Gothic cathedrals include Canterbury , Lincoln , York Minster , and Exeter .

  7. 他在内布拉斯加的林肯市住了下来。

    He settled in lincoln , nebraska .

  8. 他住在林肯市附近。

    He lives somewhere Lincoln way .

  9. 她说,即便如此,她在内布拉斯加州林肯市的一位投资者还是被当地联邦调查局办公室访问,质疑他的这笔投资。

    Even so , one of her investors , in Lincoln , Nebraska , received a visit from the local FBI office to question his investment , she said .

  10. 这篇文章的作者发现在他的家乡内布拉斯加州林肯市的一个幻彩萤光漆广告牌上写着“订婚戒指爆炸”,希望没有人受伤。

    The author of this story notices a day-glo billboard in her hometown of Lincoln , Nebraska , advertising an " ENGAGEMENT RING EXPLOSION ," and hopes no one was hurt .

  11. 英国林肯郡格兰瑟姆市国王学校的八名学生通过门萨测试,结果显示智商已经和爱因斯坦和斯蒂芬霍金不相上下。

    The UK 's Daily Mail reported on September 22 that eight pupils from King 's School in Grantham , Lincolnshire , are considered as clever as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking after they sat the Mensa test .