
  • 网络park;Lincoln Park;LINKIN PARK;IN THE END
  1. 日本强震发生后,LadyGaga、“林肯公园”乐队及众多明星纷纷召集粉丝为地震海啸捐款。

    Celebrities from Lady Gaga to Linkin Park rallied their fans to ante upfor earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan .

  2. 根据新签订的协议,华纳将授权腾讯在各个在线平台使用自己的音乐。华纳旗下艺人包括布鲁诺·马尔斯(BrunoMars)、红辣椒(RedHotChiliPeppers)和林肯公园(LinkinPark)等明星。

    With its new deal , Warner - whose roster includes stars like Bruno Mars , the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Linkin Park - will grant licenses for Tencent to use its music through Tencent 's various outlets online .

  3. 上周四,林肯公园乐队主唱查斯特·贝宁顿(ChesterBennington)自缢离世,年仅41岁,乐队粉丝震惊不已,十分悲痛。

    Last Thursday , Linkin Park fans were stunned and saddened to discover the band 's frontman Chester Bennington had died at the age of 41 .

  4. 贝宁顿的队友麦克·信田(MikeShinoda)知悉后,在推特上发文称他“感到震惊且心痛”。林肯公园官方推特账号发布了一张贝宁顿的照片,致敬这位乐队主唱。

    Following the tragic news , Bennington 's bandmate Mike Shinoda shared a message on Twitter saying he was " shocked and heartbroken . " The official Linkin Park account also tweeted a photo of Bennington as a tribute .

  5. 这地方不像林肯公园。

    This place does not look like Lincoln park .

  6. 我觉得我们可以去林肯公园划船然后来顿野餐

    I thought we could paddle up to Lincoln Park and forage for a picnic .

  7. 你好,约翰。这是玛丽,是租你林肯公园房子的人。

    Hi , John , this is Mary , your tenant up in Lincoln Park .

  8. 林肯公园全体成员对此深表遗憾,并向所有中国歌迷表达诚挚的歉意。

    Linkin Park sincerely regrets this unavoidable cancellation and apologizes to fans for any disappointment caused .

  9. 《我的归宿》-林肯公园。

    Somewhere I Belong-Linkin Park .

  10. 明亮的黄色树叶挂在林肯公园波普顿河边的树枝上。

    Bright yellow foliage on a tree on the edge of the Pompton River in Lincoln Park .

  11. 本周一,林肯公园官推发布声明,说乐队失去了一大主力。

    On Monday , Linkin Park released a statement regarding their loss on their official Facebook account .

  12. 林肯公园乐队的麦克信田设计了一款T恤衫,销售所得善款将送给音乐赈灾组织的日本海啸赈灾活动。

    Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park has designed a T-shirt to benefit Music for Relief 's Tsunami Relief in Japan .

  13. 相较普通的音乐爱好者,金属乐队和林肯公园的粉丝也更愿意“实战”。

    Metallica and Linkin Park fans were also more than willing the average music lover to go all the way .

  14. 而此时他正乘的士穿过林肯公园,前一刻却是在间部门小仓库里与某个销售女郎春风一度,代价是染上淋病。

    A short time after he contracted gonorrhea from a sales girl in a loop department store while riding in a taxicab through Lincoln Park .

  15. 著名摇滚乐队林肯公园7月在中国开展了史无前例的体育场级别的国际摇滚巡回演出,并于周日在北京以一场激动人心的演唱会宣告结束

    Rock band Linkin Park undertook the first-ever stadium level international rock tour in China in July , ending in Beijing with an exciting concert on Sunday .

  16. 林肯公园于五月发行了他们的第三张专辑《世界末日》,随后开展了他们的世界巡演,其中欧洲和美国的演唱会已经结束。

    Linkin Park released their third music album " Minutes to Midnight " in May , and later kicked off their world tour concert , which has been staged in Europe and the US .

  17. 赫斯渥一家住在林肯公园附近的北区。那是一幢三层楼的砖瓦房屋,底楼比街道稍稍低一点儿,这种式样的房子当时很流行。

    Hurstwood 's residence on the North side , near Lincoln park , was a brick building of a very popular type then , a three-story affair with the first floor sunk a very little below the level of the street .

  18. 在2008年,林肯公园曾计划在北京工人体育场开展一场演唱会,但是由于主唱查斯特·贝宁顿的身体状况欠佳而被取消,在那之后,花费了整整七年的时间,才让歌迷和林肯公园等到了弥补的机会

    In 2008 , the band planned to hold a concert at the Beijing Workers ' Stadium , but it was cancelled due to health problems experienced by lead singer Chester Bennington . It 's taken seven years for that missed opportunity both for the band and fans to be compensated .