
  • 网络German idealism
  1. 在这方面,德国唯心主义哲学家从英国保守主义有所不同。

    In this respect , German idealist philosophers differed somewhat from English conservatism .

  2. 这些都是逐渐形成了德国唯心主义的挑战启蒙的经验论和普遍性的重点主题的种类。

    These were the kinds of themes that gradually shaped the German idealist challenge to the Enlightenment 's emphasis on empiricism and universalism .

  3. 作这样一个结论,就把德国古典唯心主义哲学全盘否定了。

    This conclusion totally negates German classical idealist philosophy .

  4. 比如在他那个时期,把德国古典唯心主义哲学说成是德国贵族对于法国革命的一种反动。

    For instance , in his time , German classical idealist philosophy was described as a reaction on the part of the German aristocracy to the French revolution .

  5. 德国的浪漫唯心主义哲学是代表了反动保守时代最完美表达的思想主体。

    The German philosophy of Romantic Idealism was the body of thought which stands as the most perfect expression of the age of reaction .

  6. 在反对以黑格尔为代表的德国古典哲学唯心主义语言观的基础上,他们认为,语言是在实践基础上形成的符号系统,体现为一种社会性的交往活动。

    In opposition to idealistic language view of German classical philosophy represented as Hegel , they believed that , the language is the symbolism which forms in the practice foundation and one kind of social communication behavior .