
yòu qīng sī xiǎng
  • right-deviationist thinking
  1. 有一部分有右倾思想的学生,有此可能。

    This likelihood exists for that section of the student body with Right deviationist ideas .

  2. 有右倾思想的人不分敌我,认敌为我。对一切压制自由的倾向都要小心戒备。

    Those with a Right deviation in their thinking make no distinction between ourselves and the enemy and take the enemy for our own people .

  3. 因此,不断地批判那些确实存在的右倾保守思想,就有完全的必要了。

    It is therefore entirely necessary to continue the criticism of Right conservative ideas , which do in fact exist .

  4. 但是现在的问题,还是右倾保守思想在许多方面作怪,使许多方面的工作不能适应客观情况的发展。

    However , the problem today is that Right conservative thinking is still causing trouble in many spheres and prevents our work from keeping pace with the development of the objective situation .

  5. 又有一部分人有修正主义或右倾机会主义错误思想。

    There are also a number of people whose thinking errs on the side of revisionism or Right opportunism .