
láo ɡōnɡ fǎ àn
  • labor act
  1. 在美国,最低工资法最先出现在1938年的《公平劳工法案》里。

    In the United States today , minimum-wage regulations are covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act of1938 ( FLSA ) .

  2. 我提出了一个临时劳工法案,为那些愿意雇佣外国人的雇主提供愿意在美国工作的外国工人。

    I propose a new temporary worker program to match willing foreign workers with willing employers when no Americans can be found to fill the job .

  3. 西班牙工会定于本周四举行全国大罢工,反对高失业率,以及劳工法案的变更。根据新法案,西班牙企业解聘雇员成本会更加低廉。

    The sex-worker strike comes as Spain is set to be hit by a general strike on Thursday in protest at high unemployment and changes to labour laws that make it cheaper for firms to lay off workers .

  4. Fisher&Phillips律师事务所的就业律师查尔斯•考金斯(CharlesCaulkins)指出,企业或许不喜欢工资透明,但是根据联邦政府《全国劳工关系法案》(NationalLaborRelationsAct),企业并不能完全禁止普通员工在企业内部或外部透露自己的薪资。

    Companies may not like transparency , but they cannot outright bar rank-and-file employees from disclosing their pay internally or externally , under the federal National Labor Relations Act , says employment lawyer Charles Caulkins of law firm Fisher & Phillips .

  5. 快速通道的反对者希望剥离了劳工援助法案的贸易促进权会在参议院遇到麻烦。

    Opponents of fast track hoped trade promotion authority without worker assistance would run into trouble in the Senate .

  6. 众议院在周五的劳工援助法案投票不论通过与否,奥巴马都可以签署这项协定。

    He can sign it whether or not the House passes worker dislocation assistance when it is scheduled to come to a vote on Friday .

  7. 参议院以76比22的投票结果停止了针对劳工援助法案和非洲贸易法案的争论,参议员同意用口头表决来通过这一法案。

    After the Senate voted 76 to 22 to cut off debate on the worker aid and African trade bill , senators agreed to pass it by voice vote .