
  • 网络LABOR;Division of labour;work force allocation
  1. 按劳分配与按劳动力分配的关系又是如何?

    And what is the relationship between the distribution according to work and labor ?

  2. 麻省理工大学的托马斯•马隆(ThomasMalone)认为自动化、全球化和解除管制等变化可能是更大变化的一个部分:这是劳动力分配到脑力劳动的应用。

    Dreaming spires , meet pin factory Thomas Malone of MIT argues that these changes - automation , globalisation and deregulation - may be part of a bigger change : the application of the division of labour to brain-work .

  3. 对长期投资者而言,新兴市场真正的增长故事,更为基本的是关乎深化资本与更具生产力的劳动力分配。

    For long-term investors , the real emerging market growth story is much more elemental in terms of deepening capital and more productive labour deployment .

  4. 其次是劳动力国际分配的转变。

    The second is the transformation of the international division of labour .

  5. 这是由于劳动力供求分配不当。

    That is because of a mismatching of the supply of labor and the demand for it .

  6. 按生产要素分配、按劳分配及按劳动力价值分配之间的关系

    The Relations among the Distribution according to Productive Factors , the Distribution according to Labor and the Distribution according to Labor Value

  7. 按劳分配与按要素分配的有机结合点在于按劳动力产权分配。

    The intersection of distribution according to work and distribution according to production factors lies in the distribution according to labor property rights .

  8. 按劳动力价值分配在我国社会主义市场经济条件下具有客观必然性;

    It is objectively inevitable for us to accept the distribution according to labor force value in the country 's socialist market economic conditions .

  9. 大部分的赌场工作不需要紧张劳动。这是由于劳动力供求分配不当。

    Most casino work is not physically strenuous . That is because of a mismatching of the supply of labor and the demand for it .

  10. 按劳分配和按劳动力价值分配是两个不同层面而又相互联系、密不可分的概念。

    The allotment according to labor is different from the allotment according to labor force value , but they are indivisible and relative to each other .

  11. 目前关于按劳分配与按劳动力价值分配关系的问题,学术界存在着不同的观点。

    Nowadays , in academic circles , there are different views regarding the issue of relation between distribution according to work and distribution according to labor force value .

  12. 广义的所有制概念,指生产条件的分配,即包括物质生产条件的分配,和人身的生产条件,即劳动力的分配;

    Ownership in broad sense refers to distribution of working condition , which includes the distribution of material production condition and personal production condition , i. e. distribution of labor .

  13. 按劳动力价值分配就是在劳动力商品化条件下,个人收入的分配以劳动力价值为尺度,遵循价值规律的要求,通过市场交换获取劳动报酬的分配方式。

    Distributing by workforce 's value is the distribution mode that the distribution of the personal income regards workforce 's value as yardstick , following the requirement for law of value and obtain the labor remuneration through the market under workforce 's commercialized condition .

  14. 现阶段,按劳动力产权分配不仅能同时体现个人收入分配的差别和功能性收入分配的差别,还是实现按劳分配与按生产要素分配有机结合的有效途径。

    At present , the distribution according to property right reflects not only the difference of individual income distribution and the difference of functional income distribution simultaneously , but is the effective approach which can combines the distribution according to labor and the distribution according to productive factor .

  15. 〔24〕以劳动力为标准分配土地的方法,是不妥当的。

    Labour-power is not an appropriate criterion for land distribution .

  16. 剩余劳动力的聚类分配和模型识别

    Assembly Distribution of the Remnant Labour & the Model Identification

  17. 就业结构作为社会劳动力资源的分配体系,无疑是就业理论体系中最为关键的一部分。

    As the allocation system of social labor resources , employment structure is undoubtedly one of the most important parts in employment theoretical system .

  18. 劳动力的市场分配以劳动力成为商品、企业用人自主权和劳动力市场的发展为前提,以劳动力价值为基础,通过市场交换来实现。

    With the premise of labors becoming goods , enterprises ' enjoying their own rights of employment and labor market development , market allocation is completed through market exchanges on the basis of labor value .

  19. 以保障流转能够自由、健康、有序地进行,促使劳动力要素合理分配、实现土地资源的优化配置。

    To protect the freedom and healthy of the circulation activities of the contractual operation right of rural land , to prompt the labor factor allocate reasonably , and to optimize the allocation of land resources .

  20. 随着社会的发展前进,我国的劳动关系也在不断演化,由计划经济时期的政府调控为主转变为市场经济时期的市场调配劳动力,收入分配,社会保障等诸多劳动关系的新内容。

    With rapid development of society , China 's labor relationship is constantly developing , changing from the government-control-oriented in the planned economy to market allocating workforce in the market economy and containing many new contents of labor relationship such as income distribution , social security , etc.

  21. 知识经济时代的到来,将导致生产方式、产业内容、社会主体、劳动力结构、分配方式、效率标准等一系列变化,对整个国家的各个领域都将产生深刻的影响。

    With the coming of knowledge economic era , there are to be a series of changes , such as the way of productivity , the content of estate , the body of society , the structure of labor , the way of assignation , the standards of efficiency .

  22. 国内现有研究基本上是单独研究劳动力迁移和收入分配问题,很少将两者结合起来研究。

    The existing research basically is alone investigates the labor migration and the income distribution .

  23. 如果这种看法正确,那我们将可预期,劳动力/利润的分配将回归均值。

    If this view were correct , one would expect the labour / profit share to return to mean-reverting behaviour .

  24. 摘要依据吉林省农户调查数据,我们应用经济计量方法分析了农村劳动力流动的收入分配效应。

    This paper uses econometric method to analyze the income distribution effects of the rural labor migration based on farmer data of Jilin province .

  25. 劳动力收入的二重分配,即市场分配与资本化分配,它是劳动力参与分配过程的两次分配,也是分配的两种形式。

    The dual allocations of labors ' income , namely market allocation and capitalizing allocation , form the twice allocations in the process of income allocation .

  26. 克鲁格曼把它誉为经济学领域的统一场理论,并称其中的研究融合了经济增长、资本和劳动力之间的收入分配以及收入差距。

    Krugman lauded it as a unified field theory of economics which joins together the study of economic growth , the distribution of income between capital and labor , and income inequality .

  27. 克鲁格曼把它誉为经济学领域的“统一场理论”,并称其中的研究融合了经济增长、资本和劳动力之间的收入分配以及收入差距。

    Krugman lauded it as a " unified field theory " of economics which joins together the study of economic growth , the distribution of income between capital and labor , and income inequality .

  28. 文章针对我国继续教育的现状,从人力资本理论和效益的角度,对继续教育产业化进程中的教学管理、市场功能、劳动力市场和工资分配制度等问题进行了探讨。

    Based on the current situation of continuous education in China , the teaching management , market function , work force market and wage system during the process of continuous education industrialization are discussed in this paper from the view point of the human capital theories and benefit .

  29. 劳动力价格决定是通过按劳分配与按劳动力价值分配的辨证统一实现的。

    Labor pricing is realized through the dialectic unity between distribution according to labor and distribution according to labor value .

  30. 从铁路运输业对我国劳动力流动、劳动力供求和收入分配三个方面的影响入手,研究了铁路运输业对我国就业的直接影响。

    The paper researched on the direct impact on employment from three aspects , the labor mobility , labor supply and demand , and income distribution .