
  1. 而从这些案例也反映出劳动力工资上涨已是大势所趋。

    From these cases also reflect the wages of labor is the general trend .

  2. 市场化、全球化与劳动力工资不平等增长&基于第二产业的实证研究

    Marketization , Globalization and Unequal Growth of Wage : An Empirical Analysis Based on Secondary Industry

  3. 市场潜力指数越大、需求越高的地区,劳动力工资水平也越高。

    The higher the market potential index and local market demand , the higher labor wages .

  4. 而调整劳动力工资相比于调节其他指标能更好地调节经常账户失衡。

    The results showed that , adjusting the wage labor force compared to other indicators to better regulate the regulation of current account imbalances .

  5. 第四部分进行农村流动劳动力工资收入影响城乡收入差距的实证检验。

    The fourth part uses the empirical test method to test the influence of the wage income of rural labor mobility to the urban-rural income gap .

  6. 从城镇劳动力工资、农民工工资和务农收入这三个层面,考察城乡劳动力报酬的波动关系。

    In the short fluctuation , the rise of farmers income leads to continuing increase of peasant-workers wage and the rise of the latter leads to driving increase of urban la .

  7. 由于更多地受国家政治过程的影响,政治资本对改革后新生代劳动力工资收益的影响呈现出随进入劳动力市场时间的推后而快速下降的态势。

    The greater influence of the state political process is seen in the post-reform new generation labor force : the later they enter the labor market , the less impact political capital has on them .

  8. 提高劳动力工资可以理顺国内要素市场价格的长期结构性失衡,改善国内收入分配结构,扩大内需,进一步发挥内需对经济增长的拉动作用,减少对出口的依赖。

    Improve the labor market , wages can rationalize the prices of domestic factors of long-term structural imbalance and improve the income distribution structure in China to expand domestic demand , domestic demand to further play the role of economic growth , reduce dependence on exports .

  9. 失业劳动力保留工资影响因素的实证研究

    Empirical Analysis on Determinant Factors of Unemployed Labors ' Reservation Wage

  10. 基于劳动力市场工资匹配的大学生失业问题研究

    The Graduates Unemployment : Based on Wage Match of the Labor Market

  11. 农村转移劳动力性别工资差异的影响因素分析

    Influential Factors on Gender Wage Differentials of Rural Migrant Labors

  12. 财富的一大起源是劳动力的工资(亚当·史密斯)。

    One great original source of revenue ... the wages of labor ( Adam Smith ) .

  13. 保护主义的源头之一,是全球化给非熟练劳动力相对工资带来的下行压力。

    One source of protectionism is the downward pressure on the relative rewards of unskilled labour .

  14. 海龟们不再获得普遍好评,他们与当地劳动力的工资差距正在减少,有些甚至难以找到工作。

    Sea turtles are not universally praised , the wage differential is shrinking and some are even unable to find jobs .

  15. 健全最低工资制度,全面推行工资指导线和劳动力市场工资指导价位制度。

    The minimum wage system shall be improved and the wage guidelines and the guidance price level system for the labor market be enforced across-the-board .

  16. 实证的结果表明,户籍身份对于劳动力的工资收入具有明显的影响作用,而且对于劳动力是否进入公有制部门或者实现正规就业具有显著影响。

    The results showed that household register and identity had obvious impact on the wage income of labor force and also had obvious significance on whether the labor force would join the public sectors or realize the formal employment .

  17. 首先,在H-O-S分析框架下分析了国际贸易对劳动力就业和工资的影响,并讨论了H-O-S理论的局限性及其拓展方向。

    Firstly , we discuss the impact of international trade on employment and wage in the framework of H-O-S , and explores the limitation of H-O-S theory .

  18. 因此,为了吸引劳动力,增长工资就成了必然。

    Therefore , in order to attract labor , wage increase became inevitable .

  19. 论劳动力市场的工资粘性

    Study on Wages Sticky of the Labor Market

  20. 英国工业革命时期的劳动力市场与工资水平

    The Labor Force Market and Wage Level in the Period of Industrial Revolution in England

  21. 而女性的收入差距主要决定于城乡劳动力市场的工资差别。

    For women , their income gap is mainly determined by the differences in returns to attributes .

  22. 第四章研究了外语能力在我国劳动力市场上工资回报率。

    Chapter Four studies the effects that foreign language skills have on the individual income in Chinese labor market .

  23. 劳动力价值对工资的要求更直接地表现为劳动力生产成本对工资的要求;

    The request of the wages from the labor force value expresses itself directly in the form of labor force production cost .

  24. 首先,处于被迫条件下的劳动力得到的工资是非常低的,有时甚至的于市场利率。

    First , people in forced labor situations receive wages that are lower , sometimes far lower , than the market rate .

  25. 在农村人口流入城市的初始阶段,由于劳动力富余,工资水平较低。

    In the initial stages of rural-urban migration , industrial wages are relatively low as the economy has an abundant labor supply .

  26. 在工资制度方面,农村劳动力市场的工资收益权没有保障,利润侵蚀工资的现象很严重。

    There is no guarantee of the income and the erosion of wages is very serious at the rural labor market in the wage system .

  27. 研究表明,女性劳动力无论在工资待遇还是非工资待遇方面均受到歧视。

    Our results show that there exists two ways of gender differentials , wage disparity and non-wage disparity , female labor force are discriminated in both ways .

  28. 对现实中劳动力价值及工资运动的考察与正确把握,必须在劳动力价值价格界限的理论基础上来进行。

    Only with the theory of the limits of the value and price of labor will we correctly understand and master the value of labor and wage movement .

  29. 劳动力短缺、工资上涨快于生产率增长、以及内陆农村地区农民工外流大幅放缓的迹象越来越多。

    There is growing evidence of labour shortages , wages rising faster than productivity , and of the flow of migrant labour from the rural interior slowing sharply .

  30. 全球金融危机后的时代已经出现劳动力短缺,工资增长迅速,劳资纠纷,并在能源、土地、建筑等几乎所有项的成长都在增加。

    The post-GFC era has heralded labour shortages , rapid wage increases , industrial disputes and increased costs in energy , land , buildings and almost every line item .