
  • 网络Maximum condition;maximal condition
  1. Fuzzy环的极小条件与极大条件

    The minimal condition and maximal condition of fuzzy subrings

  2. 证明了满足极大条件的可解p群是幂零群;p群中具有有限指数的极大子群是正规子群;

    It is proved proved that a soluble p group which satisfies the maximal condition is nilpotent and a maximal subgroup of a p with finite index is normal .

  3. A对右零化子适合极大条件,且r(I)是A的一个本质右理想。

    ( 2 ) A satisfies the maximum condition on right annihilators , and r ( I ) is an essential right ideal .

  4. 半极大条件环的探讨

    Discussion of the Rings that Satisfy the Semi-Maximum

  5. 扩建网极大条件密度估计及其方差分量估计公式

    Maximum Conditional Probability Density Estimation of Extended Networks and Its Estimation Formulae for Variance Components

  6. 协因数阵秩亏时扩建网极大条件密度估计的精度

    Precision Estimation of Maximum Conditional Probability Density Estimation for Extended Control Networks when Q_x_2 ~ ′ Being Rank Defect

  7. 本文作者从整体平差原理出发,推导了Qx^′2奇异时扩建网的极大条件密度估计公式,总结了等价法方程和参数协因数阵的组成规律。

    This paper derives the formulae of maximum conditional probability density estimation used for extended control network suitable for one , and sum up composition method of the equivalent normal equation and the coefficient matrix of unknowns .

  8. 极大负压条件下定电位电解法测定SO2

    Determination of SO_2 by Constant Potential Electrolytic Process at the Condition of Maximum Negative Pressure

  9. 在空间尺寸极大限制条件下,对发电机转子绕组端部绑扎环进行了设计并进行了初步的预应力效果分析,提出并实施了特殊绑扎环制造技术。

    In this paper , the end binding ring of generator rotor is designed and the primary prestress effect is analyzed under the limitation of the maxium space size . And the special binding ring manufacturing technology is also presented and implemented .

  10. 针对工矿企业所处同一生产场地,不同群体(脑力劳动与体力劳动)、不同社会环境、不同认知观等反差极大的条件下,对企业体育文化功能定位特殊性的研究。

    Locates the identical production location in view of the industry and mine enterprise , different community ( mental labor and physical labor ), different social environment , different cognition view and so on under contrast enormous conditions , to enterprise physical culture function localization particular research .

  11. 本方法反应条件温和,操作简单。这为纯化提供了极大的便利条件。

    This procedure has advantages of mild reaction conditions and convenient operations .

  12. 互联网的出现为消费者获取产品信息提供了极大的便利条件。

    The emergence of the internet provides tremendous conveniences for consumers get information product .

  13. 这为纯化提供了极大的便利条件。

    It was convenient to purification .

  14. 极大似然估计充分条件的探讨

    An approach to the sufficient condition of maximum likelihood estimate

  15. 按需分配,没有极大丰富的物质条件是不可能的。

    It is impossible to apply that principle without overwhelming material wealth .

  16. 辽阔的疆域,差异极大的自然地理条件使我国成为世界上生物多样性最丰富的国家之一。

    Vast territory , the varied natural and geographical conditions make our country become one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world .

  17. 考虑了一类含有梯度的非线性椭圆型方程,构造了该方程解的某合适泛函,导出了它满足极大值原理的条件,从而可得到梯度等量的估计。

    This paper deals with apriori estimate and existence of the solution for a compound system of nonlinear elliptic complex equations of first order in a multiply connected domain .

  18. 证明了负荷节点获得极大功率的必要条件是:负荷静态等值阻抗模等于系统综合动态等值阻抗模。

    A necessary condition of maximum power of load node was proved . The condition is that load static equivalent impedance modulus is equal to comprehensive dynamic equivalent impedance modulus .

  19. 针对给定的性能指标,通过受限等价变换,得到判别广义连续系统控制器是极小极大控制器的充要条件及其等价的频率条件。

    For appointed performance cost , it get a necessary and sufficient condition to judge whether the controller of descriptor continual system is minimax controller by a restricted equivalent transform . Furthermore , the paper gave an equivalent frequency condition .

  20. 通过这些研究,将极大地促进变频条件下绝缘老化和击穿理论的发展,使变频调速技术应用前景更加广泛。设计了一种新的脉冲电压下局部放电测量系统和统计分析软件。

    These reasearch results will greatly promote advancement of theory of aging and breakdown under such pulse condition . As a result , frequency control technique can be widely used . A novel PD signal measurement system and statistic analysis software is presented under square wave pulse voltage .