
  • 网络Polarization curve;Tafel;LSV
  1. 用X射线衍射和阳极极化曲线分析了热处理对镀层耐蚀性的影响。

    The influence of heat treatment on the corrosion resistance of coating was analysed by XRD and anode polarization curve .

  2. 研究了低含量的钴对镍合金镀层结构和性能的影响,通过扫描电镜观察了镀层形貌、X射线衍射仪测量了镀层内应力,并用电化学极化曲线和腐蚀失重方法分析了镀层的耐蚀性。

    Effect of different amount of cobalt on nickel alloy electroplating was investigated by means of SEM , XRD , electrochemical polarization curve and corrosion weight loss methods .

  3. IBMPc微机控制恒电位仪测量极化曲线

    Measurement of polarization curves by potentiostat controlled by IBM PC computer

  4. 用循环阳极极化曲线评价Al6061/SiCP复合材料表面稀土转化膜耐腐蚀性能的研究

    Study of Corrosion Resistance of Rare Earth Metal Conversion Coatings on Al6061 / SiC_P Metal Matrix Composites with Cyclic Anodic Polarization Curves

  5. 运用稳态极化曲线对光亮剂在镀液中的电化学行为进行了初步研究,还对合金镀层进行了SEM观察和分析。

    The electrochemical behavior of the brightener was preliminary studied by cathodic polarization and SEM .

  6. 动电位极化曲线研究表明Fe2O3氧化物膜具有一定的保护作用;

    The potentiodynamic measurements showed that the Fe_2O_3 oxide scale has certain protection role from corrosive ions .

  7. 结果表明,X70钢在高pH溶液和近中性pH溶液中的阳极极化曲线表现出明显的差异:在高pH溶液中有明显的活化-钝化转变而在近中性pH溶液中则无;

    The anodic polarization curves showed different features in near-neutral pH and high pH solutions in terms of active-passive transition behavior .

  8. 本文作者测定了铝在5种不同pH值的丙烯腈水相聚合引发剂溶液中的阳极极化曲线和阴极极化曲线及其参数。

    The anodic and cathodic polarization curves of aluminium in initiator solutions with five different pH of acrylonitrile by water-phase polymerization and their parameters have been determined .

  9. 对电弧喷涂Al涂层进行了抗滑移系数衰减试验、孔隙率和阳极极化曲线的测定、中性盐雾加速试验。

    Attenuation test of anti sliding coefficient , the porosity and the potentiostatic anodic polarization curves , and the salt mist of arc sprayed coatings have been tested .

  10. 通过阴极极化曲线的测定研究了硫酸盐电解液喷射速度u(流速)对电流密度jc和阴极过电位ηc的影响。

    The relationship between jet flow rate , current density and cathodic overpotential was studied by measuring cathodic polarization curve in simple sulfate system .

  11. 用动电位极化曲线和恒电位暂态电流方法研究了EDTA对碱性溶液中Cl-引起铁孔蚀的抑制作用。

    The inhibitive effect of EDTA on the pitting corrosion of iron in alkaline solution has been studied by electrochemical methods .

  12. 采用稳态极化曲线测试方法研究Sr的掺杂对La(1-x)SrxMnO3催化性能的影响。

    The influence of the doping Sr on the catalytic performance was studied by measuring the steady-state polarization curve of the air cathode .

  13. 我们试制出五种电池用铝合金,并测定了它们在不同pH值和添加缓蚀剂的高氯酸铝溶液中的阳极极化曲线和腐蚀速率。

    Five Kinds of aluminum alloys for cells had been prepared , and their anodic pola-rization curves and corrosion rates at different pH in aluminum perchlorate solution with corrosion inhibitors were determined .

  14. 采用原油罐罐底水为介质,测定了不同含硫量、PH值以及不同温度下碳钢的极化曲线,分析了各因素对碳钢极化行为的影响。

    In this study , polarization curves were obtained for steel sample in the waste water taken from crude oil storage tank , with different sulfur concentrations , pH values and temperatures .

  15. 既往需同时由阳极和阴极极化曲线来测定腐蚀电流(Ⅰ)和两个塔菲尔斜率ba和bc。

    Classically , both anodic and cathodic polarization measurements are required to evaluate the corrosion current as well as the two Tafel slopes .

  16. 采用直流电沉积法制备了纳米晶镍,用X射线衍射和阴极极化曲线的测定对比研究了硫脲对沉积层晶粒尺寸以及阴极过电位的影响。

    Nanocrystalline nickel was synthesized by direct current electrodeposition , and effect of thiourea on grain size of settled layer and cathode overpotential was studied by X-Ray diffraction and cathodic polarization curve .

  17. 选用哌啶作为AISI304不锈钢在中性氯化钠介质中的孔蚀缓蚀剂。运用稳态阳极极化曲线和P-G瞬态响应测试研究哌啶的缓蚀作用。

    The inhibition effect of piperidine ( PD ) for pitting initiation and propagation of AISI 304 stainless steel in NaCl solution of various concentrations was investigated by potentiodynamic anodic polarization and P-G transient inhibition measurements .

  18. 通过析氢实验、极化曲线测试、放电实验、SEM等分析测试方法,研究了复配添加剂ST对锌电极电化学性能的影响,并对其作用机理进行了探讨。

    The influence of composite organic additive ST on zinc electrode in alkaline solution was researched by methods of hydrogen evolution experiment , electrochemical experiment and SEM in this paper .

  19. 此外,TiN组和Titan合金原件的极化曲线出现明显的钝化,并且TiN组的钝化范围较宽。

    In addition , Polarization curves of TiN coating group and Titan alloy group uncoated appear obvious passivation , and TiN coating group were obviously wider .

  20. 利用线性电位慢扫描法,分别测定了Al、Bi、Ca、In与Zn构成的合金电极在碱性电解液中的极化曲线;

    The polarization curves of alloy electrodes composed of Zn with Al , Bi , Ca and In were measured by means of liner ( potentiodynamic ) sweep methods in alkaline electrolyte .

  21. 利用阳极极化曲线研究了含La医用316L不锈钢在37℃生理盐水中的腐蚀行为。

    The corrosion of the La added medical 316L stainless steel in physiological saline at 37 ℃ was studied by measurement of anodic polarization curves .

  22. 阴极极化曲线实验结果表明NiB合金电沉积是典型的诱导共沉积类型。

    The results show that the process of Ni-B alloy deposition is the type of induced deposition .

  23. 通过Tafel极化曲线,探讨了PANI含量对其防腐性能的影响。

    The effect of PANI content on anti-corrosion property of composite coating was investigated by Tafel polarization curve .

  24. 利用电化学方法测定金在几种不同浓度和不同配比含硫试剂中的极化曲线,研究金在改性石硫合剂(ML)溶液中的溶解过程。

    The polarization curves of gold in sulfur bearing gold leaching solution with various compositions and concentrations are determined by electro-chemistry method , and the process of gold solving in MLSSS is investigated .

  25. 通过比较添加缓蚀剂前后A3钢的极化曲线可以看出,添加缓蚀剂后自腐蚀电位正移,说明咪唑啉主要抑制阳极过程而起到缓蚀作用,属于阳极型缓蚀剂。

    The polarization curves show that the corrosion potential of A3 carbon steel becomes more positive after the inhibitor is added than that before .

  26. 运用电子扫描电镜(SEM)对铝合金电极进行了形貌分析,通过稳态极化曲线研究了铝合金电极在NaCl溶液中的电化学活性。

    Morphologies aluminum alloy electrodes were characterized by scanning electron microscopy . The electrochemical activity of the aluminum alloy electrodes were studied in 3.5 % NaCl solution by using steady-state polarization curves .

  27. 为了寻找碱性溶液中锌电极的代汞缓蚀剂,应用腐蚀实验、极化曲线及循环伏安等方法,研究了Pb、Cd、In、Hg和Bi等金属对锌电极电化学行为的影响。

    The effects of various metals on hydrogen overpotential , polorization , passivation potential and cyclic voltammograms of zinc electrodes were studied by corrosion experiments , polarization curves , and cyclic voltammetry .

  28. 结合极化曲线,微分电容曲线测试和AFM力曲线技术研究了直链十二胺对氯化钠溶液中铜镍合金的缓蚀行为以及吸附机理。

    Polarization curves , differential capacitance curves and AFM force curves were measured to investigate the inhibition and adsorption behaviors of dodecylamine on Cu-Ni alloy in NaCl solutions .

  29. 腐蚀失重、极化曲线及电化学交流阻抗(EIS)试验结果表明优化配方磷化膜、复配配方磷化膜具有良好的耐腐蚀性能。

    The experiments of corrosion weight-loss , polarization curves and EIS showed that the phosphate conversion films in optimized and compounded formula have well corrosion resistance .

  30. 利用动电位极化曲线和电化A学阻抗(EIS)测试手段,研究了碳钢表面两种不同的硅烷膜在模拟海水中的电化学行为。

    The corrosion behaviour of the two silane films in the artificial simulated seawater was evaluated by potential dynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ) .