
  • 网络Chapter Fifteen;Chapter XV
  1. 第十五章:可能的自我和可能的现实系统。

    Chapter Fifteen : Probable Selves and Probable Systems of Reality .

  2. 第十五章特别程序

    CHAPTER XV Special Procedure

  3. 如果那样的话,第十五章中的琐碎的定理(a)和(b),还有象棋问题,就和欧几里德和毕得哥拉斯的定理具有同样的“抽象”和“普遍性”。

    Thus the'trivial'theorems ( a ) and ( b ) of § 15 are just as'abstract'or'general'as those of Euclid and Pythagoras , and so is a chess problem .

  4. 第十五章WIA建筑能耗测量与优化运行系统

    Chapter 15 : WIA Building Energy Consumption Measurement & Optimization System

  5. 故事情节在第十五章有了出乎意料的转折。

    The story has a strange twist in chapter 15 .

  6. 第十五章特别程序第一节一般规定

    Chapter XV Special Procedure Section 1 General Provisions

  7. 第十五章海丝特和珠儿

    Chapter 15 Hester and Pearl

  8. 第十五章争议的解决

    Chapter XV dispute resolution

  9. 老子在《道德经》第十五章中提出蔽的概念。

    Lao Tzu raised the concept of " covering " in chapter 15 of The Tao Te Ching .

  10. 根据第十五章的规定,理事会可以签订关于本组织与其他组织的关系的协议或安排。

    The Council may enter into agreements or arrangements covering the relationship of the Organization with other organizations , as provided for in Part XV .

  11. 我国于《物权法(草案)》第十五章中以专章12个条文的形式将其确立,后又于草案第五次审议稿中将其悉数删去。

    In China , Habitatio has been established in the Real Law ( Draft ) in the 15th Chapter , the chapter with special 12 clauses and then has been canceled in the 5th deliberation for the Draft .