
  1. 他的民众支持率连续第二月大幅度下降。

    His popularity has fallen sharply for a second successive month .

  2. 站务员:坐电扶梯下去到第二月台。列车五分钟后会到站。

    Attendant : Take the escalator down to platform two . The train will arrive in five minutes .

  3. 另外一份政府报告显示,美国的制造业活动连续第二月出现下降,对那些可以使用3年以上产品的订单下跌了1.7%,对制造设备的需求下跌了13%以上,是有记录以来的最大跌幅。

    A separate government report showed a second straight month of declining U.S. manufacturing activity as orders for items intended to last more than three years dropped 1.7 percent . Demand for manufacturing equipment fell more than 13 percent , the largest drop on record .

  4. 对大骨节病区粮喂养动物大白鼠的红细胞磷脂构成进行了动态观察,除第二月病区粮组与正常对照组存在差异外,其余各月份两组的变化趋势基本上相一致。

    The changes of phospholipid composition in erythrocyte membranes of animals fed on diet from Kaschin-Beck disease areas was observed , differences were found between the diseased and the control groups in the second month whereas changing of the two groups tended to the same in the other months .

  5. 所罗门作王第四年二月初二日开工建造。

    He began to build in the second month of the fourth year of his reign .

  6. 第二年二月二十日,云彩从法柜的帐幕收上去。

    On the twentieth day of the second month of the second year , the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle of the testimony .

  7. 以色列人出埃及国后第二年二月一日,上主在西乃旷野于会幕内训示梅瑟说。

    And the Lord spoke to Moses in the desert of Sinai in the tabernacle of the covenant , the first day of the second month , the second year of their going out of Egypt , saying .

  8. 从十二月到第二年的二月,罗马天气变得寒冷,但是这里的天气很少变得灰暗。

    From December to February there is briskly cold weather , although it 's rarely grey and gloomy .

  9. 两组疗程均为半年,第一月每周复诊一次,第二月每二周复诊一次,以后每月复诊一次。

    Were treated for six months , the first month follow-up visits once a week , the second month follow-up visits every two weeks , a month after the first referral . 4 .