
  • 网络weight bearing exercise;weight-bearing exercise;weight training;weight-bearing exerise
  1. 当你用你的肌肉做些有难度的活动时,不论是有氧运动还是负重运动,都会让你的身体建立新的肌肉组织。

    When you use your muscles beyond what they can handle , either through aerobic exercise or weight bearing exercise , it causes your body to build new muscle tissue .

  2. 肌肉当你用你的肌肉做些有难度的活动时,不论是有氧运动还是负重运动,都会让你的身体建立新的肌肉组织。

    Muscles When you use your muscles beyond what they can handle , either through aerobic exercise or weight bearing exercise , it causes your body to build new muscle tissue .

  3. 同一负荷(负重运动组、一次性力竭运动组),不同年龄运动组小鼠淋巴细胞、T细胞、B细胞凋亡的发生率,均随年龄增加明显增加。

    In different aging andin same exercise loading group ( heavy load exercise group and one bout exhaust exercise group ), the ratio of immune cells ( T cells and B cells ) apoptosis of are significantly increased with age advancing .

  4. 结论:DF患者可进行非负重运动,运动对DF有益,运动对血ET和NO影响可能是其机制之一。

    Conclusion : Patients with Diabetic foot could take non_weigh exercise , which has benefits for Diabetic foot ulcer , Effects of exercise on serum ET and NO may be one of its mechanisms .

  5. 但是即使是低负重运动如散步,轻负重跑步都没有显示有这项效果。

    Yet even weight-bearing activities like walking , running or lifting weights has not been shown to have that effect .

  6. 手球、垒球、排球、网球和篮球之类负重运动,可使人在年纪增长时保持骨骼强壮。

    Weight-bearing exercises such as handball , softball , volleyball , tennis and basketball keep bones strong into older age .

  7. 每天散步、进行负重运动或抗阻力训练可以帮助你远离骨质疏松。

    Daily walking will help you make strides against osteoporosis , as well as both weight-bearing exercises and resistance training .

  8. 负重运动(例如走路)能防止年老时患上骨质疏松。

    Carries a heavy load the movement ( for example to walk ) can prevent old when suffers from the osteoporosis .

  9. 负重运动能够使骨骼强壮,在老年时期就不会为人体自身机制所折磨。

    Weight-bearing exercise helps keep bones strong and less likely to fall prey to the body 's own mechanisms in later age .

  10. 负重运动包括举重训练、竞走、爬山、慢跑、爬楼梯、打网球、和跳舞等。

    Some examples of weight-bearing exercises include weight training , walking , hiking , jogging , climbing stairs , tennis , and dancing .

  11. 两组均执行相同的药物治疗,治疗组在此基础上采用磁疗与光疗及有氧运动、负重运动等。

    All the patients received the same drug treatment , and besides , magnetotherapy and light therapy , aerobic exercise and load exercise were used in the treatment group .

  12. 坚持健康的饮食习惯,摄入足够的钙和维生素D,并定期做负重运动,可以帮助减缓身高的下降,当然本身具备强劲的基因也是有用的。

    Sticking to a healthy diet , with adequate calcium and vitamin D , and doing regular weight-bearing exercise can help stave it off , although having strong genes also helps .

  13. 按照奈茨布里奇Eqvvs健身培训班的创办者、也是许多明星的私人教练的尼古拉·艾迪生的说法,摆脱肚腩的秘诀在于做负重运动、做平板支撑以及注意饮食。

    According to celebrity personal trainer Nicola Addison , owner of Eqvvs Training in Knightsbridge , the secret to getting rid of a tummy lies in weights , planks and even the kitchen .

  14. 采用SD大鼠进行一次急性负重游泳运动,观察运动对大鼠血浆白细胞介素的影响。

    Effects of exercise on plasma interleukin of rats were observed by making the SD rats to have an acute swimming with a load .

  15. B组小鼠进行七周无负重游泳运动,第一周游泳30min/d,以后每周递加10min,至第七周游泳90min/d。

    PT group had swimming training without load for 7 weeks : swam 30 minutes every day in the first week , progressively increased for 10 minutes every week afterwards , swam 90 minutes every day by the seventh week .

  16. T组每日进行90分钟的无负重游泳运动,每周6次,持续8周。

    T group daily 90-minute swim without load movement , the 6th week , eight weeks .

  17. 低钙摄入(<500mg/d)、非负重户外运动时间减少和长期吸烟可使骨折发生的相对危险性增高;

    Dietary calcium intake ( < 500mg / d ), decreased no-load-bearing activity and cigarette smoking could increase the rate of fracture occurrence ;

  18. 游泳运动实验共6周,包括适应性游泳训练2周,负重游泳运动实验4周。

    The time of swimming experiment was 6 weeks , including 2 weeks for adaptable swimming exercise and 4 weeks for burden swimming exercise .

  19. 对骨骼最有益的运动是负重类型的运动,它能强迫你对抗重力。

    The best exercise for your bones is the weight-bearing kind , which forces you to work against gravity .

  20. 踝关节是人体负重、行走、运动和接受震荡的主要关节。

    Ankle is a major joint in supporting weight , walking , moving and accepting impact .

  21. 运用追踪测试的方法考察了负重训练对运动员运动能力的影响。

    The influence of weight training on the athletes ' physical performances was investigated by a series of tracing tests .

  22. 采用小鼠游泳试验测定了海洋星虫提取物对小鼠负重游泳时间,运动后小鼠血乳酸消除及血清尿素氮含量的影响。

    Through mouse swimming tests , the removing speed of lactate , the product of urea nitrogen and the swim time were detected after the use of Sipunculidae preparation nutrition .

  23. 然后进行4周负重5%体重游泳运动,每周训练6天,每天训练1次,水温(32±1)℃。

    During the next four weeks , rats will carry on5 % - weight-bearing swimming and be trained for six days in a week and once per day , with the water temperature of ( 32 ± 1 )℃ .

  24. 但是如果在非负重情况下作大运动量的锻炼,你的腿就会变结实变瘦。

    If you have a lot of heavy weights , yes , maybe it will build up your muscle . But if you do it with no weight , with lots of reps , again , your legs will become toned and thinner .

  25. 在做深蹲练习时最好不负重,不过如果你想保持形体,加些负重会增加运动强度。

    It 's not necessary to use weights when doing a squat , but if you keep good form , adding weight will intensify the move .