
  1. 对负反馈电路判断的探讨

    Exploration of Judgment about Negative Feedback Circuit

  2. 负反馈类型判断及反馈电路参数的含义和量纲分析

    Judgement of Categories of Negative Feedback and Analysis of Meaning and Dimension of Negative Feedback Parameters

  3. 但是,如果初始的专利保护已经很强,则继续增强专利保护对社会福利的影响可正可负,其判断依赖于更多的具体因素。

    However , in a strong patent system , its welfare effect may be positive or negative , which depends on more factors .

  4. 但我不确定,在这个问题上,你对正外部性或负外部性的判断是否正确。

    But I am not sure you have correctly identified the positive and negative externalities here .

  5. 本文就电子技术中反馈电路的正、负反馈性质,负反馈类型的判断方法和负反馈电路稳定输出效果、特定频率反馈信号的反馈原理作了较为深入分析。

    This thesis analyze profoundly on negative and positive feedback circuit in electronics , negative feedback features , negative feedback judging method , feedback circuit output result , and particular frequency feedback principle of feedback signal .