
  • 网络Texture Analysis;textureanalysis
  1. 基于统计特性的SAR图像纹理分析方法

    Texture analysis method of SAR images based on statistical character

  2. 基于多尺度纹理分析的SAR图像地物分类

    Terrain Classification Based on Multi_scale Texture Analysis Using SAR Image

  3. 利用纹理分析方法提取CBERS02星CCD图像土地覆盖信息

    Extracting Land Cover Information From CBERS-2 's CCD Image Using Texture Analysis

  4. 基于BP神经网络与纹理分析优化的雾检测

    Optimized fog detection and classification technique based on BP artificial neural network and texture analysis

  5. 纹理分析方法在TM图像信息提取中的应用

    The Application of Texture Analysis in TM Image Information Extraction

  6. 运用螺旋CT的对离体猪肺进行平扫,并应用连续观察、三维重建等技术对其动、静脉性纹理分析,以评估CT能否区分正常离体猪肺动脉性纹理和静脉性纹理。

    To differentiate the arteries from veins of the isolated lung of pig with spiral CT , 3-D reconstruction techniques of CT .

  7. 运用Gabor变换进行纹理分析是比较成功的方法。

    Using Gabor transformation to analyze picture is a successful method .

  8. 基于Gabor小波滤波器的遥感图像多频道纹理分析

    Remote-sensing Image Multichannel Textural Analysis Based on 2-D Gabor Filters

  9. 根据空间灰度共现矩阵纹理分析原理,制作卫星红外云图纹理分析法系统。心排血量(CO);

    Based on the textural analytic theory of gray scale co-occurrence matrix , the geosynchronous satellite IR image analytic system was made .

  10. 应用纹理分析的DCT图象编码

    Adaptive DCT Image Coding Using Texture Analysis

  11. 然而与Gabor滤波相比,LOGGABOR滤波器具有更好的纹理分析特性。

    However , compared with Gabor filters , Log Gabor filters is more capable of texture analysis .

  12. 基于小波包分解和HMM模型的纹理分析

    Texture analysis based on WPD and HMM

  13. 二维EMD的纹理分析及图像瞬时频率估计

    Bidimensional EMD for Texture Analysis and Estimation of the Instantaneous Frequencies of an Image

  14. 新算法克服了DCT纹理分析法和连接组件法各自的缺点。

    This new method overcomes the drawbacks of the DCT texture analysis method and the connected component method .

  15. 基于自适应LBP算法的纹理分析

    Texture analysis based on adaptive LBP

  16. Hadamard变换图象纹理分析方法

    Hadamard Transform Image Texture Analysis Method

  17. fBm纹理分析模型及其在岩性识别中的应用

    FBm Texture Analysis Model and its Application in Rock Recognition

  18. 采用多分辨率通道能量模型进行纹理分析,依据Gabor滤波器理论提取具有不同方向和尺度的纹理特征。

    Employ multi-resolution channel-energy model for texture analysis , and use gabor filters to extract texture features which have different orientations and scales .

  19. 一种新的基于Wold分解的纹理分析方法

    A new method of texture analysis based on wold decomposition

  20. 许多文献提出了很多不同的纹理分析方法,其中Gabor变换纹理分析方法是近年来应用研究比较广泛的一种纹理分析提取方法。

    Many articles propose many analytical methods based on texture analysis , Gabor algorithm is a more widely used methods based on texture analysis in recent years .

  21. 本文主要通过介绍Gabor变换纹理分析方法的应用和发展,提出了针对超声图像的Gabor滤波器组提取纹理的改进方法。

    This paper introduced the application and development of texture analysis based on Gabor algorithm , and improved this method to extract the texture characteristics of ultrasonic images .

  22. 通过纹理分析,利用灰度共生矩阵惯性矩特征值能够反映图像灰度空间复杂度的特性,成功获取了LOG边缘检测算子最佳空间系数,抑制了图像中的大部分噪声。

    Characteristic number of inertia moment of gray level co-occurrence matrix can reflect the feature of complexity of image gray space . Optimum space coefficient of LOG operator can be ac-quired effectively and most noise of images can be removed .

  23. 实验结果表明,EMD应用于虹膜纹理分析中有着不俗的表现,本文相关算法能有效应用到实际需求中。

    The experimental results show that EMD used in the iris texture analysis has a good performance . And the algorithm proposed can be effectively applied to practical demands .

  24. 在RGB颜色空间下,提取原棉图像中每个像素的R、G、B分量,采用统计纹理分析方法,计算R、G、B分量的纹理强度信息作为特征值。

    In RGB color space , R , G and B values of each pixel in cotton image are extracted and used to calculate texture intensity values about R , G and B as eigenvalues based on analysis method of statistical texture .

  25. 在分析汉字字体特征的基础上,介绍了利用Gabor滤波器,通过纹理分析提取全局特征进行汉字字体识别的方法。

    In this paper , a recognizing method for Chinese character fonts is introduced on the basis of the analysis of font features . It is a global texture analysis based approach using Gabor filters .

  26. 应用分数布朗运动场模型对切削工件的表面图像进行纹理分析,提取纹理特征后,根据分形维数D和图像上对数功率谱的拟合曲线的平均斜率k来判断刀具的磨损状态。

    The image texture of turning workpieces was analyzed using fractional Brown movement model . After abstracting the texture character , the cutting tool 's abrasion state can be determined according to fractal dimension D and average slope of the fitting curve of the logarithm power spectrum .

  27. 空间域纹理分析方法方面,分析了对应于人眼视觉感受的Tamura纹理特征,将游程长度纹理分析算法改进为游程累加的纹理检索算法;

    Texture-based image retrieval algorithms in spatial domain : perceptual-based Tamura texture feature is analyzed ; Run-length texture analyzing algorithm is improved ;

  28. 再次,提出了一种基于Radon变换和时频分析的建筑物窗户纹理分析描述方法,并用其验证了垂直边缘的准确位置和确定了局部墙面的水平方向;

    Then , based on the Radon transform and the time-frequency analysis , an algorithm for analyzing and describing of window textures was brought forward to verify the exact locations of vertical lines and to calculate local horizontal orientations of walls .

  29. 本文旨在研究运用小波域的特征提取方法来解决纹理分析技术中部分关键问题,并期望实现挠性印刷电路板(FPC)金面纹理缺陷的高效率自动检测。

    This dissertation mainly studies applying some features of wavelet domain to solve the part key problem of the current texture analysis techniques with expectation of implementing efficient defect detection for FPC gold surface .

  30. 研究表明2D-Gabor滤波器能有效地应用于边缘检测、纹理分析、图象编码及增强等场合。

    Researches have been done to expose the efficiency of 2D Gabor filtering in edge detection , texture analysis , image coding and restoration , and motion measurement .