
  • 网络emotional thinking;perceptual thinking;affective thinking
  1. 它将抽象思维从感性思维里分离和独立出来,否定了古希腊自然哲学的直观性;

    Abstract thinking had been separated from emotional thinking and independent .

  2. 而本文则侧重于强调这些感性思维能力在企业知识创新能力上的贡献。

    The paper focuses on the emotional thinking skills in the contribution to enterprise knowledge innovation .

  3. 论唐代外来文化激活感性思维

    On Perceptual Thinking Activated by External Cultures in Tang Dynasty

  4. 正因为如此,山水诗表现出强烈的神话色彩和感性思维特征;

    So the nature poetry shows intensively mythology feature and perceptual thinking characteristic ;

  5. 感性思维、理性思维与增词减词、长句翻译技巧教学;

    The perceptual and the rational thought patterns and the translation of long sentences ;

  6. 它入不了精英文化之列,经不起理性的推敲,只能用非理性的感性思维去体会。

    It cannot enter into the elite culture , and cannot withstand rational scrutiny , only can experience by non-rational thinking .

  7. 中国神话在其“轴心时代”,先民凭借原始的感性思维创造了无数著名神话,流传至今。

    In the " axis age " of Chinese mythology , primitive ancestors created many well-known myths which have survived till now .

  8. 这种以数字科技和现代传媒为基础,将人的感性思维与理性思维融为一体的新艺术形式,在诞生之始就展示出非同寻常的文化魅力和艺术张力。

    This new art form based on the digital technology and modern media united the human perceptual integration of thinking and rational thinking .

  9. 联想意义潜伏在语义的底层,是审美认知中感性思维的载体。她有独特的审美感。

    Associative meaning lies on the bottom layer and it conveys intuitive and aesthetic meaning . She has a special eye for beauty .

  10. 经过研究,我认为数码图像艺术是建立在艺术感性思维基础之上的科学设计,它要求数码图像艺术创作者将直觉经验与科学设计相结合;

    Through my studying , I come to conclude that Digital Images is a kind of scientific design based on perceptual thoughts of art .

  11. 艺术创作是一个非常严肃的过程,是艺术家感性思维与理性思维所构建起的精神产物。

    Art is a very serious process , is the artist of the emotional build thinking and rational thinking from the spirit of the product .

  12. 创作材料的选取与技法的运用,即将感性思维提升到了理性思维层面,也使感性思维得到了补充。

    The selection of materials and techniques created the use of emotional thinking about upgrading to the level of rational thinking , emotional thinking also been added .

  13. 但是仿生设计是一种比较感性思维的设计方法,在语义的认知方面具有一定的模糊性和多义性。

    Bionic design is a perceptual design method from the emotional design combined with cognitive psychology theory . It has a certain vagueness and ambiguity in cognitive semantics .

  14. 基于潜在语义索引及层次聚类特征空间重构方法与应用研究联想意义潜伏在语义的底层,是审美认知中感性思维的载体。

    Latent Semantic Index and Hierarchical Clustering Based Feature Space Reconstruction Method and Application Research Associative meaning lies on the bottom layer and it conveys intuitive and aesthetic meaning .

  15. 从英汉词序差异看长句翻译感性思维、理性思维与增词减词、长句翻译技巧教学;

    On Translation of Long Sentence in the Light of Word Order Difference Between English and Chinese the perceptual and the rational thought patterns and the translation of long sentences ;

  16. 当感觉表象被感性思维加工成与客观事物对应的知觉表象(感性经验)时,与感觉表象对应的符号就联结成自然符号结构,并与客观事物建立了对应关系。

    When feeling representation constitute perceptual representation ( perceptual experience ) by perceptual thinking process , the sign with sensory representation correspondingly coupling into natural symbol structure and Establish corresponding relation with objective things .

  17. 以往,在企业知识创新活动中,更多强调的是理性逻辑思维能力,而忽视直觉、灵感等感性思维对知识创造过程的影响力。

    In the past , at knowledge innovation activities in the enterprise , emphasis on rational logical thinking , but neglect of intuition , inspiration and so emotional thinking on the impact of knowledge creation process .

  18. 工业设计是一门理性与感性思维结合的学科,感性更多体现在思维的想象,形态的考究上,理性则体现在科学的结构功能上。

    Industrial design is a subject combining rational and emotional thinking ; the emotional side is reflected more in imagination and study on forms , while the rational side is reflected in the structure and function of science .

  19. 从而重新思考现代景观设计中技术与艺术的关系,理性思维和感性思维的关系,理性设计途径和感性设计途径的关系。

    In addition , the author focuses on various relationships in the field of modern landscape architecture , including the relationship between art and technology , rational thinking and sensible thinking , rational design approach and sensible design approach .

  20. 在色彩教学过程中明晰理性思维和感性思维的存在,既可以保证训练方式、训练内容的目的性、方向性;同时又避免了课程的重复、虚设。

    In the course of the color teaching , the emphases on the common exist of reason and emotion on the one hand can guarantee the aims and directions of the training methods and content , on the other hand can avoid the unnecessary course .

  21. 产品可用性研究具有较强的理论意义,能够形成一种规律,建立科学的模型,为不可名状的感性设计思维提供理性的支持,我们的工作始终是为设计服务的。

    But , we also believe usability research could be a rational theory supporting emotional design .

  22. 感性的思维方式。

    And perceptual thinking way .

  23. 形象思维是一种较为感性的思维活动,具有与其他思维方式极为不同的特征。

    Image thinking is comparatively a perceptual activity , which has quite different features from other thinking modes .

  24. 公诉人需要严谨的逻辑思维来推理案件,而诗人是用感性的思维和语言来表达对生活的感知。

    Prosecutor needs rigorous logic reasoning cases , and come with perceptual poet is thinking and language to express the life of perception .

  25. 人类认识世界进程的三个阶段即感性具体思维抽象思维具体。

    This paper deals with the three stages of humans ' recognition of the world : perceptual concreteness , thinking abstraction and thinking concreteness .

  26. 在外部环境的既有特点与限定条件的制约下,建筑设计将成为一个由外到内的、从理性到感性的思维过程。

    Under the constraints of the external environment has both characteristics and restrictive conditions , the architectural design will be the thinking process of " from the outside to the inside " and from rational to emotional .

  27. 英语的临摹更注重抽象性,而汉语则具有临摹现实感性经验的思维特点。

    Iconicity in English lies stress on abstract . Chinese possesses a thinking feature of imitating reality experience .

  28. 提出作为一个设计师应具备两方面的素质能力&感性的形象思维和理性的逻辑思维。

    Proposed as a designer should have both the quality and ability-the image of emotional and rational thinking , logical thinking .

  29. 主体与对象的关系包括实践关系、感性关系和思维关系三个层次,其中实践关系是感性关系和思维关系的基础。

    The relation between subject and object Included relation of practice , relation of perceptual and relation of thinking as three level respectively . The former was the foundation .

  30. 东方思维方式倾向于概括性、直观性、感性;而西方思维方式倾向于归纳性、分析性、理性。

    The oriental ideology has the property of comprehensive , direct and conceptual while the western is summarizing analyzing and rational .