
ɡǎn jué yù
  • sensory threshold
  1. 胃感觉阈与胃液体半排空时间的相关分析表明,胃感觉阈越低,排空延迟越明显(P<0.05)。

    The relevance analysis of gastric sensory threshold and the time of 50 % gastric liquid emptying showed that the lower the sensory threshold in patients , the longer the delay of gastric emptying .

  2. 目的:检测功能性消化不良(FD)患者的胃液体排空和胃感觉阈,以了解两者之间的联系。

    Background / Aims : To study the relationship between gastric liquid emptying and gastric sensory threshold in patients with functional dyspepsia ( FD ) .

  3. 躯体感觉阈(SPT),痛觉阈(PPT)及DST阳性率亦显著低于B组;

    Significant differences were also found in the somatosensory perception threshold ( SPT ), pani perception threshold ( PPT ) and the rate of DST positive reactions between the two groups ;

  4. 结果:急性疼痛病人的感觉阈和痛阈均低于正常人(均P0.01),明显低于慢性疼痛病人(均P0.01)。

    Results : The sensory and pain thresholds of the patients with acute pain were lower than ones of the health persons , much lower than ones of the patients with chronic pain ( both P 0.01 ) .

  5. 方法比较30例功能性消化不良(functionaldyspepsiaFD)患者与正常对照组及消化性溃疡(pepticulcerPU)病人的躯体感觉阈(SPT),痛觉阈(PPT),及相对痛觉阈(RPPT)。

    Methods To compare somatosensory Perception threshold ( SPT ), Pain Perception threshold ( PPT ) and the relative Pain Perception threshold ( RPPT ) of 30 Patients with functional dyspepsia ( FD ), with those of normal subjects and peptic ulcer ( PU ) patients .

  6. 急慢性疼痛病人电针感觉阈和痛阈的调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of sensory and pain thresholds of patients with acute and chronic pain

  7. 电流强度为感觉阈上,刺激时间为20分钟。

    Current perception was above the Sensory Thresholds , and the time of stimulation was 20 minutes .

  8. 结论生物反馈治疗可明显提高肛门括约肌收缩力,降低直肠感觉阈,促进协调性恢复,可作为肌源大便失禁选择性的治疗方法。

    Conclusions Biofeedback therapy increases contractility of sphincter , decreases threshold of rectal sensory , and is a therapy of choice for myogenic fecal incontinence .

  9. 目的:了解正常人和病人的电针感觉阈和痛阈的情况,以便正确使用电针参数医治病人。

    Objective To investigate sensory and pain thresholds of electroacupuncture in the healthy persons and patients in order to use correctly electroacupuncture parameters in treatment .

  10. 目的研究老年慢性特发性便秘患者肛门直肠动力学及感觉阈的变化,探讨老年便秘的特点及治疗方法。

    Objective To explore the characters and the treatment in the old patients with constipation by studying their anus and rectum motivity and sensory threshold value .

  11. 呼吸阻力感觉的辨别阈梯级&一种辨别阈量表

    The difference threshold steps of respiratory resistive - load - sensation - a discriminability scale