
  • 网络induction heating furnace
  1. 热轧无缝钢管生产中直通式电磁感应加热炉的工艺设计及应用低温辐射加热炉

    Technological Design and Application of Continuous Passing Electromagnetic Induction Heating Furnace for Hot-rolled Seamless Steel Tube Production Radiant heating furnace under the circumscription of low temperature

  2. 本文介绍曲轴连杆厂采用中频感应加热炉对锻件进行锻前加热,有诸多的优点:如效率高,生产准备时间缩短,工作环境得到改善,锻件的表面和内在的质量提高了,节能显著等。

    It has many advantages for the crankshaft link works to heat workpieces by medium frequency induction heating furnace before forging , such as high efficiency , short operating preparation time , good working circumstance , and high quality of workpieces as well as obvious energy-saving .

  3. 用MATLAB对中频感应加热炉数学模型进行仿真实验。

    The medium frequence heating furnace mathematical model is simulated by Matlab .

  4. 感应加热炉导电管的截面设计

    A Cross Section Design of Electric Conduction Pipe of Induction Furnaces

  5. 稀有金属感应加热炉微机群控系统

    Computer Group Control System of induction Heating Furnace for Rare Metals

  6. 锻造用装配式感应加热炉的设计及应用

    The Design and Application of the Assembling Induction Forging Furnace

  7. 无缝钢管中频电磁感应加热炉的控制系统设计

    Control System Design of Mid-Frequency Magnetic-Influence Heating Stove in Seamless Steel-Pipe Heating Processing

  8. 真空中频感应加热炉感应器的补偿设计

    Inductance compensation design for medium frequency induction heated furnace

  9. 应用中频感应加热炉工件质量好,节约资金。

    Using this method , the piece quality is good and can get good benefit .

  10. 感应加热炉的研制

    Development of induction-heated furnace

  11. 阐述了一种新型钟罩式多炉膛感应加热炉的结构和工作原理,介绍了它在金属零件热处理中的应用。

    The structure and operating principle for two kinds of new type removable bell type induction heating furnace have been described .

  12. 经实际应用验证:温度监控系统可以通过图标切换、指针摆动和数据指示等形式定性、定量地反映中频感应加热炉的系统参数和温度参数。

    The temperature monitoring system will display the system parameter and temperature parameter by switching symbols and swinging points in the form of states conversion or numeral indication .

  13. 着重介绍了中频感应加热炉的组成及技术要求、应用优点,指出了中频感应加热技术是广泛应用于工业生产的一种加热手段。

    This paper introduces the composition and technology require of medium_frequency induction heart furnace , application value , points out this technology is a method extensive using in industry working .

  14. 利用高频感应加热炉,通过改变钎焊温度、钎焊时间和冷却速度,研究了白口铸铁的组织和性能变化规律。

    Using a high frequency induction furnace , the effects of brazing temperature ( T ), brazing time ( t ) and cooling speed ( v ) on microstructure and property of white cast iron have been studied .

  15. 结合应用实例提出了直通式电磁感应加热炉的工艺设计要点及系统自动控制的组成,并针对其应用中可能存在的问题提出了解决办法。

    Based on application examples , the technological design tips and the configuration of the system automatic control of the continuous passing electromagnetic heating furnace are elaborated , and solutions for expected problems relating to application of the furnace are proposed .

  16. 进入精整的钢材温度对于薄规格轧制来说是一个很重要的指数,因此必须提高连铸机、感应加热炉和保温炉卷取站的操作技术以得到准确的精整温度。

    Finishing mill entry temperature ( FET ) is essential index for stable thinner gauge rolling , therefore , operating technology for securing FET should be done from continuous caster , inductive heater and coiling station in holding furnace as well .

  17. 感应加热钢包炉的电磁与结构分析

    The analysis of electromagnetic and structural characteristics of the Induction Ladle Furnace

  18. 感应加热钢包炉技术性能的分析

    Technological Analysis of Induction Heating Ladle Furnace

  19. 现阶段的加热电源大多用于工业,在民用方面,现在普遍使用的感应加热电源有电磁炉。

    Currently , heating power supply is used mostly in industry . In civil aspects , the induction cooker is the common induction heating .

  20. 介绍感应加热原理、特点、炉体结构,对感应加热炉的制造工艺作了详细地分析。

    The article introduces principle and features of induction heating and structure of furnace particularly analyzes manufacturing engineering of induction_heated furnace .

  21. 烟雾/高热自动感应系统高中低周波感应加热炉

    Automatic smoke / heat detection system high , medium , low frequency induction heater