
  • 网络sensory discrimination;sense discrimination
  1. 本研究运用感觉辨别力和元素权重为实验指标,在各元素可靠性不相同的情况下,研究不同提示方式,元素空间设置对被试决策绩效的影响。

    This study was conducted to research the effects of cue way , element spatial arrangement on making-decision-performance in the multielement visual display , while the reliability of every element was different .

  2. 呼吸阻力感觉的辨别阈梯级&一种辨别阈量表

    The difference threshold steps of respiratory resistive - load - sensation - a discriminability scale

  3. 在美与狂热流行游戏中闯荡使得我会用心去观察,感觉和辨别。

    Plays beautiful , impassioned fashion game as gifted to see , feel and sense with intuition .

  4. 所以这真的是我提到的老生常谈的问题,你碰到了生活中的大难题,这需要用你自己的感觉来辨别进行决策。

    So it 's really that problem I 've mentioned before on one that you run up against all the time in life , is identifying your own feelings to make decisions .

  5. 在美与狂热流行游戏中闯荡使得我会用心去观察,感觉和辨别。她回想起她早年冒险闯荡芝加哥的日子,想起汉生夫妇和他们的那套房子,她心里很是反感。

    Plays beautiful , impassioned fashion game as gifted to see , feel and sense with intuition . Her mind went back to her early venture in Chicago , the Hansons and their flat , and her heart revolted .

  6. 他们是凭借物体的阴影、颜色和模糊程度以及对类似物体触摸得到的经验感觉来辨别物体的外形、大小,与正常人的立体视觉有本质上区别。

    They are the shadow that depends on an object , color and ambiguous degree and the experience feelings that get to analogue body feeling will discern the appearance of the object , size , have with the stereo vision of normal person distinguish substantially .

  7. 人类小脑参与躯体感觉获得及辨别的fMRI研究

    The fMRI Study on the Human Cerebellum Involving Somatosensory Acquisition and Discrimination

  8. 目的:运用功能磁共振(fMRI)方法研究人类小脑参与躯体感觉获得及辨别过程,从整体水平揭示各相关脑区之间的联系,并探讨其神经解剖学机理。

    Objective : To study the human cerebellum involving somatosensory acquisition and discrimination processing with functional magnetic image ( fMRI ), to reveal the integrative links of the brain regions , and to investigate the neuro-anatomical mechanism .

  9. 利用查询法、目测法、声响检听法、触摸感觉法、气味辨别法可以迅速的查出故障点,简化修理程序,缩短修理时间。

    The fault points were found , the repair was simplified and the repair cycle was shortened by check , eyeballing , audition , feeling and odor .

  10. 获随访6~26个月,手指指腹饱满,色泽正常,感觉恢复,两点辨别觉为5~8mm,均无功能障碍。

    Results Follow-up was conducted for 6 to 26 months and it showed that the cross-finger flaps all survived with full digital fingertip , satisfactory appearance , good function , and normal sense . The discrimination of two points was 5-8 mm .