
  • 【船】heat fire detector
  1. Raman散射线型光纤感温火灾探测器的优化设计

    The optimization design of Raman scattering line-type optical fiber temperature detector

  2. 感温火灾探测器预警时间的传热分析

    Analysis of Heat Transfer during the Response Time of Temperature Sensor Fire Detector

  3. 感温火灾探测器响应时间下限值

    Lower limit of response time of heat detector

  4. 高温条件下木材升温时间的理论计算和实测感温火灾探测器响应时间下限值

    Theoretical Prediction of Heat Transfer in Wood and Experimental Verification lower limit of response time of heat detector

  5. 分析了感温火灾探测器的传热机理,建立了考虑辐射传热影响的数学模型,并经数值积分获得了求解预警时间的一种新算法。

    This paper analyzes the heat transfer principle of temperature sensor fire detector , establishes mathematical model of heat transfer with considering the effect of radiation heat transfer and presents a new calculation method for the response time .

  6. 线型感温电缆火灾探测器研制

    The Fire Detector of the Line Type of Temperature Sensing Cable Development

  7. 火灾探测器包括:感烟火灾探测器、感温火灾探测器和火焰探测器等。

    The fire detectors comprises smoke fire detectors , heat fire detectors , and flame detectors .