
  1. 我学过如何确认不同的学习路径,是声音的,视觉的还是肌肉运动知觉的,可是我没有学过任何感统方面的东西。

    I had learned how to identify the various pathways of learning whether auditory , visual or kinesthetic , but I didn 't learn anything about sensory integration .

  2. 作者在简要阐述古代山水画中图像构架与笔墨审美间的重心转移过程后,阐明了自己的观点:即便是在文化感统辖更加严密的古代绘画中,图像构架也是作品打动观者的第一要素。

    After a brief depiction of focus shifts between Image structure and Pen & Ink in ancient landscape paintings , the author clarifies his view : even among ancient paintings featured strict cultural limitations , Image structure was still the most influential element to move the viewers .