
  • 网络SENSOR FAUCET;Automatic Faucet;Induction Tap
  1. 我公司是专业研发、生产恒温水龙头和感应水龙头的厂家。

    Our company is professional development , production and temperature sensor faucets faucet manufacturers .

  2. 该校耗资3200万英镑兴建的新图书馆将于4月1日正式开放。这个图书馆拥有最炫目的厕所&黄色的流线型洗手水槽,自动感应出水水龙头喝大马力的烘手机。

    Its new £ 32m library , due to open on1April , has the most amazing loos , with yellow trough-shaped sinks , automatic taps and efficient dryers .

  3. 包括小便感应冲洗器、大便感应冲洗器、感应水龙头、感应淋浴器等。

    Including the induction washing urine , feces washed sensors , sensor faucets , shower , and other sensors .