
lín yù
  • shower;bath;shower bath;needle bath
淋浴 [lín yù]
  • [shower;bath] 通过细的喷头使水有力地喷淋至人体上的一种水浴

  • 他刮脸和淋浴后,精神顿觉爽快

淋浴[lín yù]
  1. 水很冷,不过我还是冲了个淋浴。

    The water was cold but I took a shower anyway .

  2. 他们向我们开价300英镑安装淋浴设备。

    They quoted us £ 300 for installing a shower unit .

  3. 我休息了一会儿,冲了个淋浴,感到精神焕发。

    I felt reinvigorated after a rest and a shower .

  4. 现在我们有一个功能正常的淋浴器。

    We now have a functioning shower .

  5. 他在淋浴间冲澡。

    He 's in the shower .

  6. 她出去了,留下雷切尔一个人除衣淋浴。

    She went out , leaving Rachel to undress and have her shower

  7. 他走出淋浴间,开始用毛巾把身子擦干。

    He stepped out of the shower and began towelling himself down .

  8. 没时间淋浴换衣服了。

    There wasn 't time to shower or change clothes .

  9. 我想晚餐前洗个淋浴。

    I think I 'll have a shower before dinner

  10. 很多病人更喜欢手握式的淋浴喷头而不是固定在墙上的那种。

    Many patients prefer hand-held shower heads rather than those fixed to the wall

  11. 现在我们当中至少60%的人每天淋浴或洗澡一次。

    At least 60 % of us now bathe or shower once a day .

  12. 在洗澡或淋浴后,用丝瓜络按摩身体。

    After a bath or shower rub down the whole body with a loofah .

  13. 洗淋浴吧,别用浴缸了。

    Take a shower instead of a bath .

  14. 她听见他打开了淋浴喷头。

    She heard him turn on the shower .

  15. 她每天洗两次淋浴。

    She took two showers a day .

  16. 卫生间里装了两个抽水马桶、两个淋浴器、和两个洗脸盆。

    The bathroom is furnished with 2 toilets , 2 showers , and 2 sinks .

  17. 这种淋浴器安装起来很简单。

    The shower is easy to install

  18. 一个特别糟的结果出来后,他将自己关在淋浴间里关了一小时。

    After one particular bad result , he shut himself in the shower room for an hour

  19. 全队都在新建的现代化村会所的宽敞洗浴间享受了热水淋浴。

    The entire team enjoyed hot showers in the spacious surrounds of a new , modern village hall .

  20. 我们几年前安装的淋浴器坏了,但买不起新的来换。

    The shower that we put in a few years back has broken and we cannot afford to replace it .

  21. 我正要去淋浴时他回来了。“想不到吧,”他说。

    He came back in as I was heading up to the shower . ' Surprise , surprise , ' he said .

  22. “西红柿大战”,你想要来一场西红柿淋浴吗?

    A Tomato Fight Do you want a tomato shower ?

  23. 例如,他们给人们提供用水量较少的淋浴头和厕所。

    For example , they give people shower heads and toilets that use less water .

  24. 从2009年起,1500多个电话亭被改造成了花店、小咖啡馆、艺术博物馆甚至淋浴间。

    Since 2009 , more than 1,500 phone booths have been turned into flower shops , mini-cafes , art museums and even shower rooms .

  25. 温水淋浴有助于保持肌肉放松。

    The warm water of the shower helps keep the muscles loose .

  26. 例句我淋浴后总觉得精神焕发。

    I always feel as fresh as a daisy after a shower .

  27. 当厌倦狩猎时,阿尔特弥斯常常在小山泉中淋浴。

    When she was tired with hunting artemis used to take abath in a little mountain spring .

  28. 为什么跳水运动员一出游泳池就马上去淋浴?

    Why do divers immediately hit the shower as soon as they 're out of the pool ?

  29. 然后在周六,拉姆塞进球击败桑德兰的几小时后,惠特妮·休斯顿被发现死在酒店的淋浴间。

    Then on Saturday , just hours after Ramsey hit the back of the net against Sunderland , Whitney Houston was found dead in the hotel bathroom .

  30. 我隔壁摊位的女士说卖沐浴节水器的,当她向一位过路人推销淋浴电器时,她提到了这个节水器每年可省下2.5万加仑的水。

    Next to me was a woman demonstrating a shower saver . As she was telling a passer-by the qualities of the device , she mentioned that it saved 25000 gallons of water a year .