
  • 网络eluent;Elution;leachate
  1. ZIC-A型离子色谱仪中淋洗液的浓度和pH值对分析结果有很大影响,实验证明选择适当的淋洗液浓度和pH值,既可改善分离效果,又能缩短分析时间,提高仪器的灵敏度。

    Concentration and pH value of eluent in ZIC - ⅱ A ionic chromatography impacts heavily on its testing results . Selecting suitable concentration and pH value in eluent could improve separating effect , shorten testing time and enhance the sensitivity of the meter .

  2. 偏碱性的土壤,水更为适合做淋洗液。

    In partial alkaline condition , water is more suitable for eluent .

  3. 电解法回收稀土淋洗液中的铜和EDTA

    Recovery of copper and EDTA from rare & earth washing solution by electrolytic method

  4. 垃圾淋洗液DOM对土壤重金属的平均迁移量随时间的延长而减少。

    The average migration quantity of DOM to the heavy metals in soils decreased as the extension of time .

  5. 在培养期内,两种污泥淋洗液的pH值在前6周均呈上升趋势,以后逐步下降,未消化污泥的上升和下降幅度均高于消化污泥,对照的PH值变化不大。

    The pH of leachate for two sewage sludge were the highest at the sixth week and then dropped after 6 weeks , but no change for control .

  6. 探索反相HPLC分离黄芩甙乙醇溶液辐解产物,特别探讨了酸在淋洗液中的作用,及液塞对分离的影响。

    The separation of radiolysis products of deaerated baicalin ethanolic solution by reverse HPLC was studied , especially , the functions of acid in eluents and the influence of solvent strength on separation were discussed .

  7. 用控制孔玻璃珠(CPG)填充的色谱柱,以水和盐的水溶液为淋洗液,研究了具有聚电解质性质的腐植酸(HA和FA)的体积排阻色谱分级。

    The size exclusion chromatograms of humic acid ( HA ) and fulvic acid ( FA ) were studied by using column packed with controlled-pore glass ( CPG ), and with water or aqueous salt solution as eluents .

  8. 本文以含Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)的溶液为淋洗液,以Fe(Ⅲ)&磺基水杨酸为柱后衍生体系,在国产分离柱上分离了磷酸与植酸。

    In this paper , phosphate and phytate are separated on a YSA-g separator column ( made in China ) by adding Ca ~ ( 2 + ), Mg ~ ( 2 + ) to the eluent and using Fe (ⅲ) - Ssal as . post-column derivatization system .

  9. 模拟森林凋落物淋洗液中的草酸/草酸盐浓度范围,设计了不同浓度草酸/草酸盐溶液一次性浸提和多次连续浸提系列实验,其中的草酸(阴离子)载荷量为0~200mmolkg-1。

    By simulating oxalic acid / oxalate concentrations in forest litter leachate , a series of experiments were conducted including one-time extraction and repeated sequential extraction , with the oxalate loading rate varying from 0 to 200 mmol kg ~ ( - 1 ) soil .

  10. 用电位扫描法研究了EDTA溶液的阳极和阴极行为,确定了电解EDTA溶液时EDTA不分解的条件,提出了用电解法从稀土淋洗液中回收铜和EDTA。

    The anodic and cathodic actions in EDTA solution were studied with aid of potentiometer scanning method , and the condition that EDTA did not decompose was determined when electrolyzing EDTA solution and hence , recovery of copper and EDTA from rare-earth washing solution by electrolytic method was put forward .

  11. 研究了离子色谱非梯度洗脱法同时测定7种稀土元素的方法,用草酸一元淋洗液,采用非梯度洗脱方式,以PAR为显色剂,在520nm处对7种稀土元素同时进行检测。

    An ion chromotographic ( IC ) method for the separation and simultaneous determination of seven rare earth elements was developed by non-gradient elution and spectrophotometric detection . 4 - ( 2-pyridylazo ) resorcinol ( PAR ) was used as a chromogenic reagent with detection at 520 nm .

  12. 高效液相色谱法检测设备淋洗液中盐酸头孢吡肟残留含量注射用盐酸头孢吡肟与4种常用输液配伍的稳定性研究

    Stability study of Cefepime Hydrochloride Injection combined with four common used liquids

  13. 研究了淋洗液浓度对保留值的影响,当淋洗液浓度增大时,保留值减小。

    The effect of the eluent concentration on retention value was studied .

  14. 涂覆柱的离子色谱及淋洗液选择的研究

    Studies on Preparing Ion-chromatographic Column and Selection of Eluents

  15. 低酸度淋洗液离子色谱法测定多聚磷酸盐

    Ion Chromatographic Determination of Polyphosphates with Low-acidity Eluants

  16. 离子色谱分析中淋洗液条件选择的探讨

    Discussion on Eluent Condition Choice in Ion Chromatography

  17. 硝酸铍硝酸淋洗液离子色谱法测定碱土金属离子

    Determination of Alkaline Earth Metal Ions by Ion Chromatography Using Beryllium Nitrate & Nitric Acid Solution as Eluent

  18. 将所有从淋洗液中分离得到的煤焦油收集到储罐中并运出待售。

    All tar separated from the liquor is collected in storage tanks and transported off site for sale .

  19. 土壤淋洗液中溶解态磷和总磷持续保持很高的浓度,土壤磷供应强度大。

    The dissolve and total P concentrations in leachate were high and soil had high P supply intensity .

  20. 在中心储罐中将淋洗液与气体和被浓缩的煤焦油进行分离。

    The liquor is separated from the gas in a central tank , together with any condensed coal tar .

  21. 固定在滤纸上的细胞淋洗液(纤维素酶降解产物)对细胞生长具有明显促进作用,并能降低细胞生长的密度依赖性。

    Eluant of cell located on filter paper was able to promote cellular growth , and reduce its density-dependence .

  22. 铷与铯的离子交换分离Ⅱ.用硝酸或硝酸-丁醇作淋洗液的阳离子交换分离

    Ion exchange separation of rubidium and caesium ⅱ . cation-exchange separation with nitric acid or nitric acid-butanol as eluent

  23. 石油去除率随淋洗液固比的升高而增大,但提高液固比不能针对性地去除石油中的某些组分。

    Increasing the liquid-solid ratio improved the oil removal efficiency , but could not remove oil in certain components .

  24. 结果表明,在连续淋洗的条件下,疏浚底泥的土地投放并未显著提高淋洗液中活性磷的浓度;

    The results showed that application of dredged sediment did not significantly increase phosphorus concentration in the soil column leachate .

  25. 芳香酸淋洗液的单柱阳离子色谱法测定碱金属、铵离子和烷基胺

    Determination of Alkali Metal , Ammonium Ion and Alkyl Amines by Single - Column Cation Chromatography Using Aromatic Acid as Eluent

  26. 由于采用了淋洗液发生器,使背景电导大大降低,可以实现甜味剂的高灵敏度检测和分离。

    Due to the use of eluent generater , very low conductance background could be obtained and sensitivity of sweeteners was greatly improved .

  27. 碱金属、铵离子和烷基胺在磺酸型阳离子交换树脂柱上以有机酸和无机酸为淋洗液的保留行为

    Retention behavior of alkali metals , ammonium ion and alkyl amines on a sulfonic cation-exchange resin column with organic and inorganic acids as eluent

  28. 土壤淋洗液中,K+、Na+含量持续下降;Ca2+、Mg2+含量开始时下降,后趋于缓和;

    Total K and Na content steadily reduced in the soil leachate , with the Ca and Mg content tending to decrease at first and then remaining stable .

  29. 施用氮肥减少了淋洗液的数量,但增加了淋洗液硝态氮的浓度和硝态氮淋洗总量。

    The application of nitrogen fertilizer reduces the quantity of leaching liquid , but the concentration of NO ~ - _3-N and the total quantity of NO ~ - _3-N increase .

  30. 用盐的水溶液为淋洗液时,静电排斥作用得到抑制,并且不会引起吸附。盐溶液浓度不同,淋出曲线有所差异。

    This unusual exclusion could be inhibited by using aqueous salt solution as eluent , and the concentration of salts in the eluent has a marked effect on the elution chromatograms .