
  • 网络leaching;lessivage
  1. 茶皂素对潮土重金属污染的淋洗修复作用

    Leaching remediation of heavy metal contaminated fluvio-aquatic soil with tea-saponin

  2. 对于土壤初始含盐量高的新垦荒地,灌溉淋洗的作用要好于土壤盐分本底值低的土壤;

    For the new cultivated wasteland with higher initial salt content , salt leaching results is better than the old farmland with lower salt content when the irrigation water is same .

  3. 土壤遭受到重金属污染后不但影响农作物的产量和品质,通过径流和淋洗等作用污染地表水和地下水,而且还可通过食物链等方式危害人类的健康。

    The soil contaminated by heavy metals not only affects yield and quality of farm crops , pollutes the Earth 's surface water and groundwater , but also hurts human beings by food chain .

  4. 滴灌具有淋洗脱盐作用,即盐分积累到湿润锋附近,滴头下面土壤的含盐量相对较低。

    Drip irrigation has the function of taking off salinity , which means that the soil salt content under the water dropper is relatively low as the salts tend to be accumulated at the wetted front .

  5. 报道了对硝酸根在氧化浸出和吸附淋洗中的作用和行为特点的研究情况。

    This paper reports the process and results of our study on nitrate radical 's acting properties in oxidizing leaching and elution .