
  • 网络High end tourism;high-end travel
  1. 史蒂夫•凯斯旗下的高端旅游公司ExclusiveResorts最近新开设了一个私人俱乐部Portico,专门帮助会员以相对低廉的价格享受奢华的度假设施。

    Exclusive resorts , a high-end travel company owned by Steve case , is launching portico , a new private club that lets members access luxury vacation properties at more moderate prices than they otherwise could .

  2. 2014年,新西兰国家旅游局推出了高端旅游战略(premiumsectorstrategy),旨在吸引全球40-60岁之间的超级富豪,这群人希望真正抛弃浮华的奢侈,追求私密、原汁原味以及自然风貌。

    In 2014 the national tourist board developed a " premium sector strategy " that would appeal to the world 's wealthiest 40-60 year olds . It hoped to capitalise on a perceived rejection of ostentatious luxury in favour of privacy , authenticity and natural environments .

  3. 此次邮轮失事并不代表所有邮轮都更危险了;它对邮轮旅游业务的影响,也不会像协和(Concorde)超音速客机失事那样,重创一项高端旅游业务。

    The shipwreck does not necessarily make all cruise ships more dangerous , nor will it do for the cruise business what the fatal crash of a Concorde supersonic airliner did to another branch of high-end tourism .

  4. 北京高端旅游市场调查

    A Survey on High - end Tourist Market in Beijing

  5. 高端旅游的基准与标准探讨

    An Enquiry into the Benchmark and Criteria of High-end tourism

  6. 而航空运输又是高端旅游产品的重要组成部分,如果航空公司发生航班延误必将给游客形成失败的旅游体验,影响旅游消费的后续环节。

    However , air transportation is an important part of high-grade traveling products .

  7. 泛北-东盟背景下的广西高端旅游市场开发探析

    Analysis for Market Development of Guangxi High-end Tourism in the Background of Pan-Beibu Bay-ASEAN

  8. 在这种背景下,高端旅游开发成为旅游开发者的目标。

    Based on the background , the high-end tourism has been becoming the objective of the tourism developers .

  9. 政府认为,高尔夫作为高端旅游产品的重要组成部分必须得到高度的重视。

    According to the provincial government , golf industry , as part of high-level tourism , deserves high value .

  10. 因此,对高端旅游者行为进行系统分析和有效梳理具有极其重要的理论和实践意义。

    Therefore , effective finishing and systematic analysis to the behavior of high-end tourists have extremely important theoretical and practical significance .

  11. 高端旅游是我国旅游业在经历了数量扩张阶段后,向以质量为本的新战略转变的伴生产物。

    The high-end tourism has experienced a new strategic transformation , from a stage of quantity expanding tourism , to quality orientation .

  12. 大量吸引人的地区,提供了适合作为高端旅游的理想场所的发展环境。

    Many attractive areas , available for development , are suitable as ideal venues at this high-yield end of the tourism spectrum .

  13. 在旅行线路销售连锁关闭门店以节省费用的同时,高端旅游运营商似乎越来越乐于投资门店。

    And while the package tour chains shut shops to save money , upmarket operators seem increasingly happy to invest in their shops .

  14. 庐山正在向现代旅游、休闲度假、会议和中高端旅游发展,阔步走向世界。

    The Lushan Mountain is advancing with giant strides forward to modern tourism , leisure and entertainment , conference and mid and high grade tourism .

  15. 他表示,他们战略中的一部分,是吸引高端旅游者,而不是像加德满都那样,成为背包客的天堂。

    Part of their strategy , he said , was to attract upper-class tourists so the city did not become a backpacker haven , like Kathmandu .

  16. 这份报告基于对525名年轻高端旅游者的调查,这部分人群每年的旅游花费超过20万元人民币(合3.04万美元)。

    The report is based on a survey of 525 young luxury travellers , defined as those who spend over Rmb200000 ( $ 30400 ) annually on travel and tourism .

  17. 在经济发达的珠三角、长三角等地区,温泉旅游作为一种典型的休闲度假产品吸引了一大批高端旅游者。

    As a typical leisure and vacation product , spa tourism attracts large quantities of high-level tourists in some economy developed regions of China , such as Changjiang and Zhujiang river delta .

  18. 这段言论是对一个当地居民提出的建议的回复,该建议主要是关于建设娱乐项目来促进当地高端旅游以及提高城市的国际形象。

    The remarks came in the form of a response to a local citizen 's suggestion to develop entertainment projects to boost local high-end tourism and improve the city 's global image .

  19. 但是政府官员和商业领袖表示,他们担心高端旅游的趋势连同财富人群本身都正在发生变化,担心迷人的百慕大现在不得不全力以赴去追逐财富。

    But government officials and business leaders say they are worried that the mores of high-end tourism are changing , along with the wealthy themselves , and that this magical archipelago must now fight to follow the money .

  20. 结语对内蒙古五大草原旅游副区各自的优势进行了归纳总结,并指出高端旅游是未来内蒙古草原旅游业的发展趋势。

    The conclusion has carried on the induction summary to the Inner Mongolian five grassland tourism sub-regions ' superiority , and pointed out that the high-end tour will be the future of the Inner Mongolia grassland tourism development trend .

  21. 最初,重点在于国外航线中高端的旅游产品。

    Initially , emphasis has been on foreign cruise line moderate to first class products .

  22. 因此,本人将对我国高端体育旅游活动进行更加深入的研究,做出自己应有的贡献。

    Therefore , I would like to make further study on the high-end sports tourism in China and make some contribution necessary .

  23. 国家相关政策的制定为我国高端体育旅游的发展提供了方向,而交通、技术的极大改进和提高则为人们的出行提供了极大的便利。

    The formulation of national policies related in China shown the direction for the development of the high-end sports tourism while the improvement of traffic and technology providing a great convenience for people to travel .

  24. 尽管如此,高端体育旅游在带动我国体育旅游产业发展、壮大体育产业规模等方面的积极作用是有目共睹的,它对我国整个经济、社会、文化等方面的影响不容忽视。

    Nevertheless , the positive effection to the development of the high-end sports tourism in the sports tourism industry in China is obvious to the people , and its influence on the whole economic , social , cultural and other aspects should not be ignored .

  25. 它是部分人士所热衷的一项特殊的体育旅游活动,是体育旅游发展到一定阶段的必然产物。(2)依据的标准不同,对高端体育旅游的分类也不同。

    It is a kind of special sports tourism activities some people preference , and is the inevitable outcome when the sports tourism developed to a certain stage . ( 2 ) According to different standards , the classification of high-end sports tourism is also different .

  26. 根据胡润研究院和亚洲国际豪华旅游博览上周一联合发布的《2017中国奢华旅游白皮书》显示,去年,高端游客家庭旅游平均花销为38万元,其中购物消费达22万元。

    According to The Chinese Luxury Traveler 2017 Report - jointly released last Monday by Hurun Research Institute and International Luxury Travel Market Asia - the average upscale traveler spent 380000 yuan on family travel last year , 220000 yuan of which was devoted to shopping .

  27. 纽约一家主要服务于中国高端消费者的营销旅游公司AffinityChina联合创始人兼首席执行长ChristineLu说,吸引散客不同于跟旅游团打交道。

    Attracting independent travelers is different than working with tour groups , says Christine Lu , co-founder and chief executive of Affinity China , a New York-based marketing and travel company that focuses on upscale Chinese shoppers .

  28. Tsai先生就怀疑他这个精挑细选、富有且“高端”的首航旅游团是否会成为未来游客的主流。

    Mr Tsai wonders whether his first carefully selected group of the rich and " high-level " will be typical of future visitors .