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  • 网络Gao Ding;jean paul gaultier
  1. LeiSeca(禁酒法)将驾驶时血液酒精浓度每升6分克或更高定为刑事犯罪。

    The Lei Seca ( Dry Law ) makes it a criminal offence to drive with a blood-alcohol concentration of6 decigrams per litre or higher .

  2. 2010年奚梦瑶亮相纪梵希2011春夏高定时装秀,自此开启了她的国际模特生涯,此后同年更是得到了ChristianDior、JohnGalliano、VivienneWestwood以及Kenzo等一线品牌的青睐。

    She kicked off her international modelling career for Givenchy 's 2011 Haute Spring Show , before wowing at the likes of Christian Dior , Vivienne Westwood and Kenzo the same year .

  3. 设计师用缝纫符号学作为时装中变革的语汇,比如让·保罗·高缇耶(JeanPaulGaultier)1993年的Hasidic系列、侯赛因·卡拉扬(HusseinChalayan)1997年的罩袍系列,以及约翰·加利亚诺(JohnGalliano)2000年为迪奥高定推出的“无家可归”系列。

    Designers have likewise been using sartorial semiology as a transformative variable in collections , including Jean Paul Gaultier 's 1993 Hasidic show , Hussein Chalayan 's 1997 chador collection and John Galliano 's " homeless " Dior couture in 2000 .

  4. 芬迪首次进军高级定制女装——不久后举行的高级定制皮草(HauteFourrure)系列展将是芬迪首个高定皮草时装,也是老佛爷在巴黎举行的第二场高级定制时装展。

    Fendi 's first foray on to the couture stage , next week 's Haute Fourrure ( high fur ) collection , is a debut for the house and the second of two couture shows that Lagerfeld will stage in Paris next week .

  5. 水热法制备高定向掺铝氧化锌纳米棒阵列

    Preparation of High-directional Al-doped Zinc Oxide ( ZAO ) Nanorods Array by Hydrothermal Method

  6. 生产高定量产品的国产水刺生产线还有待于开发和研究。

    For the high weight products , the domestic line must be researched and developed in the future .

  7. 他指出,他希望向日益增多的年轻高定客户强调品牌的吸引力。

    He notes that he hoped to underline his label 's appeal to the growing number of younger couture clients .

  8. 每一低定量区域具有至少一个对应于突起中槽的高定量半岛形部分。

    Each low basis weight region has at least one high basis weight peninsular segment corresponding to the slot in the protuberance .

  9. 2011年与威廉王子结婚后,凯特王妃有时穿高定,有时又穿高街打折品,经常赢得时尚界的赞誉。

    Kate has routinely won style plaudits for mixing bespoke designer pieces with high street bargains since marrying into the royal family in 2011 .

  10. 激光具有高定向性、高单色性、高相干性、高亮度性以及可调谐等特点,被广泛应用于通信、生物医疗和计量等诸多领域。

    Laser has been widely used in the fields of communication , measurement , and other medical and biological researches , because of its high directivity , monochromaticity , coherence , intensity resistance and tunable characteristics .

  11. 芬迪高定首秀,老佛爷将会推出约30种款式,以全新方式集中展现芬迪作为皮草专家以及时装方面的悠久历史。

    For the inaugural show on Wednesday , Lagerfeld will deliver about 30 looks in a collection that will shine a renewed focus on the brand 's heritage as a specialist fur house and clothing line .

  12. 就在这么短的时间里先后推出两场不同时尚品牌的高定时尚秀,实属“超人之举”,尤其是老佛爷如今已届81岁高龄,坊间说大致就是这个年龄(探讨老佛爷的真实年龄极不受他待见)。

    Mounting two collections , within as many days , which serve two different masters , is a superhuman undertaking , especially considering the designer is now 81 , or thereabouts ( discussion of Lagerfeld 's exact age is hotly discouraged ) .

  13. PC在高精度定尺剪切控制系统中的应用

    Application Of PC In Precision Controlling System Of Cut Shearing

  14. 介绍了钢板掸簧剪切生产线的工艺流程,提出了利用PLC为控制核心,用光电编码器和高速计数器组成测长装置,构成能实现高精度定长剪切功能的自动生产线。

    The technics flow of auto-cutter product line of armor plate spring is introduced . The product line is make up of control core by PLC and equipment of determine length by optical rotary encoder and high speed counter .

  15. 开发研制的程控气动飞锯,在生产应用过程中,可靠性高,定尺精度达到±5mm。

    The developed pneumatically-operated program control flying saw with high reliability can be up to ± 5mm at a regular length precision in process of production .

  16. 本文提出的这种算法比经典的最小二乘算法或Kalman滤波方法具有更高的定轨精度,仿真数据和实际观测数据的计算结果证实了算法的有效性。

    In contrast to conventional LSE and Kalman filtering , the algorithm has higher performance in precision orbit determination . Moreover the algorithm is tested by simulation data and real observed data , and the computing results show that the algorithm is very effective .

  17. 碎屑沉积岩沉积作用的高精度定年&自生磷钇矿离子探针UPb年龄测定钱家店砂岩型铀矿床UPb等时线年龄为53±3Ma和7±0Ma。

    HIGH PRECISION DATING OF DEPOSITION OF CLASTIC SEDIMENTARY ROCKS & U-Pb SHRIMP DATING ON AUTHIGENIC XENOTIME The U-Pb isochron ages of uranium ore-formation have been obtained as 53 ± 3 Ma and 7 ± 0 Ma .

  18. 高是定值的距离正则图

    On Distance - Regular Graphs with Fixed Hight

  19. 本文介绍一种简化数控电路,它能实现高精度定尺飞剪控制,并在实践中取得较好的效果。

    The article introduces a simplified numerical control circuit that can complete control of high accurate length-setting fly-shearing and obtain better result in practice .

  20. 为此,引入归一化互相关和曲面拟合技术实现高精度定标。

    To improve the precision , a new calibration method , which combines normalized cross correlation and paraboloid surface fit technique , is presented .

  21. 低轨重力卫星轨道的精确确定是获得精密地球重力场模型的前提,而精密重力场模型又是获得高精度定轨结果的保证。

    On the other hand , the precision gravity model is important guarantees for obtaining high precision orbiting results using the dynamic or reduced-dynamic orbit determination method .

  22. 层序和事件地层学、构造-地层分析和高精度定年技术的结合提供了完整的研究盆地充填动力学的方法。

    The combination studies of sequence and event stratigraphy , tectono-stratigraphic analysis and high-resolution timing technique may offer an integrated approach for the study of basin filling dynamics .

  23. 通过确定内、外卫星的相对位置以及对外卫星实施高精度定轨,可获得内卫星的精密轨道。

    The accurate orbit of inner satellite can be achieved through measuring relative position between inner satellite and outer satellite and determining orbit of outer satellite with high precision .

  24. 以高剪切定转子粉碎机为对象,对其内部流体流场和粉碎过程动力学模型的研究,得出物料在粉碎机内部的流动状况,为提高粉碎效果找到出路。

    Analysis on fluid flow of stator and rotor pulverizer and building of internal dynamics model of the grinding process comes to the material flow in the internal pulverizer and a way to improve the effect of grinding .

  25. 随着我国大部分油田的开发进入中后期阶段,油藏的研究要求更高的定量化,储层的描述要求更加精细,实现精度较高的储层三维可视化具有重大意义。

    With most of oil fields entering in the later stages of development , reservoir research has been increasingly quantitative , reservoir description requires more fine , it is of great significance to realize reservoir visualization of high precision .

  26. 该机组成本低、可靠性高、定尺精度好、操作维修方便,是焊管、冷弯型钢生产线进行技术改造的优良设备。

    This machine characterizes itself low cost , high reliability , better tolerances of fixed length , convenient operation and maintenance . It is a fine device for the technical revamping of welding tube or cold forming section steel production lines .

  27. 结合实际设计工作实践,就高精度定尺横剪机剪切部分的方案与结构设计、刀片的结构参数与安装参数的确定、定尺夹送装置的设计等有关问题进行初步探讨。

    Based on the experience of design , some issues about how to design high precision cut to length shearer are discussed , including the determination of structure installation parameters of blade , design of cut to length strip feeder , as well as conception structure design of the cutter .

  28. 基于GPS的中、高轨道航天器定轨研究

    Orbit Determination of Satellite on the Middle-High Earth Orbit Based on GPS

  29. 3-D计算机视觉系统的高精度摄象机定标算法&DLTEAⅡ

    A High Accurate Camera Calibration Approach lor 3-D Computer Vision System

  30. 数值例子说明这些格式可以计算高Reynolds的定态流动问题。

    Numerical tests have shown these semi-implicit can be applied to solve for the steady fluid flow problems of high Reynolds .