
  • 网络Hyperconcentrated flow
  1. 高含沙水流运动特性综述

    Review of Properties of Hyperconcentrated Flow

  2. 高含沙水流搬运与重力侵蚀之间存在着很强的耦合关系,这是黄土高原高强度侵蚀产沙过程形成的重要因素。

    These exists a strong coupling relation between hyperconcentrated flow transport and gravitational erosion , which ensures a rapid removal of mass wasted materials .

  3. 考虑高含沙水流特殊的运动规律,选用适当的公式和参数,得到多沙河流平面二维水沙运动方程,用SIMPLER程式求解。

    In consideration of special rheological features of hyper concentration sediment flow and through appropriate selection of formulae and parameters , a 2 D mathematical model for water sediment movement is developed and solved with SIMPLER algorithm in this paper .

  4. 试验结果表明,为遏制黄土高原坡耕地水土流失,实践中应采取垄作等措施增加坡面糙度和改变坡面形态,防止在20m坡长形成高含沙水流和后续坡长的输沙率。

    The study implies that the measures such as farming along contour , which increases the roughness value of slope and changes slope form , should be taken to reduce high sediment concentration and sediment transport rate , and thus control soil and water loss on loess slope .

  5. 高含沙水流对中小水库的影响

    The Effect of High - Sandiness Flow to the Sub-Middle Reservoir

  6. 黄土高原的高含沙水流侵蚀研究

    Erosion and Sediment Yield of Hyperconcentrated Flows on Loess Plateau

  7. 高含沙水流紊动能量转化与耗散规律

    Transfer and dissipation laws of turbulent energy in hyperconcentrated flow

  8. 利用水库泄空冲刷形成高含沙水流的机理

    Formation mechanism of hyper-concentrated sediment flow caused by scouring of reservoir emptying

  9. 人类活动对黄河中游高含沙水流的影响

    Influence of Human Activities on Hyperconcentrated Flows in the Middle Yellow River

  10. 粗糙管中均质高含沙水流阻力试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Flow Resistance of Homogeneous Hyperconcentrated Flow in Rough Pipes

  11. 高含沙水流对泄流能力影响的研究概况

    A General Account of Studies on Effect of Hyper-concentrated Flow on Discharging Capacity

  12. 黄河高含沙水流阻力特性与计算

    Resistance Characteristics of the Hyper-concentration Flow on the Huanghe River and Its Calculation

  13. 水库粗颗粒高含沙水流泥沙数学模型

    The mathematical model of hyperconcentration coarse particle sediment movement

  14. 高含沙水流挟沙力公式的探讨

    Discussion on Formula for Load Carrying Capacty of High Sediment Concentration Water Flows

  15. 高含沙水流的紊动粘性系数研究及其应用

    Study on turbulent viscosity of hyper-concentrated water flows

  16. 高含沙水流浆河的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the River Blocking Phenomenon of the Flow with Hyperconcentration of Sediment

  17. 黄河下游河道高含沙水流的输沙能力分析

    Analysis on Sediment Transportation Capacity of High-sediment Flow in Channel of Lower Yellow River

  18. 高含沙水流长距离稳定输送条件的分析

    An Analysis on the Conditions of Transporting Flow with Hyperconcentration over a Long Distance

  19. 黄土高原高含沙水流形成的自然地理因素

    Physico Geographical Factors for the Formation of Hyperconcentrated Flows in the Loess Plateau of China

  20. 水流强度对高含沙水流流变参数影响的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the influence of Flow Intensity on Rheological Parameters of Hyperconcentrated Sediment Flow

  21. 高含沙水流游荡型河道滩槽冲淤演变特点及机理分析

    Analysis on Characters and Mechanism of Fluvial Processes of High Sediment laden Flow in Wandering Channel

  22. 巴家嘴水库修建在高含沙水流的蒲河上游。

    Bajiazui Reservoir was constructed at the upper Puhe River conveying the flow with sediment of hyper-concentration .

  23. 航槽以北出现明显南向流,尤其是中上层水体,流向集中、流速较大,这容易使北港及横沙浅滩高含沙水流向南输移;

    Larger north-direction current has turn out in the north of the navigation , especially in upper and middle water .

  24. 应用结果表明本研究中所建立的紊动粘性系数计算公式可用于高含沙水流的理论分析和模拟计算中。

    The application results indicate that the formula of turbulent viscosity derived in this work is applicable to hyper-concentrated flows .

  25. 相同水流条件下,高含沙水流比低含沙水流具有更大的输沙能力。

    Under the same condition of water flow , high-sediment flow has larger sediment transportation capacity than low-sediment flow does .

  26. 在汛期河流离子含量与水沙变化的关系较为复杂,这种复杂关系是与流域内土壤侵蚀,特别是高含沙水流出现有关。

    The relationship is very complicated during flood season due to the heavy erosion especially when hyper-concentrated flow is happened .

  27. 黄土丘陵沟壑区高含沙水流的形成及汇流过程

    The Formation and Process of Confluence of the Flow with Hyperconcentration in the Gullied-Hilly Loess Areas of the Yellow River Basin

  28. 本文综述了高含沙水流对泄流能力影响的试验研究成果。

    Findings of experimentation on effect of hyper-concentrated flow on discharge capacity have been dealt with in the paper in a comprehensive way .

  29. 高含沙水流的频繁发生是黄土高原多沙粗沙区产生高强度侵蚀的重要原因。

    The hyperconcentrated flow is an important factor to the high intensity erosion of the high-intensity and coarse sediment producing area of the Loess Plateau .

  30. 本文通过分析一般挟沙水流和高含沙水流的实测资料,研究了浑水中指数流速沿垂线分布的规律。

    Accoroding to the field data of sediment laden flow and hyperconcentrated flow , the exponential law of velocity distribution are studied in this paper .