
  1. 基于潘家铮极大极小值原理,结合和声搜索算法提出了一种土坡稳定分析的新方法。

    A new method of stability analysis of slopes is presented based on Panjiazheng extremum principle and harmony search method .

  2. 中国工程院院士潘家铮也出席了此次记者会。他指责西方媒体大搞妖魔化、夸大了三峡大坝的问题。

    Also at the news conference was a senior engineer who accused foreign reports of demonizing China and exaggerating problems at the dam .

  3. 计算表明:修正后的潘家铮传播浪、爬坡浪计算结果与调查值吻合较好,传播衰减规律一致。

    It indicates that the propagation and climbing waves calculated by modified method are consistent with investigation , and the attenuation law is the same .

  4. 同时,也对潘家铮科幻创作中的一些特殊过程进行整理,展示科学家创作科幻的特殊经历。

    Meanwhile , this paper collects some materials about work process of Pan Jiazheng sci-fi and brings forth the special experience about scientists writing sci-fi .