
ɡāo yuán qī
  • plateau;highest level
  1. 通过分析C组的偏误,可见中介语的僵化现象。这说明,第二语言学习者在心理上有高原期,在语言水平上有高峰期。

    Interlanguage fossilization existed in the errors made by Group C , which shows that L2 learners have to experience a plateau in terms of psychology , and a climax in terms of language proficiency . 5 .

  2. 有效学校在经历了一个由低效到有效的建设过程之后,会进入一个学校发展的“高原期”。

    After the improvement from low efficiency to high efficiency , the effective school will be immersed in a long plateau of development .

  3. 大学生英语学习高原期问题的研究及对策

    About the English Study of the Second-year Students at Colleges

  4. 排球运动技能形成中高原期的教学策略

    The Teaching Tactics of the Plateau Period in the Formation of Volleyball Techniques

  5. 警惕人才的高原期

    Watch Out " Plateau Period " For Personnels

  6. 教师的成长是个极其复杂的动态、渐进过程,因此,阶段之间界限并不分明,且存在一定的个体差异,并有可能出现高原期。

    Teachers ' growth is an extremely complex process , the boundary of evolution process is not distinct , and there are individual differences .

  7. 大学生英语学习过程中的高原期是指大学生在经过英语基础学习和训练,进入二年级后在语言运用能力方面出现停滞不前现象的阶段。

    During the procedure of studying English , the second-year students at colleges will experience a stage where their capacity of language use is at a standstill .

  8. 在教学过程中,教师的“不可替代性”表现在能对学生的文化科学学习起到缩短和加速“渐进或振荡期”和“高原期”的作用。

    To realize this function , teachers must effectively and creatively convert culture and science into subjects or curricula , and then further into the learning activities of students .

  9. 根据教师在入职到退职整个时间内的发展规律,本文将专家型教师专业发展阶段划分为适应期、成长期、成熟期、高原期和跨越期。

    This paper divides the expert teacher professional development stage into the adaptation period , the growth period , the mature period , the plateau period and the spanning period .

  10. 他们缺少专业成长的动力,感觉自己在专业发展上难有提升的空间,步入了专业成长中的高原期。

    They lack of professional growth momentum , feel it is difficult on the professional development room for improvement and enter the " plateau phase " during the professional growth .

  11. 他指出西方已经进入了一个科技高原期:我们已经吃光了长在低处的经济果实,因而经济增长受到阻碍,从现在起,要想取得进步会更加艰难。

    He argues that the West has reached a technological Plateau : we have eaten all the low-hanging economic fruit , so growth is stunted and progress will be much harder from here .

  12. 结论:战士在长时间的训练过程中开始有一段明显的学习过程,随着熟练程度的逐渐增强,成绩会逐渐提高,随后进入学习的高原期阶段,最后成绩则相对稳定。

    CONCLUSION : There is an obvious period of study for the soldiers to learn at the beginning and with the increasing proficiency , the results will gradually be better , which followed by a learning plateau .

  13. 高级学习者已经基本上建立起英语的时间概念,但由于僵化造成的学习高原期导致了高级学习者依然无法在整体上完全克服母语的负迁移。

    Up to the advanced level , learners had generally established the English time concept , but they still failed to overcome the negative influence of Chinese on the whole , which was probably caused by the learning plateau and fossilization .

  14. 马拉松运动员李柱宏亚高原训练期生化指标的监控

    Monitoring of biochemical indexes of marathoner LI Zhu-hong during sub highland training

  15. 黄土高原侵蚀期研究

    Study on Erosion Periods in Loess Plateau

  16. 对我国优秀男子举重运动员高原训练期运动负荷及机能状态的生化评定

    Biochemical Evaluation of Chinese Excellent Male Lifters ' Motion Load and Enginery during Highland Training Phase

  17. 主要通过实验法对运动员亚高原训练期血象指标进行监测分析。

    Method : Mainly through the experiment on Altitude Training of blood parameters for monitoring and analysis .

  18. 黄土高原湿润期特点与农业生产布局

    The characteristics of the humid period and the rational layout of the agricultural production in the Loess Plateau

  19. 而这个年龄段的青少年运动员,在校期间大多处于运动技能学习中的高原现象期,运动技能提高缓慢,甚至停滞、下降。

    However , most of the young athletes are in the period of plateau phenomenon in the sports skills leaning at school ;

  20. 在青藏高原印支期主要板块缝合带的对比研究基础上,笔者认为龙木错-双湖-吉塘缝合带作为青藏高原上冈瓦纳大陆的北界是符合客观实际的。

    Based on our comparative study of the Indosinian sutures , we consider the Longmu Co-Shuanghu-Jitang suture to define the Neopaleozoic northern boundary of Gondwanaland .

  21. 也使不少未突破高原现象期而具有良好运动潜力的青少年运动员被淘汰,造成人、财、物的浪费。

    Moreover , many young potential players who haven 't broken through the plateau phenomenon period are sifted out , thus causing the waste in manpower , wealth and property .

  22. 第二部分阐述了教师专业成长期,即入职适应期、成熟胜任期、高原停滞期、衰退回归期及其特征;

    The second section illustrates the teachers ' development law in senior high school , such as adaptation period , mature and adequate period , plateau and stagnancy period , atrophy and regression period and their characters ;

  23. 高原鼢鼠繁殖期和非繁殖期的行为比较

    Behaviour comparison of Plateau Zokor between reproductive and nonreproductive periods

  24. 鄂西高原地文期辨析

    The identification of the physiographic epoch in West Hubei Plateau

  25. 青藏高原西部喜马拉雅期花岗岩类特征及岩石系列

    Geochemical Characteristics and Rock Series of Himalayan Granitoids in Western Qinghai_Xizang Plateau

  26. 甘肃黄土高原作物生长期土壤干旱及气候生产力特征分析

    Soil arid and climate productivity over Gansu loess plateau during crop growth period

  27. 黄土高原植被生长期旱涝对全球气候变化响应

    Response of Droughts or Waterloggings in the Loess Plateau in China to Global Climate Change

  28. 黄土高原项目二期的有利影响还不仅仅限于项目区。

    The benefits of the Second Loess project are not limited to the project area .

  29. 高原新兵集训期训练伤调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Training Injury of Big Johnin the Period of Gathering Training in Altiplano

  30. 高原地区进展期胃癌患者脾脏免疫状态与手术治疗的临床研究

    A Clinical Study of Surgical Treatment and Immunologic Functions of Spleen with Advanced Gastric Cancer in Plateau