
  • 网络orogenic period;orogenic epoch
  1. 可能在燕山或喜马拉雅造山期,盆地遭受剥蚀。

    Probably in the Yanshanian or Himalayan orogenic period , the basin was destroyed .

  2. 宏、微观构造特征研究表明,红柳河地区造山期韧性变形大致可分两个阶段。

    According to the study on the structural feature from macro to micro scale , the ductile deformation during orogenic period can be divided into two stages .

  3. 造山期花岗岩黑云母K-Ar年龄的变化是岩体隆起,冷却史的反映。

    The variation of K Ar ages of the biotite in granite reflects the rising and cooling history or the intrusive during the orogenic period .

  4. 独特的徐宿弧形逆冲&推覆构造,表明造山期郯庐断裂带左行平移幅度达350km。

    The unique arcuate thrust-nappe structures in Xuzhou-Suzhou area suggested a sinistral displacement about 350 km of the synorogenic fault zone .

  5. 发生于228Ma左右的热事件是后造山期A型岩浆作用,源岩是下地壳物质,按源岩差异研究的A型花岗岩分为As型和Ai型。

    The thermal event taken place in 228 Mai is A-type magmatism of post-orogenic period , and their sources belongs to matter of lower crust . According to difference of their sources , the studied A-type granites can be divided into As type and Ai type .

  6. 这些年龄值与苏鲁超高压变质带内已有的多硅白云母~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年龄基本一致,表明郯庐断裂带形成于华北与华南板块的碰撞造山期。

    These ages are basically consistent with phengite ~ ( 40 ) Ar / ~ ( 39 ) Ar ages obtained from inner parts of the Sulu orogenic belt , indicating that the Tan-Lu fault zone was developed during the period of collision between the North and South China plates .

  7. 中、晚侏罗世(155~160Ma)花岗质岩浆作用形成于造山期后的伸展环境,代表了中生代岩石圈减薄的继续和发展。

    The middle-late Jurassic ( 155 ~ 160 Ma ) granitic magmatism formed in post-orogenic extensional environment , implying the continuity and development of Mesozoic lithospheric thinning .

  8. 志留纪末期为北祁连的主造山期,泥盆纪形成高峻的古祁连山。

    The latest Silurian is main orogenic stage of North Qilian .

  9. 祁连山东南段加里东造山期构造变形年代的精确限定及其意义

    Precise Timing and Significance of Caledonian Structural Deformation Chronology in Southeast Qilian

  10. 晚志留世时已经进入造山期后演化阶段。

    In Late Silurian epoch , the ocean closed and started postorogenic evolution .

  11. 胶辽地块古元古代前造山期深部过程的地质与地球化学制约

    Constraints of Geology and geochemistry on Paleoproterozoic pre-orogenic deep processes in jiao-liao massif

  12. 内蒙古阿拉善北部地区碰撞期和后造山期岩浆作用

    Magmatism of Collisional and Post-Orogenic Period in Northern Alaxa Region in Inner Mongolia

  13. 其成因与加里东造山期后的伸展作用有关。

    They might be related to post-orogenic extension of Caledonian orogeny . 5 .

  14. 成矿时代相互对应,都形成于碰撞造山期(295~244Ma)。

    They were all formed in the collision-orogenic epoch ( 295 ~ 244 Ma ) .

  15. 具“S”型花岗岩的特征,互相呈脉动侵入接触关系,形成于板内同造山期的环境。

    It has features of " S " granite and as pulsation intrusion contact and formed the intraplate synorogenic period setting .

  16. 早白垩世火山岩形成于造山期后进一步发生伸展垮塌的区域构造环境。

    And that of early Cretaceous volcanics was that the area structure extensional collapse further more during the post period of orogenic phase .

  17. 在造山期的应力和变形演化是非线性的,并表现为应力的空间非均匀分布和进一步的变形强度的空间差异。

    The evolution of stress and deformation was a nonlinear which behaved as the nonuniform distribution of stress and different deforming intensity in space .

  18. 白垩纪(燕山晚期)为造山期后大规模伸展垮塌作用与伸展盆地的发育阶段;新生代(喜山期)为远距离碰撞效应与弱挤压挠曲性质的稳定大陆内坳陷的发育阶段。

    Cenozoic was a period of the development of stable intracontinental depression with the character of long distant collision response and weaked compression flexure .

  19. 该类型构造形成于加里东期末,是该区加里东造山期后隆升背景的产物。

    This kind of structure is the product under background of the uplift in Caledonian postorogenic phase formed at the end of the Caledonian Stage .

  20. 虽然前陆盆地是世界上最重要和高产的含油气盆地类型,但油气田只保存于盆地有同造山期沉积盖层的范围内。

    Although foreland basin is the most prolific basin type , hydrocarbon accumulations can only be preserved in regions where there are synorogenic sedimentary covers .

  21. 后者异常富集轻稀土元素、配分曲线向右倾陡,其成因可能与造山期中基性浅成岩浆作用有关。

    The latter has unconventionally rich LREE with steep right_dipping REE distribution curves , suggesting that its generation might have been linked to shallow intermediate_basic orogenic magmatism .

  22. 震旦纪至中奥陶世裂陷拉伸成盆期;晚奥陶式至志留纪倾滑压缩造山期;

    The basin-forming period of rifting and extension from the Sinian to the middle Ordovician : the orogenic period of dip slip compression from the late Ordovician to the S ü urian ;

  23. 在一个典型的造山期中,沿着一个稳定地块边缘的地槽中沉积的厚厚的沉积物遭到揉皱.他揉揉眼睛打呵欠。

    In a typical mountain-building episode , a thick section of sediments , deposited in a geosyncline along the margin of a stable block , is crumpled . He rubbed his eyes and yawned .

  24. 与成矿相关的花岗岩属钙碱性&高钾钙碱性系列,具有Ⅰ型和A型花岗岩特征,成岩成矿发生于造山期后岩石圈伸展减薄环境。

    Granitoids related to the mineralization belong to calc-alkaline series to high kalium calc alkalic series , charactered by I and A type , diagenesis and mineralization occurred after orogenic period and lithospheric extension and thinning .

  25. 研究区A型花岗岩形成于造山期后环境,标志着桐柏&大别造山带在晚白垩世进入了伸展塌陷阶段及碰撞-叠覆造山的结束。

    The A_type granites were formed in a post_ orogenic environment . It is suggested that Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt entered the phase of extension and collapse in Late Cretaceous , during which the orogenic movement ended .

  26. 流变褶皱与基底韧性韧脆性变形呈渐变关系,并且与基底韧性韧脆性变形具有一致的变形运动学和动力学特征,反映了扬子地块与华北地块碰撞造山期及折返过程的构造变形特点。

    The rheomorphic folds show gradational relationships with basement ductile and ductile-brittle deformation and have the same deformation kinematic and dynamic features as the latter , which reflects the structural deformation features during the collisional orogeny and exhumation of the Yangtze and North China blocks .

  27. 根据准噶尔盆地及其邻区的构造演化及岩浆活动研究,洋-陆转换时限应为早石炭世末,中、晚石炭世裂陷槽是由于造山期后伸展塌陷作用产生的;

    Based on tectonic evolution and magmatic activity of the Junggar basin and its surroundings , it is recognized that the ocean-continent transformation occurred at the end of the Early Carboniferous , and that a rifted trough of Middle-Late Carboniferous developed because of post-orogenic extensional collapse ;

  28. 大别造山带加里东期高压超高压变质作用的确定及其意义

    Determination and significance of Caledonian high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in Dabie orogen

  29. 石炭-二叠纪和侏罗纪是伊犁山盆构造系统的主造山成盆期。

    Carboniferous Permian and Jurassic are major basin forming and orogenic stages .

  30. 论证了大别造山带燕山期存在独立的造山作用旋回,燕山期陆内造山作用叠加在印支期俯冲碰撞造山带之上。

    Demonstrated the existence of the independent Yanshanian orogenic cycles in Dabie orogenic belt . The Yanshanian intracontinental orogen overlapped on the Indosinian subduction orogenic belt . 7 .