
  1. 第一章绪论。简要介绍了造像记的概貌、研究历史与现状,本文选题的意义、价值以及材料来源。

    The first chapter introduces simply the general picture of Buddhism statue , the history and actuality of studying , the significance of writing and the source of materials .

  2. 北朝造像记属于这一时期的石刻语料,时代确定,真实性强,是作语言断代研究的重要语料。

    The recordation of Buddhism statue in Northern Dynasty are language which have certain age , credible datum and high scientific value , which is important for language studying in separate ages .

  3. 造像记的大意是,佛的法力无边,它象一面十分明亮的镜子,照耀、沐浴着世世代代、十方万物。

    Figures in mind the effect that the Buddha of boundless magic , it is very bright as a mirror shine , a shower from generation to generation , to ten things .