
zào lín
  • afforestation;forestation;reforestation
造林 [zào lín]
  • [forestation; reforestation] 营造森林

  • 绿化造林

造林[zào lín]
  1. PVC管道或砌护渠道输水与开沟灌溉相结合的造林方法及效果

    Forestation Practice of Combining PVC Tube or Slab - Lined Canal Water Transport with Ditch Irrigation and Its Impacts

  2. 对不同造林密度的杉木Cunninghamialanceolata林进行对比试验。

    A comparative study of Cunninghamia lanceolata forests with different forestation densities was conducted .

  3. 植树造林减轻了土壤侵蚀。

    Soil erosion was mitigated by the planting of trees .

  4. 林木委员会倡导植树造林。

    The Tree Council promotes tree planting .

  5. 60年代以来,植树造林已经改变了威尔士的乡村面貌。

    Since the Sixties , afforestation has changed the Welsh countryside .

  6. 他决定为在澳大利亚西部人为导致荒芜的土地上重新造林做点事情。

    He decided to do something about reforesting man-made wastes of western Australia .

  7. 造林是一项重大任务。

    Afforestation is a matter of vital importance .

  8. 造林可以保持水土,同时也可以制止流沙。

    Afforestation conserves soil and water and also checks drift sand .

  9. 该机构认为,至少需要以目前四倍的速度造林,增加原生树木的比例,才能给自然带来恢复生机的可能。

    At least quadruple the current rate of woodland creation is needed , it argues , with an increase in the proportion of native trees to give nature a fighting chance of recovery .

  10. 基于组件GIS的造林小班地形分析的研究&以造林小班坡向为例

    Approach of terrain analysis of the compartment based on the component GIS

  11. 利用GPS卫星定位导航系统进行飞机播种造林试验研究

    Studies on the Aerial Seeding Afforestation Experiments by Adopting GPS Satellite Navigating System

  12. 植树造林等项目作为碳汇(carbonsink)将在该机制下更为活跃。

    Projects to establish plantations as carbon sinks could be added to the activities under this mechanism .

  13. 为此,建立减缓CO2排放的植树造林规划模型,利用LINDO5.0软件进行计算,能够简便、快捷地获得结果;

    To reduce CO2 emissions , a linear programming model for afforestation was developed .

  14. 提出基于组件GIS的造林决策支持系统(ADSS)框架体系。

    A framework of component GIS-based afforestation decision support system ( ADSS ) was put forward .

  15. 在岩溶石灰山地引种造林,不但能适应气候干旱的石灰岩造林区,而且能适应生长在pH值较高的棕色石灰土;

    It could not only adapt the drought climate and soil , but also grow and develop well on the soil with high pH in limestone soil which is much different from its indigenous area , Hainan island .

  16. 对1949年以来我国发表的水杉(Metasequoiaglyptostroboides)育苗造林的有关文献进行综述。

    In this review the authors described the literatures that published since 1949 on seedling afforestation of Metasequoia glyptostroboides .

  17. 造林后1年不同处理杉木林下植被组成有所不同,主要体现在没有炼山的4个处理和炼山(SB)处理的差异上。

    After one year of trial , the composition of undergrowth vegetation was different among different treatments . The difference was mainly between slash burning treatment ( SB ) and the other 4 treatments with non-burning .

  18. 结果表明:1.红树林主要造林树种的根际存在种类较丰富的PGPR菌。

    The results obtained were as follows : 1 . There were abundant PGPR strains colonized on rhizosphere of mangrove afforestation species .

  19. 杉木造林选择地下水位在1.5m以下,排水良好的采伐更新迹地并采用灌浆栽植法效果较好。

    Effect of China fir afforestation is better with less 1.5 metre-underground water level , well drained stub land selected and filling cultivation method used .

  20. 在甜柿建园中,通过ABT生根粉,SAP高效抗旱保水剂和地膜覆盖技术的应用,可显著提高造林成活率和苗木生长量;

    By applied with ABT rootage powder , high efficiently anti-drought protectors and covered with plastic film in setting up Sweet Persimmon orchard , surviving rate and growth yield of forestation increase remarkably .

  21. 胶合板材产量随立地指数的增大而增大,且占总产量的百分比在立地指数为14、16、18m时,随造林密度的增大而减小;

    The percentage of plywood timber to total yield decreases with increase of planting density in the site indices 14,16 and 18 m ;

  22. 分析我国实施清洁发展机制(CDM)林业项目的利弊因素,阐述在我国开展CDM造林项目的可行性;通过对影响CDM碳汇市场主要因素的分析,估计了我国CDM造林项目的潜力。

    The advantages vs disadvantages and feasibility to implement clean development mecharism ( CDM ) afforestation / reforestation ( A / R ) project activities in China was analyzed , and its potentiality was estimated .

  23. 短枝小麻黄(Casuarinaequisetifolia)是我国华南、东南沿海防护林最主要的造林树种,它对改善沿海地区生态环境,促进沿海经济发展起着十分巨大的作用。

    Casuarina equisetifolia is the most important tree species in coastal protection plantation in southeastern and southern China . It plays an important role in improving ecological environment and promoting economic development .

  24. 孟买的CDM咨询公司Agrienergy的一位分析师VarunGulati说,联合国需要简化社会造林的CDM评定程序。

    Varun Gulati , an analyst with Agrienergy , a Mumbai-based CDM consultancy company , says that the UN needs to simplify the CDM process for social forestry .

  25. hm-2,但造林保存率一般仅有10%~15%,需多次重造或补植,因此还是应用本项总结的造林技术更节省经费,造林效果好、成林快,防护效能可提前发挥。

    But the preserving rate is just 10 % ~ 15 % and need replanting and reinforcement planting . So application of this planting technology can spend much money and get better results . Trees grow faster .

  26. 杉木(Cunninghamialanceolata)是我国南方最重要的造林树种,但随着杉木栽培面积和连栽代数的不断增加,杉木人工林地力衰退日趋严重。

    Chinese fir ( Cunninghamia lanceolata ( Lamb . ) Hook ) is the most important plantation tree species in South China However , yield decline and soil degradation have widely occurred in Chinese fir stands with the increasing of plantation areas and generations .

  27. 通过福建中部山地引种木麻黄造林试验,5a的研究结果表明:木麻黄无性系与实生苗造林保存率都较高,分别达到98.15%和96.8%,差异不显著。

    Introduction experiments of Casuarina equisetifolia in the middle part of mountain in Fujian was conducted . Five years results showed that afforestation preserving rate of clonal Casuarina equisetifolia and seedling plant were higher and reached 98.15 % and 96.8 % respectively .

  28. 通过对模型拟合,采用最佳造林密度模型求得I-69杨胶合板用材林造林密度为小于286株/hm2。立地指数小于等于16m的立地不宜用于营造胶合板用材林。

    Through fitting the model , planting density of plywood timber forest of poplar clone I-69 should be not more than 286 trees per hm 2 . The land with site index not more than 16m is not suited to management of plywood timber forest .

  29. 结果表明,不同时间以60min和90min最佳,造林成活率、新梢生长量、新根数平均提高了11.5%、29%、14.5%。

    Are both suitable periods . Survival rate , top growth increment of seedlings and regenerated root number are increased by 11 . 5 % , 29 % and 14 . 5 % respectively .

  30. 把苗高、地径、大于5cm长的侧根数三个形态因子综合起来分级,Ⅰ、Ⅱ级苗造林效果最好,且幼林整齐。

    The seedling classification was made with the morphological factors based on the height , stem diameter at foot and the lateral root ( > 5 cm ) numbers . The af-fore station with the seedlings in class I and II is better and the plantations grew uniformly .