
jí bó
  • barren;unproductive
瘠薄 [jí báo]
  • [barren] 土地不肥沃

  • 土质瘠薄

瘠薄[jí bó]
  1. 这里土地瘠薄,作物产量很低。

    The land here is barren and yields poorly .

  2. 芸芥(ErucasativaMill)是十字花科芝麻菜属的一个种,是迄今为止人们发现的最为抗旱、耐瘠薄的十字花科油料作物。

    Eruca Sativa Mill , an oil crop of the Cruciferae family , is one of the Cruciferae plants most resistant to drought and barren .

  3. 肥料组合试验表明,NPK三要素中,磷素是瘠薄土壤限制产量的关键因子。N、P、K配合或优质有机肥施用,有利于产量的提高和品质的改善。

    N , P , K cooperate or use high quality organic fertilizer that it can improve effectively yield of millet and the quality of millets .

  4. 在瘠薄耕地转变为多年生苜蓿地后土壤C库的增加主要是由于POC的形成量增加。

    The increase in soil C pool was mainly attributed to the increase of POC formation after the marginal lands converted to perennial forage cover .

  5. 油松(pinustabulaeformis)具有喜光、耐旱、耐瘠薄土壤、适应性强、生长快等优点,是北方地区的主要造林树种。

    Pinus tabulaeformis , by virtues of light favorite , drought resistance , barren soil resistance , strong adaptability and fast-growing , is the main afforestation tree species of northern region .

  6. 相思属(Acacia)共有1200多种,广泛分布于世界各地,其中一些种是出色的短周期工业用材树种,具速生、耐瘠薄、固氮改土等优良性状。

    As an excellent short-rotation species for industrial utilization , Acacia , with about 1200 species , characterized by fast growing , low soil fertility tolerance , nitrogen fixation , and soil amelioration , distributes widely along the world .

  7. 在海拔2100m以上的迎风坡面、土层瘠薄的地段分布有不甚典型的山地苔藓矮林。

    Non-representative mountain mossy dwarf forests ( above 2 100 m ) in the area are distributed on windward slopes and barren land on the mountain slopes .

  8. 与普通刺槐相比具有更强的适生能力,对土质要求不严格,耐干旱瘠薄,在海拔2000m以下、降水量不低于200mm、年平均气温不低于3℃的地区均能生长。

    Compared with ordinary Robinia pseudoacacia , it is drought and sterile resistant , not restrictive to soil quality , and more adaptable , which can survive below altitude of 2 000 m. rainfall not below 200 mm and average temperature per year not below 3 ℃ .

  9. 他辛勤耕作,为使瘠薄的土地上长出好庄稼。

    He work hard to produce good crops from poor soil .

  10. 山岗瘠薄地苹果增产措施探索

    Probe into Measures to Increase Apple Yield in Sterile Hillside

  11. 土质瘠薄河滩地杨树速生丰产技术研究

    Study on Fast-growing and High-yielding Techniques of Poplar in Poor Overflow Land

  12. 缺水严重,土壤瘠薄是以色列农业的基本特点。对全国有限的水资源进行严格管理和综合调配;

    Water scarce and poor soils are the characteristics of Israel agriculture .

  13. 瘠薄红壤中有机物质的分解特征

    Characteristics of Organic Materials Decomposition in Infertile Red Soils

  14. 超量表达谷氨酰胺合成酶赋予转基因水稻抗除草剂和抗氮素瘠薄特性

    Overexpression of Glutamine Synthetases Confers Transgenic Rice Herbicide Resistance and Nitrogen-poor Soil Tolerance

  15. 干旱瘠薄山区绿化技术的研究

    Integrated Afforestation Techniques on Dry and Impoverished Hilly Region

  16. 但侵蚀沟干旱瘠薄,植被恢复与重建困难,已成为该地区林业生态工程建设区的典型困难立地。

    However , arid barren gully erosion , vegetation restoration and reconstruction is difficult .

  17. 瘠薄河滩地整地质量与林木生长量影响的分析

    Analysis of Site Preparation Quality of Poor Overflow Land and its Effect on Growth of Stand

  18. 具极强的抗旱、耐瘠薄、耐寒性及抗风沙等生态功能。

    With strong drought resistance , barren , cold resistance and anti-sand and other ecological functions .

  19. 花椒树抗干旱,耐瘠薄,适应性很强,可用于绿化美化。

    Hua Jiaoshu drought-resistant , Low , adaptable , can be used for afforestation and beautification .

  20. 山东干旱瘠薄山地造林新技术试验

    New techniques of afforestation on the dry and barren land in the mountainous region of Shandong Province

  21. 7年多引种试验结果表明:羽叶槭耐干旱、瘠薄,适应江苏北部地区的生态条件;

    He result of introduction shows , Acer negundo Linn adapted to ecological condition in North of Jiangsu .

  22. 它耐水淹,抗盐碱,耐瘠薄,籽实和饲草产量高,是当地保持水土和发展畜牧业的优良植物。

    It was a elite plant to develop animal husbandry industry and hold water-soil erosion in local area .

  23. 瘠薄旱地玉米增产与培肥体系研究

    A study on the Pattern of Increasing in Yield and Fertilizing for Maize in Barren and Dry Area

  24. 构树生长迅速,生物量大,具有很强的适应性、抗逆性,抗旱耐瘠薄,抗污染等特性,对重金属污染具有很强的耐受性和一定的富集作用。

    Broussonetia papyrifera has the well-developed root large biomass , strong adaptability , and anti-pollution characteristics of Broussonetia papyrifera .

  25. 不同轮作措施下瘠薄红壤中碳氮积累特征

    Carbon and Nitrogen in Martensite Characteristics of C and N Accumulation in Infertile Red Soil Under Different Rotation Systems

  26. 其适应性强、耐瘠薄,在我国分布面积很广。

    Because of its strong adaptability , infertility resistance and nutritious , Chinese Date is widely distributed in China .

  27. 低海拔地区生长优于高海拔地区,肥沃地区优于瘠薄地区。

    The growth of Idesia palycarpa Maxim in the lower altitude regions was super to the higher altitude regions .

  28. 长期生长在恶劣的沿海气候和环境中使其具有较强的抗盐、抗风、耐瘠薄、抗涝能力。

    The adverse circumstances and harsh ocean climate make it even more salt-resisting , wind-breaking , poor soil-tolerating and waterlog-enduring .

  29. 在低肥条件下绝对产量高的类型,耐瘠薄。

    The genotypes which were high in yield under the lower fertile field had good endurance to the barren field .

  30. 较红松更耐严寒、耐瘠薄、耐水湿,适应范围更广,适应性更强。

    P.sibirica is more resistant to the cold 、 dry barren 、 water wet , and adaptability is more wide .
