
  • 网络The Visitors
  1. 它们为来到格责玛尼参访的造访者营造了一个适当的精神的氛围(therightspiritualatmosphere)。

    They create the right spiritual atmosphere for a visit to I Gethsemane .

  2. 虽然BordeauxPilgrim认为背叛事件是在一块石头上发生的,后世的造访者则提到一个洞穴。

    While the Bordeaux Pilgrim associates the episode with a rock , visitors of later times speak of a grotto .

  3. 房子目前的主人大卫·凯恩斯(DavidCairns)说,这栋房子每年都会接待大批造访者,世界各地的人对麦金托什的作品、新艺术(ArtNouveau)和工艺美术运动(ArtsandCraftsmovements)都有很强的兴趣,特别是在美国。

    David Cairns , the current owner , said the house had scores of visitors every year , as there is strong interest around the world , particularly in the United States , in Mackintosh 's work and the Art Nouveau and Arts and Crafts movements .

  4. 其中一位造访者是肯德拉·希思科特(KendraHeathscott),和多加德州长第一次见面时,她只有10岁,多加德当时在一家救治有行为问题的儿童的社会服务机构担任执行主任。

    Among the visitors was Kendra Heathscott , who was 10 when she first met Mr. Daugaard , then the executive director of a social services organization that treats children with behavioral problems .

  5. “造访者”是他们组织内的暗号。

    " Visitor " is a code word used within the cell .

  6. 尽管是旅游胜地之一,但大多数的造访者都是印度教的朝圣者。

    Although a tourist draw , most visitors to the temple are Hindu pilgrims .

  7. 造访者不可能是努米尔。

    The visitor couldn 't be numair .

  8. 萨默赛特镇和它的神秘造访者已经成为了互联网和推特微博上的热门话题。

    The Somerset town and its mystery invader have become a sensation on internet sites and Twitter .

  9. 长期和反复造访者能够享受一些免费的活动。

    Long term and repeat visit guests who have some free evenings will like to attend interesting activities .

  10. 方便面是最受繁忙认识欢迎的而且他们是互联网的频繁造访者。

    Instant noodles are most favored by busy young people and they are frequent visitors of the Internet .

  11. 胡特金森说,当造访者离境后,该系统将对其是否真的离境和他的身份进行核实。

    When the visitor leaves , Hutchinson said , the system will verify the traveler 's departure and identification .

  12. 这个小家庭饶有兴趣地倾听着这位来自远方的造访者告诉他们许多离奇的故事。

    The little family listened with interest to this visitor from far away and he told them many strange stories .

  13. (客人或造访者呆在别人家里)过夜

    gotta stay over ( of a guest or visitor ) sleep somewhere , especially at someone 's home , for the night

  14. 希腊那便利的海域上充满了来自全球的造访者们,他们在这里享受着异常精彩纷呈的海滩、岛屿,以及希腊大陆的村庄。

    Greece 's " user friendly " seas draw visitors from across the globe , which enjoy an exceptional diversity of beaches , islands , and mainland villages .

  15. 史密斯说这位半夜造访者可能从猫洞门里钻进来的,他大概需要堵住洞门以防狐狸故地重游。

    Smith said that his midnight caller probably came in through the cat flap , and he might have to remove it to keep the fox from coming back .

  16. 然而,最好还是学会接受失望并学会在某种程度上利用这种负面的情绪:尽早跨越这个不受欢迎的造访者,和生活一起向前走。

    The best thing though , is to accept a disappointment and then try to use it somehow : Step over the unwelcome visitor on the doorstep and get on with life .

  17. 阿兰娜·安妮特·萨维尔今年32岁,当时她在自己位于巴拿马城的家中招待一对男女,后来这两位造访者吵闹了起来。据警方表示,萨维尔要求这两人离开,后来便开枪打伤了这两人的腿。

    Alana Annette Savell , 32 , was hosting a couple at her Panama City home when the visitors apparently became noisy . Police say she ordered them to go , before shooting the man and woman in the legs .