
zào hua nòng rén
  • The god of destiny makes fools of the people
造化弄人[zào hua nòng rén]
  1. 有些时候,你会怀疑是不是造化弄人,现在就是如此。

    It was just one of those times when you wonder whether the fates conspire against you .

  2. 造化弄人,竭力避免的事往往会发生。

    One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it .

  3. 医生认为我活不了了,然而造化弄人,就在某天早晨,我身上的烧突然退了,就像它到来时那样神秘莫测。

    The doctor thought I could not live . Early one morning , however , the fever left me as suddenly and mysteriously as it had come .

  4. 在二十八岁的大好年纪,我被迫成为一个哲学家,造化弄人呵!普通人做到这一点,已属实不易,遑论一名艺术家呢。

    Forced to become a philosopher already in my twenty-eight year , oh , it is not easy , and for the artist much more difficult than for anyone else .