
zào shì
  • put a spin on sth.
  1. 要按造势媒体的说法,全世界都正在朝着3D打印革命的方向一路飞奔。

    To hear the hype machine tell it , the world is hurtling headlong into a 3-D printing revolution .

  2. 这实际上是一家名为swimsuitsforall的公司所进行的宣传造势。

    It is actually an AD for the company " swim suits for all . "

  3. 2010年,宝丽莱聘请LadyGaga来为自己产品线造势。

    Polaroid hired Lady Gaga to spice up its line in 2010 .

  4. 分析人士认为微软此举是为了手机操作系统“Windowsphones”造势,希望能够吸引更多年轻人的目光。

    Analysts believe that Microsoft will try to use this deal to promote its Windows phones to a young demographic .

  5. 除发布会外,MatchesFashion还在伦敦、洛杉矶以及达拉斯举办了六场造势活动,鼓励参与者分享首次网购该系列手袋的心得体会。

    Alongside the release , it hosted six events across London , LA and Dallas and encouraged attendees to share their " initial " online .

  6. 社交博客网站Tumblr强力造势后,英国男孩组合一世代(OneDirection)在该网站发布了其美国巡演的官方博客。

    One Direction , the British boy band , launched its official U.S. tour blog on Tumblr , after the social blog network made a compelling pitch .

  7. 而今年微软将“PC比Macs更高能”的信息植入到新的一轮造势宣传中。

    And this year , Microsoft has been pushing its " PCs can do more than Macs " message in commercials .

  8. 科瓦尔斯基近期到访中国,为蒂芙尼传奇黄钻石展示会造势。他在北京接受了《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)的采访,谈到了在亚洲打造蒂芙尼品牌的计划。

    Mr. Kowalski recently traveled to China to show off Tiffany 's yellow diamond collection and spoke to The Wall Street Journal in Beijing about plans to build its brand in Asia .

  9. 此外,美国前财政部部长拉里萨默斯(LarrySummers)等其他人正在为新的基础设施改善计划造势。

    Others , such as Larry Summers , the former Treasury secretary , are also campaigning for a new drive to improve infrastructure .

  10. 勒庞在竞选造势时鼓吹让法国退出欧元区、构筑关税壁垒、退出允许欧盟内部人员自由流动的《申根协定》(schengenagreement)。

    MS Le Pen campaigns to withdraw France from the euro , impose tariff barriers and roll back the Schengen Agreement on free movement of people across the EU .

  11. 围绕福特汽车公司(Ford)和丰田汽车公司(Toyota)建立合资企业的舆论造势让我想起了一句老话:大公司的新闻总是宣布的那天听起来最美妙。

    The buildup surrounding the new joint venture between Ford and Toyota reminded me of an old adage : big corporate events always sound best on the day they are announced .

  12. 这对塑造该形象的作家J,K,罗琳来说是个好消息,即便这一结果部分的归功于围绕明天首次公演的第一部以哈里-波特为主人公的电影所展开的宣传造势。

    It was a good result for the author J K Rowling , even if part of it could be ascribed to the hype for the first Harry Potter film , which receives its premiere tomorrow .

  13. 这个月,谷歌和微软利用苹果最广为人知的服务漏洞,在电视和YouTube上为自己的产品服务宣传造势。

    Google and Microsoft used some of Apple 's well-known user pain points to promote their own services in two separate TV and YouTube ads this month .

  14. 伴随IBM宣布一起出现的大张旗鼓造势(在技术迷中肯定如此)对于我们曾经历了那个“商业数字爆炸(发展)”黎明期的许多人来说忍不住会感觉像是一个渺小的讽刺。

    The great fanfare ( among technology fans , in any event ) accompanying IBM 's announcement cannot but strike many of us who were there at the dawn of the commercial digital explosion as a small irony .

  15. 但在现实中,Facebook和Tweeter作为当今最热门的社交网络广告平台,就是建立在这种品牌轰动造势效应上的。

    But in reality , the advertising platforms of today 's hottest social networks Facebook and Twitter are built around this type of brand messaging .

  16. 大多数欢呼和造势声都来自统一身穿蓝色T恤的苹果专卖店员工,他们在店门打开前开始齐声喊“iPhone5!iPhone5!”。

    Most of the noise and fanfare came from the store 's employees , all wearing blue T-shirts , who began chanting ' iPhone 5 ! IPhone 5 ! ' before the doors opened .

  17. 据NPR新闻的斯科特·霍斯利报道,总统前往马萨诸塞州为有望进入参议院的民主党人爱德华·马基的竞选活动造势,并发表了以上讲话。

    NPR 's Scott Horsley reports the president 's comments came in Massachusetts where he was campaigning for democratic senate hopeful Edward Markey .

  18. 参加日本(众议院)选举的候选人们想拉选票,但由于新的(H1N1)流感病毒在日本大规模流行,一些候选人在宣传造势的过程中减少了握手次数。

    They may want votes , but some Japanese election candidates have been cutting back on handshakes on the campaign trail as the new flu virus reaches epidemic proportions in Japan .

  19. 国大党毫无顾忌的利用甘地家族这一品牌造势,在几乎所有宣传海报上,索尼娅和她的儿子拉胡尔都与总理曼莫汉辛格(MAnmohanSingh)并肩出现。

    The Congress party shamelessly campaigns on the family brand , with her and son Rahul alongside Manmohan Singh , the prime minister , on almost all its posters .

  20. 上周造势得最沸沸扬扬的此类解决方案是华为(Huawei)发布的线条流畅的P9手机。该款手机配备了双摄像头,并以与德国顶级的徕卡(Leica)相机公司进行品牌合作为卖点。

    Last week 's most-publicised such solution was Huawei 's sleek P9 , with its twin cameras and arresting co-branding with Germany 's elite Leica camera company .

  21. 在展开以色列之行前,罗姆尼在英国为竞选造势而度过了艰难的几天。在英国,这位共和党总统候选人由于指出伦敦奥运准备工作中的问题而遭到英国首相戴维卡梅伦(DavidCameron)的斥责。

    The visit to Israel follows a difficult couple of days for the Romney campaign in the UK , where the presumptive Republican candidate was rebuked by David Cameron , prime minister , after he pointed to problems in the preparations for the London Olympics .

  22. 然而,苹果公司这家科技巨头公司着力在为苹果手机7和7P造势。

    However , the gigantic tech company is heavily tipped to open proceedings with an updated version of the current iPhone 7 and 7 Plus .

  23. Twitter合作关系团队的成员们会密切关注即将举行的电影首映,并联系电影公司高管和明星的公关人员,磋商如何利用Twitter来帮助造势,比如在Twitter独家首播电影预告片。

    Members of Twitter 's partnership team keep a close eye on upcoming film premieres and reach out to studio executives and celebrity publicists with ideas of how Twitter can be used to help create buzz - debuting film trailers exclusively on Twitter , for example .

  24. 阿拉巴马州和密西西比州共和党人在投票选举总统参选人的前夜,在伯明翰城区装饰一新的老剧院里,NewtGingrich和RickSantorum进行了最后的造势演说。

    THE night before Republicans in Alabama and Mississippi voted in their primaries , Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum made their final appeals at a forum in an ornate old theatre in downtown Birmingham .

  25. 这一研究由零食生产商Pom-Bear发起,目的是为其“让我们交朋友吧”这一活动宣传造势。该研究结果揭示了英国各地交友模式之间的显著区别。

    The study by snack maker Pom-Bear to highlight its'Let Make Friends'campaign revealed some marked differences in friendship patterns across the country .

  26. 很多人知道,寻求讨好中国领导层的美国科技业高管会高规格地访问中国。蒂姆•库克(TimCook)昨日在这方面进一步抬高了标杆,他到达北京,大张旗鼓地为苹果10亿美元投资打车软件滴滴出行(DidiChuxing)造势。

    US technology executives seeking to ingratiate themselves with China 's leadership are known for making big entrances , and Tim Cook set the bar high yesterday after he arrived in Beijing to fanfare over Apple 's $ 1bn investment in the Didi Chuxing ridehailing app .

  27. 金球奖评委通常喜欢用商业大片造势,周四他们就给了获得四项提名的《消失的爱人》(GoneGirl)很大的展示机会。但他们只给了克里斯托弗·诺兰(ChristopherNolan)的《星际穿越》最佳配乐奖一项提名。

    Globes voters , which are typically eager to lean into commercial hits ( as they did on Thursday with " Gone Girl , " giving it four nominations , a strong showing ) , only found Christopher Nolan 's " Interstellar " worthy of a lone nod , for best score .

  28. “这是给作品造势的方法。你永远说不清楚:你确实可以在Instagram上贴点东西,过几分钟就会有人要买。现在关于Instagram,已经有不少传说了。”

    It 's " a way to create some buzz around a piece . And you never know : you can literally post something on Instagram and a few minutes later have someone ask to buy it . These are the legends that have been developing around Instagram already . "

  29. 所有这些奇特的造势背后是一项惊人的科技成就。

    Behind all the quirky bravado stands a stunning technological achievement .

  30. 很少有演讲不需要良性的造势。

    Few political speeches can have had a less auspicious build-up .