
  • 网络Herman Miller;SABMiller;miller;Foster-Miller
  1. 伊夫o比哈尔是一位曾获得大奖的瑞士工业设计师,他的客户包括三星公司、Jawbone公司和赫曼米勒公司(HermanMiller)。他说:我觉得‘购买’按键有点强迫性。

    I personally felt the ' Buy ' button was a bit forced , says Yves Behar , the award-winning Swiss industrial designer whose past and present clients include Samsung , Jawbone and Herman Miller .

  2. 但这根本不是赫曼米勒公司唯一的问题。

    But that was hardly Herman Miller 's only problem .

  3. 总部位于伦敦的啤酒商米勒公司(sabmiller)遇到过类似问题。

    SABMiller , the London-based brewer , has had similar problems .

  4. 南非酿酒商米勒公司(SABMiller)以本地作物高粱代替昂贵的进口麦芽,生产出了低价啤酒。

    SAB Miller , the South African brewer , has developed a low-cost beer based on sorghum , a local crop that replaces costly imported malt .

  5. 然而,安海斯和米勒公司则成功得多。

    Anheuser and SABMiller were much more successful , however .

  6. 赫尔曼米勒公司,创造了伟大的地方工作,通过设计,制造和销售的家具,室内产品及相关服务方面。

    Herman Miller , Inc. , creates great places to work through the design , manufacture and distribution of furnishings , interior products , and related services .

  7. 讲述了美国米勒公司351型交直流方波氩弧焊机无焊接电流、焊接电流不可调节、焊接电流达不到设定值等故障的原因和排除方法。

    This paper introduces the troubleshootings about no welding current , unadustable welding current and unqualified welding current of 351 alternating and direct square-waves argon arc welding machine made in Mill , American company .

  8. 本章首先介绍了赫曼米勒公司的基本状况。作为美国乃至全球最大的办公家具生产与服务提供商之一,赫曼米勒公司在各方面取得了骄人的成绩。

    Firstly , it introduces the background of Herman Miller , Inc. As a leading office furniture provider in US , as well as globally , Herman Miller has made lots of achievements and received bunches of recognitions worldwide .

  9. 可口可乐公司从2014年底开始,跟英国南非米勒酿酒公司(SABMiller)着手建立一家将由SAB控制、名为可口可乐饮料非洲公司(Coca-ColaBeveragesAfrica,CCBA)的合资企业。

    Coke is creating a joint venture with SABMiller begun in late 2014 , known as Coca-Cola Beverages Africa , which SAB would control .

  10. 金•马洛塔(KimMarotta)是啤酒酿造巨头米勒康胜公司(MillerCoors)企业社会责任部的负责人。米勒康胜是南非米勒酿酒公司(SABMillier)和康胜啤酒酿造公司(MolsonCoorsBrewingCompany)的合资企业。

    Kim Marotta runs corporate social responsibility at giant brewer MillerCoors , a joint venture between SABMiller and Molson Coors Brewing Company ( TAP ) .

  11. 2002年,南非米勒酿酒公司的子公司尼罗河啤酒厂(NileBreweries)首次研制出高粱啤酒配方(并获得更低的高粱啤酒税),成为进入该低端市场的首批啤酒厂商。

    SABMiller subsidiary Nile breweries first concocted the sorghum beer recipe in 2002 ( it also scored lower sorghum beer taxes ) , making it an early mover in the sub-pyramid space .

  12. 米勒康胜公司采取了哪些措施来减少用水量?

    What is millercoors doing to reduce its water consumption ?

  13. 根据南非米勒酿酒公司的测算,非洲本土化啤酒市场规模将是传统啤酒市场的三倍。

    The company pegs the Africa home brew market at triple that of traditional beer .

  14. 南非米勒酿酒公司表示,通过用木薯替代其他原材料,每年可节省300万美元。

    Some $ 3 million could be saved annually by substituting cassava for other ingredients , according to SABMiller .

  15. 现在南非米勒酿酒公司提出比原定计划更多的收购(计划),决定收购哈尔滨啤酒90%的股份即使是那样,呃,空洞的价格似乎也是不够的。

    SAB is now offering 90 % more for Harbin shares than it paid for its original stake-and even that , er , frothy price may not be enough .

  16. 本次展览还带来了他们的工作的注意,赫曼米勒家具公司,由他们分别受聘为设计师和顾问(用于插图)。

    This exhibition also brought their work to the attention of the Herman Miller furniture company , by whom they were employed as designers and consultants ( for illustrations ) .

  17. 在爱尔兰航空公司,米勒把公司推入激烈的竞争,留下了强大的商业模式和持久的利润,而这恰恰是马航希望得到的。

    At Aer Lingus , Mueller pulled the company through tough competition , leaving it with a strong business model and consistent profits , and is expected to be exactly what Malaysia Airlines needs .

  18. 南非米勒酿酒公司曾花费数十年时间,试图用高端啤酒占据新兴市场,当时公司的大部分投入,如大麦与酒瓶,均从国外采购。而其现行的小型供应链措施则与之前截然不同。

    SABMiller 's micro supply chain moves are a sharp departure from its decades-long attempt to flood emerging markets with premium beers , with much of their inputs like barley and bottles sourced abroad .

  19. 米勒康胜啤酒公司早早就开始迎合精酿啤酒风潮&它1995年就推出了自主开发的精酿啤酒品牌“蓝月亮”(BlueMoon)。

    Millercoors was early into the craft beer craze with the creation of blue moon , the internally grown brand it launched in 1995 .

  20. 百威英博和南非米勒都在深挖公司旗下历史悠久的品牌,希望吸引更多目光挑剔的顾客。

    Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller are digging deep into their cooler of longtime brands in the hope of attracting more discerning customers .

  21. 米勒补充说一些公司需要增加他们的派息比率或股息收入给股东,停止囤积这么多现金。

    Miller added that some companies need to increase their payout ratio or earning dividends to shareholders and stop hoarding so much cash .

  22. 一个典型的例子可以看出,在达隆家庭机器人,制造寄养米勒的附属奇奈蒂克公司北美地区的技术解决方案集团。

    A case in point can be seen in the Talon family of robots , manufactured by the Foster-Miller subsidiary of QinetiQ North America 's Technology Solutions Group .

  23. 现在被称为米勒啤酒的米勒酿酒公司于几年前酿出了“纯净的啤酒”,然后他们发现人们更喜欢富有焦糖色素及啤酒的泡沫。

    A few years ago , the Miller Brewing Company , now known as MillerCoors , made a " clear beer " until it discovered people prefer a rich , caramel color and a frothy head on their beers .

  24. 航空公司也雇佣了它现在的CEO米勒,米勒来自爱尔兰航空公司。

    The airline also hired Mueller , its current CEO , from Irish carrier Aer Lingus .