
shēnɡ huó quān
  • Life circle;social circles
  1. 很高兴能来到这里与生活圈的读者一起交流。

    It 's my pleasure to share ideas with your readers .

  2. 基于日常生活圈的城市地域系统的重建

    Reconstruction of Urban Region System Based on Daily Life Circle

  3. 别墅和夫人在伦敦生活圈里是司空见惯的。

    The villa and the lady are familiar objects in London life .

  4. 都市体育生活圈建设研究

    On Form in g an Urban Sport Life Circle

  5. 这对伦敦生活圈来说是一个很好的目标。

    That 's a nice target for the Londonsphere .

  6. 我只是不确定我是否该回到那个生活圈。

    I 'm just not sure I wanna go back to that life .

  7. 高雄县的三山生活圈,包含鳯山、冈山和旗山。

    The three-mountain living circles of Kaohsiung County include Fongshan , Gangshan and Chishan .

  8. 巴黎、里尔以及布鲁塞尔这样的城市已经加入了伦敦生活圈(Londonsphere)。

    Already cities such as Paris , Lille and Brussels are joining the Londonsphere .

  9. 基于日常生活圈的齐齐哈尔城市地域系统发育特征研究

    Study on the Developing Characteristic of Urban Region System under Daily Life Range in Qiqihar

  10. 在我们的生活圈外,几乎没人在乎我们在干什么或者想什么。

    Outside of our immediate circles , nobody much cared about us or what we thought .

  11. 能够描述自己生活圈内的日常事物,如人物,身份,工作或学习经历。

    Can describe everyday aspects of his environment e.g.people , places , a job or study experience .

  12. 第三部分从日常生活圈角度对齐齐哈尔城市地域系统重建。

    The 3rd part is to reconstruct urban region system of Qiqihar under the perspective of daily life range .

  13. 属于世界的当代中国院落别墅,208席国际名流尊邸,当代中国知识财富阶层的生活圈。

    Cosmopolite contemporary Chinese yard villas , 208 international distinguished personages'honorable mansions , contemporary Chinese knowledge wealth class 's life circle .

  14. 市民体育行为倾向:日常生活圈呈现出由传统型向健身、休闲、娱乐和社交多元化发展的趋势,周末生活圈仍以休闲体育为主,节假日生活圈以更为新颖、丰富的特色度假体育为主;

    The physical activity inclination of residents is changing from traditional style to body healthy , leisure , entertainment and social contact .

  15. 运河岸上的院子,承袭东方人居住情感,以当代中国建筑理念构筑名流专属生活圈。

    Courtyard on canal bank , following oriental people 's living emotion , uses contemporary Chinese architecture concept to construct distinguished personages'exclusive life circle .

  16. 正是由新一代知识财富阶层构就的生活圈,才使上流生活显得别具风韵。

    So it is the life circle constructed by new generation of knowledge wealth class that makes upper-class life look more in distinct charm .

  17. 这在许多方面这将会做到的是…是让你的生活圈感觉小了些,让世界感觉小了些。

    And in many ways what this will do is ... is make your community feel a bit smaller ; make the world feel a bit smaller .

  18. 他们还发现,同男性相比,女性会更频繁地使用手机,因为她们更需要融入到女性的日常生活圈。

    It also found that females were more likely to use their mobile than men because it was more ` integrated into the daily lives of women ` .

  19. 应中国民间文化保护与立法之需,凡主要在中国少数民族民众生活圈内经久传承,并被其较广社会面奉为一统的文化事象,均可界定作少数民族民间文化。

    All those cultural events which are spread in the circle of Chinese ethnic minorities and are accepted are referred to as " ethnic minority 's folk culture " .

  20. 他们必须要努力工作,克服当地人的偏见,而且,来到一个陌生的城市,就没有熟悉生活圈的支持。

    For one , they have to work harder to overcome the prejudices of locality . And in a strange city , they are often without a familiar support network .

  21. 从自己生活圈中所爱的亲人、邻居和同事开始,向他们传福音,以至于传到全世界。(遵照上帝的旨意而活)

    Evangelize within their circle of influence beginning with their loved ones , neighbors , and co-workers , eventually reaching out to the entire world . ( God 's purpose to five for )

  22. 突然之间,美国郊区生活圈的经济受到了打击,因为飞速上涨的能源价格迅速提升了城市边缘地区家庭的回家、取暖以及空调制冷的成本。

    Suddenly , the economics of American suburban life are under assault as skyrocketing energy prices inflate the costs of reaching , heating and cooling homes on the distant edges of metropolitan areas .

  23. 结论:(1)市民体育行为现状:日常生活圈主要以健身活动为主,周末生活圈主要以休闲体育活动为主,节假日生活圈主要以特色度假体育活动为主。

    Behavior situation of residents : body-healthy activity in daily-life circle ; the fallow physical activity in main activity in Weekend-life circle ; spending holidays with special features is main activity in festival life circle .

  24. 居住小区室外环境处于居民的日常生活圈中,是居民使用频率和使用强度最高的环境。对居民的日常行为及其心理健康有直接影响。

    The outside environment of small residential area is used with very high frequency in residents ' daily residents ' daily life , which produces direct effects on residents ' daily behaviors and mental health .

  25. 运用生活圈理论,结合上海城市发展与市民生活方式的时空特征及其体育行为对生活体育设施的建设进行了分析。

    By using life circle theory , combing the development of Shanghai with the time and space features of the citizens ' living ways , living systems and sport behavior , an analysis was made on the construction of daily use sports facility .

  26. 推行市场缝隙战略要发掘符合自身的生存方式,认识和扩大生活圈,利用工程技术缝隙扩大产品概念,关注顾客烦恼。

    To maintain a market gap strategy , a survival mode that best suits oneself must be found , the life space must recognized and expanded , product concepts be extended by taking advantage of technical gaps , and the consumers'worries be taken care of .

  27. 北极熊生活在北极圈和纽芬兰以北的一些大的陆地。

    The polar bear is found in the Arctic Circle and some big land masses as far south as Newfoundland .

  28. 这种动物生活在北极圈里。

    The sort of animal lived in the Arctic Circle .

  29. 但是生活是个圈,你总会有落到低谷的时候。

    You may have all the tools at your disposal to do and say whatever you want . But life is a circle that eventually comes back around .

  30. 我将走遍全州,与生活在北极圈内的阿拉斯加人民、阿拉斯加原住民以及以渔业和旅游业为生的人们进行交流。我期待能有丰厚的收获。

    meeting with Alaskans who live above the Arctic Circle , with Alaska natives , and with folks who earn their livelihoods through fishing and tourism.And I expect to learn a lot .