
  1. 近日,苹果公司在“iPhone”商标在华独家使用权一案中败诉,不得不与北京一家皮革产品制造商共用该商标。

    Apple Inc has lost exclusivity on the use of the " iPhone " trademark in China and has to share it with a Beijing-based leather products maker .

  2. ATG已经拥有这个科学证据的独家使用权,并且能够透露证据中所描述的画作中艺术家手和指纹的样子。

    ATG have had exclusive access to that scientific evidence and can reveal that it literally reveals the hand – and fingerprint – of the artist in the work .

  3. 我们还认为苹果已取得龟山Gen6工厂的独家使用权,它将利用苹果购买的价值5亿至10亿美元的设备生产iPad3和iPhone5LTE显示屏。

    We believe that the gen 6 Kameyama facility has been exclusively taken over for Apple purposes with apple purchasing $ 500m to $ 1B of equipment for the manufacturing of iPad 3 and iPhone 5 LTE displays .

  4. 这种房产的形式主要应用在度假村或旅游景点。在那里,一些人购买并且获得房子的某段特定时期的独家使用权,通常以星期或月份来计算。

    This applies mainly to vacation and resort homes , where a number of people purchase and own the right use the home exclusively for a specified period of time , usually measured in weeks and months .

  5. 自由一词的褒义联想远远超过了它所表示的其他所有意义,致使争论双方都声称自己对其拥有独家使用权;决定论者现在强调说,只有他们才是自由斗士。

    Its eulogistic associations have so far overshadowed ~ all the rest of its meaning that both parties claim the sole right to use it , and determinists today insist that they alone are freedom 's champions .