
  • 网络Independencia Province
  1. 然而,据独立的广东省生态环境与土壤研究所(GuangdongInstituteofEco-environmentalandSoilSciences)的陈能场介绍,那次调查不准确,因为它依赖于土壤取样,而不是详细排查污染最严重的地点。

    Yet according to Chen Nengchang , of the independent Guangdong Institute of Eco-environmental and Soil Sciences , the survey was imprecise as it relied on soil sampling rather than detailing the worst-polluted sites .

  2. 明朝时期陕西划归甘肃省管辖,清朝时期重又独立为一省。

    Under the Ming dynasty , Shaanxi was incorporated into Gansu but was again separated in the Qing dynasty .

  3. 北部自称独立的索马里兰省政府,2003年与ophirenergy签署了产量分成协议。

    The government of Somaliland , a northern province that considers itself independent , struck a production-sharing agreement with Ophir energy in 2003 .

  4. 独立学院是浙江省教育制度创新的产物。

    As a product of the innovation of Zhejiang Province 's education system , independent college has brought noticeable results in schooling .