- Independent identical distribution;【数】independent identically distri buted

Then , we discuss two special stochastic switching processes : independent and identically distributed process and Markov process .
In chapter three , the reliability equivalence factors of a series system are obtained , which is constructed by n independent and identical Gamma distributed components .
The tests prove that the sequence of fluctuant exchange rate is non-normal , two-stage autocorrelation , non-independent and identically distributed and it has ARCH effect .
Process data are assumed to be independent and identically distributed ( IID ) in most traditional statistical process monitoring methods .
In recent years , MIMO technology has been well-documented on the assumption that the channel is independent and identically distributed Rayleigh flat fading channel .
The Reliable Probability for the Independent Identical Distribution R-S ( t ) Series and Parallel System
When the input state level unchanges , the output of the process are independent each other .
Next , performance of TCP and UDP over i.i. d is investigated for different round trip time ( RTT ) and maximum congestion control window ( Wmax ) .
In the first chapter , we discuss the precise asymptotics in LIL and Davis 's law of large numbers for self-normalized sums .
All the known random Moran sets require that at each step , the contraction vectors have the same distribution .
In this paper , we discuss the probability distribution of input process N ( t ) which customers arrive group by group , under the suppose of the time interval between two adjacent groups of customers independent and having the same distribution .
Consider the contact process on homogeneous trees in a random environment , in which the recovery rates { δ( x ): x ∈ T-d } are i.i. d. random variables ( bounded above ) while the infection rate is a constant λ .
To an earliness and tardiness stochastic scheduling problem on a batch processor , let processing time of various batches be i.i. d ( independent identical distributed );
The ergodic capacity of independent and identically distributed multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) flat Rayleigh fading channels is investigated when the channel state information is assumed to be unknown at the transmitter but perfectly known at the receiver .
In this article , we build up two large deviations principles under some general conditions : large deviations principle for moving average processes of NA random variables with stationary distribution ; large deviations principle for moving average processes of i.i. d.
Empirical likelihood estimator about parameter and distribution function is discussed under strong stationary φ - mixing dependent samples .
In Chapter 3 , generalizing the models of Cai ( 2002 ), we use two autoregressive moving-average models to model the premiums and rates of interest respectively . And for the sake of argument , the claims are assumed to be independent .
This paper considers the problem of finding the ruin probability of an insurance company in the risk model where the claim number process have Erlang ( 2 ) process and claim amounts have independent identically distribution .
GP method premises the hypothesis that random error follows an independently and identically distribution , and the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is dependent on variance-covariance matrix ( in relation to data generation process ) . Then , critical values cannot be tabulated .
Yoon-Jae Whang ( 2004 ) used smoothed empirical likelihood method to discussed the confidence regions of regression coefficient in quantile regression models under i.i. d.
The premise of the superiority of the statistical STAP is to have ample training samples with interference that are independently and identically distributed ( IID ) with interference in the test sample , in order to estimate the covariance matrix .
Statistical Learning Algorithms : Multi-class Classification and Regression with Non-i.i.d. Sampling
Limit Distribution Theorem for a Sum of Independent , Identically distributed Random Variables
A strong limit theorem on random selection for independent identical distribution random variables
Metamodels generated by these methods , basically are linear models with independently identical distributed ( i.i.d. )
The Weak Law of Large Numbers for Weighted Sums of Random Variable Sequences of Independent and Identical Distribution
However , the assumption of independent and identical distributed errors in general metamodel is not always true .
The supervised learning approach based on corpus almost encounters the sparse data problem , and makes iid .
When received user power have independently identical distributions , the computational complexity of calculations is O ( 1 ) .
First , we assume the sample is independent identically distributed , We consider to seek methods to estimate parameters .